99 research outputs found

    Software Product Line for Metaverse: Preliminary Results

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    The Metaverse is a network of eXtended Reality applications (XR apps) connected to each other, over the Internet infrastructure, allowing network users, systems, and devices to access them. It is very challenging to implement solutions for XR apps, due to the combination of complex concerns that should be addressed: multiple users with non-traditional input and output devices, different hardware platforms that should be addressed, forceful interactive rates, and experimental interaction techniques, among other issues. Therefore, this work aims to present a Software Product Line (SPL)-based approach to support the development of Web XR apps. More specifically, we define a features model that represents similarities and variables (domain analysis); we defined a core composed of generic and reusable software artifacts (domain project); and we developed an interface to support the instantiation of a Web XR app family, named MetaSee Features Model Editor (domain implementation). This approach integrates with a component of the MetaSEE architecture (Metaverse for Software Engineering Education). A preliminary assessment found that Features Model has conceptual consistency from the point of view of the complexity of Web XR Apps multimodal interaction. As future work, features model and artifacts will be increased with improvements and an evaluation with a significant number of participants will be made

    Towards a Blockchain-based Software Engineering Education

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    Blockchain technologies for rewards in education are gaining attraction as a promising approach to motivate student learning and promote academic achievement. By providing tangible rewards for educational attainment and engagement, such as digital tokens, educators can motivate learners to take a more active role in their learning and increase their sense of ownership and responsibility for their academic outcomes. In this context, this work proposes the Software Engineering Skill (SES) token as a way of rewarding students in order to improve their experiences in Software Engineering Education (SEE). We performed a proof of concept and conclude that SES token can be deployed in a platform to support SEE.Comment: 6 page

    The importance of socio-technical resources for software ecosystems management

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    AbstractSoftware Ecosystem (SECO) is often understood as a set of actors interacting among themselves and manipulating artifacts with the support of a common technology platform. Usually, SECO approaches can be designed as an environment whose component repository is gathering stakeholders as well as software products and components. By manipulating software artifacts, a technical network emerges from interactions made over the component repository in order to reuse artifacts, improving code quality, downloading, selling, buying etc. Although technical repositories are essential to store SECO’s artifacts, the interaction among actors in an emerging social network is a key factor to strengthen the SECO’s through increasing actor’s participation, e.g., developing new software, reporting bugs, and communicating with suppliers. In the SECO context, both the internal and external actors keep the platform’s components updated and documented, and even support requirements and suggestions for new releases and bug fixes. However, those repositories often lack resources to support actors’ relationships and consequently to improve the reuse processes by stimulating actors’ interactions, information exchange and better understanding on how artifacts are manipulated by actors. In this paper, we focused on investigating SECO as component repositories that include socio-technical resources. As such, we present a survey that allowed us to identify the relevance of each resource for a SECO based on component repositories, initially focused on the Brazilian scenario. This paper also describes the analysis of the data collected in that survey. Information of other SECO elements extracted from the data is also presented, e.g., the participants’ profile and how they behave within a SECO. As an evolution of our research, a study for evaluating the availability and the use of such resources on top of two platforms was also conducted with experts in collaborative development in order to analyze the usage of the most relevant resources in real SECO’s platforms. We concluded that socio-technical resources have aided collaboration in software development for SECO, coordination of teams based on more knowledge of actor’s tasks and interactions, and monitoring of quality of SECOs’ platforms through the orchestration of the contributions developed by external actors

    A Geomorfologia do Município de Arroio do Padre – RS e as suas Relações com as Alterações Geomorfológicas da Enxurrada de 15 de Novembro de 2010

