Quartz sand surface morphology of granitic tafoni at Laoshan, China


43-48In this study, a SEM method was used to analyze the surface morphology of the quartz sand granitic tafoni at Laoshan, for the purpose of exploring the weathering process of this tafoni. Present study showed that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand roundness was dominated by angular and sub-angular morphologies. Massive Hydrodynamic features had been developed on the quartz sand surfaces, as well as wind and chemistry forms, which were more developed. It was determined that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand had suffered long-term rainy and windy mechanical erosion, as well as chemical dissolution from residual pit water. These findings differed from the earlier views that the tafone was formed by the glacial melt water

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