669 research outputs found

    An Algorithmic Framework for Efficient Large-Scale Circuit Simulation Using Exponential Integrators

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    We propose an efficient algorithmic framework for time domain circuit simulation using exponential integrator. This work addresses several critical issues exposed by previous matrix exponential based circuit simulation research, and makes it capable of simulating stiff nonlinear circuit system at a large scale. In this framework, the system's nonlinearity is treated with exponential Rosenbrock-Euler formulation. The matrix exponential and vector product is computed using invert Krylov subspace method. Our proposed method has several distinguished advantages over conventional formulations (e.g., the well-known backward Euler with Newton-Raphson method). The matrix factorization is performed only for the conductance/resistance matrix G, without being performed for the combinations of the capacitance/inductance matrix C and matrix G, which are used in traditional implicit formulations. Furthermore, due to the explicit nature of our formulation, we do not need to repeat LU decompositions when adjusting the length of time steps for error controls. Our algorithm is better suited to solving tightly coupled post-layout circuits in the pursuit for full-chip simulation. Our experimental results validate the advantages of our framework.Comment: 6 pages; ACM/IEEE DAC 201

    A Non-Iterative Balancing Method for HVAC Duct System

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    Building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system maintain comfortable indoor environment by supplying processed air to each terminal precisely through duct system. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) plays critical role in achieving desired air distribution. Traditional TAB method is inaccurate and inefficient due to its trail-and-error natural, which forces people to pay high but expect low. Recently, it has been proposed that non-iterative approach to TAB is promising to improve performance and reduce cost. In this paper, a novel non-iterative balancing method is developed and implemented for TAB engineers to adjust dampers systematically and efficiently. Different from other TAB methods, this method is based on modeling and optimization. The mathematical model for duct system is firstly developed from its components including fan, duct segments and dampers to predict flow rates and pressures in the duct system for any damper positions. To identify the parameters in the model, flow rate measurements are taken for each terminal on real system under different damper positions. With the obtained model, optimal damper positions that gives desired air distribution are calculated by minimizing a specific objective function. To facilitate the adjusting process in real duct system, a sequential tuning instructions are generated which can help engineers to adjust dampers to their proper position using flowmeter as indicators. In this sequential tuning process, each damper only adjusts once to reach balance. Because the pressure and airflow dynamics of the duct system has been modeled, the entire TAB procedure is deterministic and non-iterative. Simulations are performed to validate the effectiveness of this method in Matlab/Simulink environment. Comparison study with existing methods shows that the proposed TAB method significantly shorten the duration of process and reduces balancing error while using easily-accessible equipment like pressure sensor and flowmeter only. It can be expected that the TAB service contractor will apply this method for advanced duct system where accurate air distribution is strictly required

    Approximating First Hitting Point Distribution in Milestoning for Rare Event Kinetics

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    Milestoning is an efficient method for rare event kinetics calculation using short trajectory parallelization. The phase space is partitioned into small compartments, and interfaces of compartments are called milestones. Local kinetics between milestones are aggregated to compute the flux through the entire reaction space. Besides the accuracy of force fields, the accuracy of Milestoning crucially depends on two factors: the initial distribution of a short trajectory ensemble and statistical adequacy of trajectory sampling. The latter can be improved by increasing the number of trajectories while the true initial distribution, i.e., first hitting point distribution (FHPD), has no analytic expression in the general case. Here, we propose two algorithms, local passage time weighted Milestoning (LPT-M) and Bayesian inference Milestoning (BI-M), to accurately and efficiently approximate FHPD in Milestoning for systems at equilibrium condition, leading to accurate mean first passage time (MFPT) computation. Starting from equilibrium Boltzmann distribution on milestones, we calculate the proper weighting factor for FHPD approximation and consequently trajectories. The method is tested on two model examples for illustration purpose. The results show that LPT-M is especially advantageous in terms of computational costs and robustness with respect to the increasing number of intermediate milestones. The MFPT estimation achieves the same accuracy as a long equilibrium trajectory simulation while the consumed wall-clock time is as cheap as the widely used classical Milestoning. BI-M also improves over classical Milestoning and covers the directional Milestoning method as a special case in the deterministic Hamiltonian dynamics. Iterative correction on FHPD can be further performed for exact MFPT calculation

