25 research outputs found

    The multiphase circumgalactic medium traced by low metal ions in EAGLE zoom simulations

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    We explore the circumgalactic metal content traced by commonly observed low ion absorbers, including C II, SiII, SiIII, SiIV, and MgII. We use a set of cosmological hydrodynamical zoom simulations run with the EAGLE model and including a non-equilibrium ionization and cooling module that follows 136 ions. The simulations of z ≈ 0.2 L* (M200= 1011.7- 1012.3M⊙) haloes hosting star-forming galaxies and group-sized (M200= 1012.7- 1013.3M⊙) haloes hosting mainly passive galaxies reproduce key trends observed by the COS-Halos survey - low ion column densities show 1) little dependence on galaxy-specific star formation rate, 2) a patchy covering fraction indicative of 104K clumps with a small volume filling factor, and 3) a declining covering fraction as impact parameter increases from 20-160kpc. Simulated Si II, Si III, Si IV, CII, and C III column densities show good (mostly within 0.3 dex) agreement with observations, while MgII is under-predicted. Low ions trace a significant metal reservoir, ≈108M⊙, residing primarily at 10-100kpc from star-forming and passive central galaxies. These clumps preferentially flow inwards and most will accrete onto the central galaxy within the next several Gyr, while a small fraction are entrained in strong outflows. A multiphase structure describes the inner CGM ( 0.5R200) tracing virial temperature gas around L* galaxies. Our simulations support previous ionization models indicating that cloud covering factors decline while densities and pressures show little decline with increasing impact parameter (typically < 0.3 dex from 40 to 160 kpc). We find the cool clumps have lower pressures than the ambient medium they are embedded in, and discuss that numerical effects within the hydrodynamic solver likely play a role. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Not So Heavy Metals: Black Hole Feedback Enriches the Circumgalactic Medium

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    We examine the effects of supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback on the circumgalactic medium (CGM) using a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation (Romulus25) and a set of four zoom-in "genetically modified" Milky-Way–mass galaxies sampling different evolutionary paths. By tracing the distribution of metals in the CGM, we show that O vi is a sensitive indicator of SMBH feedback. First, we calculate the column densities of O vi in simulated Milky-Way–mass galaxies and compare them with observations from the COS-Halos Survey. Our simulations show column densities of O vi in the CGM consistent with those of COS-Halos star-forming and quenched galaxies. These results contrast with those from previous simulation studies which typically underproduce CGM column densities of O vi. We determine that a galaxy's star formation history and assembly record have little effect on the amount of O vi in its CGM. Instead, column densities of O vi are closely tied to galaxy halo mass and BH growth history. The set of zoom-in, genetically modified Milky-Way–mass galaxies indicates that the SMBH drives highly metal-enriched material out into its host galaxy's halo, which in turn elevates the column densities of O vi in the CGM

    One-Two Quench: A Double Minor Merger Scenario

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    Using the N-body+Smoothed particle hydrodynamics code, ChaNGa, we identify two merger-driven processes—disk disruption and supermassive black hole (SMBH) feedback—which work together to quench L* galaxies for over 7 Gyr. Specifically, we examine the cessation of star formation in a simulated Milky Way (MW) analog, driven by an interaction with two minor satellites. Both interactions occur within ~100 Myr of each other, and the satellites both have masses 5–20 times smaller than that of their MW-like host galaxy. Using the genetic modification process of Roth et al., we generate a set of four zoom-in, MW-mass galaxies all of which exhibit unique star formation histories due to small changes to their assembly histories. In two of these four cases, the galaxy is quenched by z = 1. Because these are controlled modifications, we are able to isolate the effects of two closely spaced minor merger events, the relative timing of which determines whether the MW-mass main galaxy quenches. This one–two punch works to: (1) fuel the SMBH at its peak accretion rate and (2) disrupt the cold, gaseous disk of the host galaxy. The end result is that feedback from the SMBH thoroughly and abruptly ends the star formation of the galaxy by z ≈ 1. We search for and find a similar quenching event in Romulus25, a hydrodynamical (25 Mpc)3 volume simulation, demonstrating that the mechanism is common enough to occur even in a small sample of MW-mass quenched galaxies at z = 0

    Feedback from supermassive black holes transforms centrals into passive galaxies by ejecting circumgalactic gas

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    Davies et al. (2019) established that for L^* galaxies the fraction of baryons in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is inversely correlated with the mass of their central supermassive black holes (BHs) in the EAGLE hydrodynamic simulation. The interpretation is that, over time, a more massive BH has provided more energy to transport baryons beyond the virial radius, which additionally reduces gas accretion and star formation. We continue this research by focusing on the relationship between the 1) BH masses, 2) physical and observational properties of the CGM, and 3) galaxy colours for Milky Way-mass systems. The ratio of the cumulative BH feedback energy over the gaseous halo binding energy is a strong predictor of the CGM gas content, with BHs injecting >~10x the binding energy resulting in gas-poor haloes. Observable tracers of the CGM, including CIV, OVI, and HI absorption line measurements, are found to be effective tracers of the total z~0 CGM halo mass. We use high-cadence simulation outputs to demonstrate that BH feedback pushes baryons beyond the virial radius within 100 Myr timescales, but that CGM metal tracers take longer (0.5-2.5 Gyr) to respond. Secular evolution of galaxies results in blue, star-forming or red, passive populations depending on the cumulative feedback from BHs. The reddest quartile of galaxies with M_*=10^{10.2-10.7} M_solar (median u-r = 2.28) has a CGM mass that is 2.5x lower than the bluest quartile (u-r=1.59). We propose strategies for observing the predicted lower CGM column densities and covering fractions around galaxies hosting more massive BHs using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on Hubble

    Near-identical star formation rate densities from Hα and FUV at redshift zero

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    For the first time both Hα\alpha and far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations from an HI-selected sample are used to determine the dust-corrected star formation rate density (SFRD: ρ˙\dot{\rho}) in the local Universe. Applying the two star formation rate indicators on 294 local galaxies we determine log(ρ˙\dot{\rho}Hα)=1.68 0.05+0.13 _{H\alpha}) = -1.68~^{+0.13}_{-0.05} [M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} Mpc3]^{-3}] and log(ρ˙FUV\dot{\rho}_{FUV}) =1.71 0.13+0.12 = -1.71~^{+0.12}_{-0.13} [M_\odot yr1^{-1} Mpc3]^{-3}]. These values are derived from scaling Hα\alpha and FUV observations to the HI mass function. Galaxies were selected to uniformly sample the full HI mass (MHI_{HI}) range of the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (MHI107_{HI} \sim10^{7} to 1010.7\sim10^{10.7} M_{\odot}). The approach leads to relatively larger sampling of dwarf galaxies compared to optically-selected surveys. The low HI mass, low luminosity and low surface brightness galaxy populations have, on average, lower Hα\alpha/FUV flux ratios than the remaining galaxy populations, consistent with the earlier results of Meurer. The near-identical Hα\alpha- and FUV-derived SFRD values arise with the low Hα\alpha/FUV flux ratios of some galaxies being offset by enhanced Hα\alpha from the brightest and high mass galaxy populations. Our findings confirm the necessity to fully sample the HI mass range for a complete census of local star formation to include lower stellar mass galaxies which dominate the local Universe.Partial funding for the SINGG and SUNGG surveys came from NASA grants NAG5-13083 (LTSA program), GALEX GI04- 0105-0009 (NASA GALEX Guest Investigator grant) and NNX09AF85G (GALEX archival grant) to G.R. Meurer. FAR acknowledges partial funding from the Department of Physics, University of Western Australia. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration