109 research outputs found

    Study on the Influence of CPAs’ Individual Characteristics on Integrity Conduct

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    By constructing a behaviour selection model, the paper relies on the method of NetLogo simulation for simulation experiments. We study the influence of CPA’s individual characteristics on integrity conduct from three aspects of independence, industry specialization and tenure. The results of the study found that independence, industry specialization and tenure will have an impact on the integrity conduct. Besides, with the improvement of independence, industry specialization and tenure, their integrity conduct presents an inverted U type

    Quartz sand surface morphology of granitic tafoni at Laoshan, China

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    43-48In this study, a SEM method was used to analyze the surface morphology of the quartz sand granitic tafoni at Laoshan, for the purpose of exploring the weathering process of this tafoni. Present study showed that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand roundness was dominated by angular and sub-angular morphologies. Massive Hydrodynamic features had been developed on the quartz sand surfaces, as well as wind and chemistry forms, which were more developed. It was determined that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand had suffered long-term rainy and windy mechanical erosion, as well as chemical dissolution from residual pit water. These findings differed from the earlier views that the tafone was formed by the glacial melt water

    Response to News Media Assistance Program Consultation Paper

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    This response to the News Media Assistance Program Consultation Paper has been co-authored by Professor Terry Flew, Dr. Agata Stepnik, Ms. Wenjia Tang (all of Media and Communications, The University of Sydney), and Dr. Timothy Koskie (Centre for Media Transition, University of technology, Sydney). The authors have been engaged with the future of news media on the basis of their research on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery-Project titled Valuing News: Aligning Individual, Institutional and Societal Perspectives (DP220100589), funded from 2022 to 2024. We thank the ARC for their support with this research. Other members of the Valuing News research team are: Professor Sora Park (News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra), Professor Derek Wilding (Co-director, Centre for Media Transition, University of technology, Sydney), Associate Professor Caroline Fisher (News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra), Associate Professor Timothy Dwyer (The University of Sydney), and Dr. Aljosha Karim Schapals (Queensland University of Technology). In this submission we have chosen to focus primarily upon the “Potential Measures” section of the Consultation Paper, as this raises issues of direct relevance to the work we have undertaken in the Valuing News report

    Characteristics of buried paleo-channels in the Western South Yellow Sea during the Late Last Glaciation

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    Istraživanja o evoluciji paleolitskih korita u obalnim područjima važna su za konstrukcije podmorskog inženjerstva i za otkrivanje promjena u globalnom paleolitskom okruženju. Stoga je za istraživanje značajki paleo-korita tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba u zapadnom Južnom Žutom moru primijenjena digitalna metoda analize terena i ArcGis funkcija porijekla rijeke, analizirani su plitki stratigrafski seizmički profili visoke rezolucije i osnovni podaci, a rabljene su empirijske formule rijeke za određivanje riječnih svojstava i struktura. Rezultati pokazuju da je drevni riječni sustav tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba grebena Južnog Žutog mora podijeljen na paleo-Žutu (Huanghe) i paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) rijeku. Paleo-korita blizu 33°N pripadaju paleo-Yangtze rijeci i uglavnom teku od istoka do sjeveroistoka. Paleo-korita oko 35°N i 123,5°E dio su paleo-Žute rijeke. U usporedbi s paleo-Žutom rijekom, paleo-Yangtze rijeka inklinira horizontalnom premiještanju, ima veću prodornu moć i veću količinu vode. Na temelju metode širine nagiba sustav paleo-Žute rijeke može se smatrati uglavnom krivudavim dok je sustav paleo-Yangtze rijeke uglavnom sustav račvaste (braided) rijeke. Pronađene su značajne razlike između paleo-Yangtze rijeke i paleo-Žute rijeke. Značajke podzemnih paleo-korita tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba mogu biti korisne u predviđanju popratne moguće opasnosti kod podvodnih konstrukcija i otkrivanju promjena paleookruženja u grebenu Južnog Žutog mora.Studies on the evolution of paleo-channels in coastal areas are important for submarine engineering construction and to reveal changes in the global paleoenvironment. Thus, to explore the characteristics of paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation in the western South Yellow Sea, digital terrain analysis method and ArcGis river extraction function were employed, high-resolution shallow stratigraphic seismic profiles and core data were analysed, and river empirical formulas were used to determine river properties and river patterns. Results indicate that the ancient river system during the late Last Glaciation of the South Yellow Sea shelf is divided into paleo-Yellow (Huanghe) and paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) Rivers. The paleo-channels near 33°N belong to the paleo-Yangtze River, and generally flow from east to northeast. The paleo-channels around 35°N and 123,5°E are part of the paleo-Yellow River. Compared with the paleo-Yellow River, the paleo-Yangtze River is prone to horizontal migration and has higher penetration depths and discharge. Based on the slope-width method, the paleo-Yellow River system can be considered mainly as a meandering river, whereas the paleo-Yangtze River system is largely a braided river. Remarkable differences are found between the paleo-Yangtze River and the paleo-Yellow River. The characteristics of buried paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation can be useful in predicting the incident potential hazard of submarine engineering and in revealing the paleoenvironment changes in the South Yellow Sea shelf

    Morphological changes in the cerebellum during aging: evidence from convolutional neural networks and shape analysis