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    Brazil is one of the ten countries most touched by natural disasters in the world, being mainly affected by events of hydrological origin. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the municipality of Arroio do Padre was hit by three episodes of high intensity rainfall between the years of 2009 to 2011 This paper aims to develop a geomorphological mapping for the municipality of Arroio do Padre, identifying the geomorphological changes resulting from the flash-flood of November 15th 2010, and identifying with some residents of the hardest hit areas their perception about this event. This research showed that the flash-flood which occurred in Arroio do Padre was caused by a large rainfall volume in a short time, but the steepest slopes and soils with limitations to infiltration played an important role in the triggering of the mass movements . Both geomorphological map as the mapping of the consequences of the flash-flood showed that there are preferential areas of greatest risk to the occurrence of erosion, mass movements, flooding and depositional processes, paving the way for future studies of vulnerability.No Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, o município de Arroio do Padre foi atingido por três episódios pluviométricos de grande intensidade entre 2009 e 2011. O presente trabalho tem por objetivos elaborar uma cartografia geomorfológica para o município de Arroio do Padre – RS, identificando as alterações geomorfológicas decorrentes da enxurrada de 15 de novembro de 2010. A realização deste trabalho mostrou que a enxurrada que ocorreu em Arroio do Padre foi causada por um grande volume precipitado em um curto intervalo de tempo, mas as fortes declividades e os solos com limitações à infiltração desempenharam um papel importante para o desencadeamento dos movimentos de massa. Tanto o mapa geomorfológico como o mapeamento das consequências da enxurrada mostraram que existem setores preferenciais de maior risco à ocorrência de processos erosivos e deposicionais, movimentos de massa e inundação, o que abre caminho para um futuro estudo de vulnerabilidade

    Praças, parques e avenidas: áreas verdes e sua importância como espaço de lazer em pelotas

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    This article is intended to highlight the importance of green areas as spaces destined for leisure. Five different central areas in Pelotas were chosen, considering their historical and cultural relevance: Coronel Pedro Osório Square, Piratinino de Almeida Square, Cipriano Barcelos Square, Dom Antônio Zattera Park and the Linear Park Bairro Fragata. A semi-structured survey was applied to 72 present subjects at these parks and squares, in order to verify the citizens opinion over green areas. The questions considered aspects of infrastructure, vegetation, safety and proper conditions to recreation and sports practice. Topics concerned in the municipal legislation about green areas, urban afforestation, and also historical aspects of the appearance and development of those places were also approached in the questionnaire.O presente artigo teve como objetivo ressaltar a importância das áreas verdes enquanto espaço destinado ao lazer. Foram escolhidas 5 áreas centrais de Pelotas, levando em consideração sua importância histórica e cultural: Praça Coronel Pedro Osório, Praça Piratinino de Almeida, Praça Cipriano Barcelos, Parque Dom Antônio Zattera e Parque Linear Bairro Fragata. Questionários semi estruturados foram aplicados com 72 pessoas presentes nesses parques e praças para averiguar a opinião da população no que diz respeito às condições das áreas verdes, levando-se em consideração aspectos referentes a infraestrutura, vegetação, segurança, infim condições adequadas para o lazer e a prática de atividades físicas. Foram abordadas questões presentes na legislação municipal sobre áreas verdes e arborização urbana, bem como aspectos históricos do surgimento e evolução destes locais

    Reutilização de processos de desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos baseada em padroes

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    No contexto do Memphis - Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de Software Baseado em Reutilizayao [Rocha96], é apresentada urna abordagem para a reutílização de processos de desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos baseada em padroes. Para isso, sao apresentados, inicialmente,os aspectos a sérem levados em conta na elaborayao de urn meta-modelo para representção de processos de desenvolvimento e descrita a tecnologia de padroes [Gamma95]. Neste contexto, sao discutidos os requisitos gerais da ferramenta de reutilização de processos baseada em padroes.In the context of the Memphis - Reuse-Based Software Development Environment [Rocha96], is presented an approach to the pattem-based reuse of object-oriented software development processes. In this way, initialy we present the aspects to be considered in the building of a meta-model for the representation of software development process, and the tecnology·· of pattems [Garnma95]. In this context, the general requirements of the pattem-based reuse tool are presented.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Residência de pedagogia na Saúde Mental Coletiva – educação como saúde

