8 research outputs found

    The Impact of Rural Poverty on Women\u27s Health Outcomes in Ethiopia: A Review of A Walk to Beautiful

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    It is estimated that 2-3 million women worldwide suffer from the debilitating effects of birth injuries such as fistulas. This hidden epidemic is both preventable and highly curable, yet poor women, especially those who live in the rural areas of underdeveloped countries continue to be profoundly negatively impacted physically, psychologically, and socially by this condition. The moving documentary, A Walk to Beautiful, highlights this global problem

    Stories of Syrian Refugees from Za’atari- The Second Largest Refugee Camp in the World: A Review of Salam Neighbor

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    Salam Neighbor is a moving documentary which explores the human rights issues plaguing Syrian refugees. Two young film makers, Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple, immerse themselves in Za’atari, the second largest refugee camp in the world, located just across the Syrian border in Jordan and home to over 85,000 refugees. They provide the viewer with an inside understanding of how refugee camps work and they humanize Muslim refugees. They are warmly welcomed into the camp and they are befriended by refugees like Ismail, Raouf, and Ghoussoon. The despair and vulnerability of these individuals who have chosen peace over war is palpable

    The Intersectionality of Gender, Rights, and Privilege: A Comparative Analysis of 127 Countries (Preprint)

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    This study provides a macro-level comparison of the rights and privileges that women have around the world through the development of a multi-dimensional index of pro-woman states. This is important because states that score highly on the index provide models for decreasing gender inequalities and increasing human rights for women worldwide. Cross-national differences in female education, employment, reproductive freedom, and participation in state policy formation are explored. Pro-woman states have policies that are associated with higher levels of education, income, and satisfaction. An understanding of the rights and privileges provided in pro-woman states can be used to restructure the welfare state to encourage the empowerment of women and the development of more equal societies

    Stories of Syrian Refugees from Za\u27atari-The Second Largest Refugee Camp in the World: A Review of Salam Neighbor

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    Salam Neighbor is a moving documentary which explores the human rights issues plaguing Syrian refugees. Two young film makers, Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple, immerse themselves in Za’atari, the second largest refugee camp in the world, located just across the Syrian border in Jordan and home to over 85,000 refugees. They provide the viewer with an inside understanding of how refugee camps work and they humanize Muslim refugees. They are warmly welcomed into the camp and they are befriended by refugees like Ismail, Raouf, and Ghoussoon. The despair and vulnerability of these individuals who have chosen peace over war is palpable

    Stories of Syrian Refugees from Za\u27atari-The Second Largest Refugee Camp in the World: A Review of Salam Neighbor

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    Salam Neighbor is a moving documentary which explores the human rights issues plaguing Syrian refugees. Two young film makers, Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple, immerse themselves in Za’atari, the second largest refugee camp in the world, located just across the Syrian border in Jordan and home to over 85,000 refugees. They provide the viewer with an inside understanding of how refugee camps work and they humanize Muslim refugees. They are warmly welcomed into the camp and they are befriended by refugees like Ismail, Raouf, and Ghoussoon. The despair and vulnerability of these individuals who have chosen peace over war is palpable