    High-Resolution Structure of the N-Terminal Endonuclease Domain of the Lassa Virus L Polymerase in Complex with Magnesium Ions

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    Lassa virus (LASV) causes deadly hemorrhagic fever disease for which there are no vaccines and limited treatments. LASV-encoded L polymerase is required for viral RNA replication and transcription. The functional domains of L–a large protein of 2218 amino acid residues–are largely undefined, except for the centrally located RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) motif. Recent structural and functional analyses of the N-terminal region of the L protein from lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), which is in the same Arenaviridae family as LASV, have identified an endonuclease domain that presumably cleaves the cap structures of host mRNAs in order to initiate viral transcription. Here we present a high-resolution crystal structure of the N-terminal 173-aa region of the LASV L protein (LASV L173) in complex with magnesium ions at 1.72 Å. The structure is highly homologous to other known viral endonucleases of arena- (LCMV NL1), orthomyxo- (influenza virus PA), and bunyaviruses (La Crosse virus NL1). Although the catalytic residues (D89, E102 and K122) are highly conserved among the known viral endonucleases, LASV L endonuclease structure shows some notable differences. Our data collected from in vitro endonuclease assays and a reporter-based LASV minigenome transcriptional assay in mammalian cells confirm structural prediction of LASV L173 as an active endonuclease. The high-resolution structure of the LASV L endonuclease domain in complex with magnesium ions should aid the development of antivirals against lethal Lassa hemorrhagic fever

    An effective cost distance calculation based on raster data model improved algorithm

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    <span class="MedBlackText">In many applications of geographic information science, we often need to calculate the shortest path from the source point to the target points. Network data model can be computed using the graph theory algorithm, when faced with raster data model, the grid cells of raster will be treated as network model nodes in general, and the eight neighborhood unit of each grid cell will be treated as the direct neighbor nodes in network model. Some scholars have pointed out that this algorithm which network model directly transplanted easily lead to the wrong direction in path finding and the high cumulative cost value problem, and gives the improved algorithm called wave spread cost distance algorithm. In this paper, we research and make experiments with the wave spread cost distance algorithm and then carried out further improvements, making the analysis of exception handling and the algorithm overall efficiency has been improved. </span

    Mechanical Wear Debris Feature, Detection, and Diagnosis: A Review

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    Mechanical debris is an important product of friction wear, which is also a crucial approach to know the running status of a machine. Many studies have been conducted on mechanical debris in related fields such as tribology, instrument, and diagnosis. This paper presents a comprehensive review of these studies, which summarizes wear mechanisms (e.g., abrasive wear, fatigue wear, and adhesive wear) and debris features (e.g., concentration (number), size, morphology, and composition), analyzes detection methods principles (e.g., offline: spectrograph and ferrograph, and online: optical method, inductive method, resistive-capacitive method, and acoustic method), reviews developments of online inductive methods, and investigates the progress of debris-based diagnosis. Finally, several notable problems are discussed for further studies. (C) 2017 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    Condition Assessment of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-Stayed Bridge under Postulated Design Earthquake

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    In this study, a three-dimensional finite element model of the Bill Emerson Memorial cable-stayed bridge was developed and validated with the acceleration data recorded during the M4.1 earthquake of May 1, 2005, in Manila, Arkansas. The model took into account the geometric nonlinear properties associated with cable sagging and soil-foundation-structure interaction. The validated model was used to evaluate the performance of a seismic protective system, the behavior of cable-stayed spans, and the accuracy of two simplified bridge models that have been extensively used by the structural control community. The calculated natural frequencies and mode shapes correlated well with the measured data. Except that the hollow columns of two H-shaped towers were near yielding immediately above their capbeams, the cable-stayed spans behaved elastically as expected under the design earthquake that was scaled up from the recorded rock motions at the bridge site. The minimum factor of safety of all cables is 2.78, which is slightly greater than the design target
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