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    From the journey of a pedagogue having their residency on the field of mental health, the article discusses actions from this professional category on psychosocial care. The approach reveals its path and cartographic output, preceptory and tutoring towards health. From all the interventions taken place, the work of action developed with workers and youngsters from a social-educational unit is highlighted and as a conclusion it’s seen how much pedagogues have to offer on collective mental health, being called upon and requested in various ways, offering education through health, and education as health itself. A lack of offer of health training for pedagogues is also noted, a subject in need of debate.A partir da trajetória de uma pedagoga em uma residência em saúde mental, o artigo coloca em discussão as ações desta categoria profissional na atenção psicossocial. A abordagem revela percurso e produções cartográficas da residência, sua preceptoria e tutoria, realizadas na saúde. Dos diversos cenários de atuação da pedagogia na residência, dá-se destaque a um projeto de ação desenvolvido com trabalhadores e jovens de uma unidade de atendimento socioeducativo. Como conclusão, salienta-se o quanto os pedagogos têm a oferecer no campo da saúde mental coletiva, sendo convocados e demandados de diferentes formas, proporcionando o olhar da educação à saúde, oferecendo a educação como saúde. Constata-se a falta de oferta de formação em saúde para profissionais de pedagogia, tema a ser aberto

    Reutilização de processos de desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos baseada em padroes

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    No contexto do Memphis - Ambiente de Desenvolvimento de Software Baseado em Reutilizayao [Rocha96], é apresentada urna abordagem para a reutílização de processos de desenvolvimento de software orientado a objetos baseada em padroes. Para isso, sao apresentados, inicialmente,os aspectos a sérem levados em conta na elaborayao de urn meta-modelo para representção de processos de desenvolvimento e descrita a tecnologia de padroes [Gamma95]. Neste contexto, sao discutidos os requisitos gerais da ferramenta de reutilização de processos baseada em padroes.In the context of the Memphis - Reuse-Based Software Development Environment [Rocha96], is presented an approach to the pattem-based reuse of object-oriented software development processes. In this way, initialy we present the aspects to be considered in the building of a meta-model for the representation of software development process, and the tecnology·· of pattems [Garnma95]. In this context, the general requirements of the pattem-based reuse tool are presented.Eje: Ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Monitoring protocol to assess the overall performance of lighting and daylighting retrofit projects

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    In the field of lighting and daylighting, standard monitoring procedures to assess the overall performance of retrofit projects are scarce. Nevertheless the access to monitored data is crucial to assess whether daylighting or electric lighting systems deliver the expected performance in terms of cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. In order to bridge this gap, a monitoring protocol is under development as part of the International Energy Agency – Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA-SHC) Task 50 ‘Advanced Lighting Solutions for Retrofitting Buildings’. The protocol focuses on lighting and/or daylighting (façade or roof) retrofit in the non-residential building stock. It covers four key aspects: energy efficiency, costs, quality of the lighting environment and user satisfaction. The main features of this protocol are presented in this paper, along with some lessons learned from the ongoing application on selected case studies

    Uma Abordagem Socio-técnica para Apoiar Ecossistemas de Software

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    Ecossistemas de Software (ECOSs) surgem das interações entre atores em torno de uma plataforma tecnológica comum, centrada em um produto de software. Devido aos diferentes tipos de interação gerados pelos artefatos que compõem os ECOSs, a rede criada não é exclusivamente social; ela inclui tanto atores como artefatos. Para melhor visualizar, organizar e utilizar essas redes, este artigo descreve uma abordagem para organizar os elementos de ECOSs por meio de redes socio-técnicas. Apresenta-se ainda uma análise comparativa entre a abordagem e um caso real de plataforma de ECOS a fim de verificar a aderência dos recursos sociais em ECOS