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    The morphology and function of the cerebellum are associated with various developmental disorders and healthy aging. Changes in cerebellar morphology during the aging process have been extensively investigated, with most studies focusing on changes in cerebellar regional volume. The volumetric method has been used to quantitatively demonstrate the decrease in the cerebellar volume with age, but it has certain limitations in visually presenting the morphological changes of cerebellar atrophy from a three-dimensional perspective. Thus, we comprehensively described cerebellar morphological changes during aging through volume measurements of subregions and shape analysis. This study included 553 healthy participants aged 20–80 years. A novel cerebellar localized segmentation algorithm based on convolutional neural networks was utilized to analyze the volume of subregions, followed by shape analysis for localized atrophy assessment based on the cerebellar thickness. The results indicated that out of the 28 subregions in the absolute volume of the cerebellum, 15 exhibited significant aging trends, and 16 exhibited significant sex differences. Regarding the analysis of relative volume, only 11 out of the 28 subregions of the cerebellum exhibited significant aging trends, and 4 exhibited significant sex differences. The results of the shape analysis revealed region-specific atrophy of the cerebellum with increasing age. Regions displaying more significant atrophy were predominantly located in the vermis, the lateral portions of bilateral cerebellar hemispheres, lobules I-III, and the medial portions of the posterior lobe. This atrophy differed between sexes. Men exhibited slightly more severe atrophy than women in most of the cerebellar regions. Our study provides a comprehensive perspective for observing cerebellar atrophy during the aging process

    Anthropogenic activities dominated the spatial and temporal changes of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the Hehuang valley in the northeastern Qinghai Province between 2000 and 2020

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    The Hehuang Valley (HV) is a key development area in the Qinghai Province; understanding changes in the vegetation within this area is of great significance if we are to maintain the ecological quality of this regional environment. Based on the 30 m spatial resolution Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series dataset, this paper analyzes the spatial and temporal characteristics and evolutionary trends of NDVI in the HV from 2001 to 2020 under the influences of climate change and human activities, by applying Mann-Kendall trend analysis, the Hurst index, and residual analysis. Analysis showed that firstly, high NDVI values (>0.5) were distributed in the low elevation areas of the HV except for towns and cropland, while the low NDVI values (<0.5) were mainly distributed in the high elevation regions; the NDVI exhibited an increasing trend over the study period. Second, human activities promoted NDVI growth in the HV by changing land-use types, although there is a risk of vegetation degradation in the future. Third, the proportion of NDVI changes affected by climate change and human activities was determined to be 87.24% of the HV; furthermore, the contribution of human activities was three-fold higher than that of climate change. Fourth, managers should scientifically manage grasslands and forests and implement specific anthropogenic interventions based on the characteristics of regional NDVI degradation, to improve ecosystem resilience. These results can be used to quantitatively analyze the relative contributions of natural and anthropogenic factors to the ecological changes in the HV, and provide reference guidelines for the management of ecological environments

    Rap2B promotes proliferation, migration and invasion of human breast cancer through calcium-related ERK1/2 signaling pathway

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    Rap2B, a member of GTP-binding proteins, is widely upregulated in many types of tumors and promotes migration and invasion of human suprarenal epithelioma. However, the function of Rap2B in breast cancer is unknown. Expression of Rap2B was examined in breast cancer cell lines and human normal breast cell line using Western blot analysis. Using the CCK-8 cell proliferation assay, cell cycle analysis, and transwell migration assay, we also elucidated the role of Rap2B in breast cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. Results showed that the expression of Rap2B is higher in tumor cells than in normal cells. Flow cytometry and Western blot analysis revealed that Rap2B elevates the intracellular calcium level and further promotes extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation. By contrast, calcium chelator BAPTM/AM and MEK inhibitor (U0126) can reverse Rap2B-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, Rap2B knockdown inhibits cell proliferation, migration, and invasion abilities via calcium related-ERK1/2 signaling. In addition, overexpression of Rap2B promotes cell proliferation, migration and invasion abilities, which could be neutralized by BAPTM/AM and U0126. Taken together, these findings shed light on Rap2B as a therapeutic target for breast cancer

    Clinical application of a fully automated blood collection robot and its assessment of blood collection quality of anticoagulant specimens

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    Background and objectivesTo investigate the application of intelligent puncture blood collection robots in anticoagulated blood specimens, the satisfaction of subjects with the two blood collection methods, and the feasibility of intelligent blood collection devices to replace manual blood collection methods in clinical work.Materials and methodsA total of 154 volunteers from Zhongshan Hospital Fudan University were recruited to compare the test results of anticoagulant blood samples between blood collection robot and manual blood collection, a questionnaire was used to inquire about the volunteers’ feelings about the two blood collection methods; the blood collection data of 6,255 patients willing to use the robot for blood collection were collected to analyze the success rate of blood collection.ResultsThe blood collection robot is superior to manual specimen collection in terms of volume and pain of specimen collection, and the puncture success rate is 94.3%. The anticoagulated blood specimens collected by the robot had 11 indexes statistically different from the results of manual blood collection, but the differences did not affect the clinical diagnosis and prognosis.ConclusionThe intelligent robotic blood collection is less painful and has better acceptance by patients, which can be used for clinical anticoagulated blood specimen collection

    From concept to action: a united, holistic and One Health approach to respond to the climate change crisis

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    It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the planet, which is seriously affecting the planetary health including human health. Adapting climate change should not only be a slogan, but requires a united, holistic action and a paradigm shift from crisis response to an ambitious and integrated approach immediately. Recognizing the urgent needs to tackle the risk connection between climate change and One Health, the four key messages and recommendations that with the intent to guide further research and to promote international cooperation to achieve a more climate-resilient world are provided