79 research outputs found

    A molecular dynamics study on coalbed methane diffusion and water-blocking effects

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    The extraction efficiency of coalbed methane is affected by many factors. Among them, the fracturing fluid injected during coal seam mining and indigenous liquid water in the coal seam often hinder the diffusion and exploitation of coalbed methane, which leads to the water block effect (WBE). The cause, mechanism, and mitigation methods of the WBE are still not completely understood, and are also the topics of current research. This study was based on a large-scale molecular model which accurately reflects the chemical structure of coal, this study used molecular dynamics (MD) methods to simulate the flow patterns of methane and water in the micro-pores of coal seams, considering the hindering effect of water film on methane. The impact of factors such as water film thickness, pore size, reservoir pressure, and pressure difference on the transport velocities of methane and water film has been quantitatively calculated. The results demonstrate that the existence of water will significantly hinder the diffusion of methane and cause WBE. The pore size and pressure drop will also affect the two-phase flow speed of methane and water. Larger pore size and higher pressure drop favor the flow of methane and water. Through analyzing the structural changes of the water film during its transportation, the patterns of occurrence and disappearance of WBE was investigated. Under the conditions of larger pore sizes and thicker water films, the water phase can maintain a continuous phase during the flow process, which completely seal the pores in the coal seam, and cause the WBE. On the other hand, when the water film is thin or the pore size is small, the attractive interaction between water molecules and coal seam makes it easier for the water phase to break into multiple water molecular clusters and mix with the methane gas phase, thus alleviating the WBE. Based on the nano-scale molecular models, this study quantitatively investigated the effects of pore sizes, pressures differences, and water film on WBE, showing that reducing the interactions between water molecules while enhancing the attraction between water and coal may alleviate WBE. This study can provide some insights on further understanding the mechanisms of WBE and improving the recoverying efficiency of coalbed methane

    Quartz sand surface morphology of granitic tafoni at Laoshan, China

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    43-48In this study, a SEM method was used to analyze the surface morphology of the quartz sand granitic tafoni at Laoshan, for the purpose of exploring the weathering process of this tafoni. Present study showed that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand roundness was dominated by angular and sub-angular morphologies. Massive Hydrodynamic features had been developed on the quartz sand surfaces, as well as wind and chemistry forms, which were more developed. It was determined that granitic tafoni at Laoshan, the quartz sand had suffered long-term rainy and windy mechanical erosion, as well as chemical dissolution from residual pit water. These findings differed from the earlier views that the tafone was formed by the glacial melt water

    Improved PBL Hybrid with LBL is Benificial to Fundamental Knowledge Acquisition in a Large Class Prior to Medical Internship

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    Since pre-internship medical students appeared inefficient in acquiring fundamental knowledge in large classes, a hybrid instructional method of problem-and-lecture-based learning (PLBL) was designed to leverage the complementary strengths of PBL in reasoning under minimal guidance and LBL in immediate knowledge retention. We improved PBL (IPBL) in its instructional process and grading in a way that’s feasible in large classes, divided in IPBL almost 50 students into 7-10 squads as a figure simulating student counts in classic PBL class to strive for each squad member to achieve the same level of knowledge, and applied IPBL to about half of the instructional contents while LBL to another half for their complementary strengths. In this case, PLBL led to more number of test questions correctly answered by all students in a class, more students in higher test score buckets, and higher student perception scores on the methodology. PLBL facilitates fundamental knowledge acquisition in large classes within 50 students prior to medical internships

    Human activities have reduced plant diversity in eastern China over the last two millennia

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    Understanding the history and regional singularities of human impact on vegetation is key to developing strategies for sustainable ecosystem management. In this study, fossil and modern pollen datasets from China are employed to investigate temporal changes in pollen composition, analogue quality, and pollen diversity during the Holocene. Anthropogenic disturbance and vegetation's responses are also assessed. Results reveal that pollen assemblages from non-forest communities fail to provide evidence of human impact for the western part of China (annual precipitation less than 400 mm and/or elevation more than 3000 m.a.s.l.), as inferred from the stable quality of modern analogues, principal components, and diversity of species and communities throughout the Holocene. For the eastern part of China, the proportion of fossil pollen spectra with good modern analogues increases from ca. 50% to ca. 80% during the last 2 millennia, indicating an enhanced intensity of anthropogenic disturbance on vegetation. This disturbance has caused the pollen spectra to become taxonomically less diverse over space (reduced abundances of arboreal taxa and increased abundances of herbaceous taxa), highlighting a reduced south–north differentiation and divergence from past vegetation between regions in the eastern part of China. We recommend that care is taken in eastern China when basing the development of ecosystem management strategies on vegetation changes in the region during the last 2000 years, since humans have significantly disturbed the vegetation during this period

    Assessment of left ventricular function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by non-invasive myocardial work

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    BackgroundDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that poses a serious risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, early detection of impaired cardiac function with non-invasive myocardial imaging is critical for improving the prognosis of patients with DM.PurposeThis study aimed to assess the left ventricular (LV) function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by non-invasive myocardial work technique.Materials and methodsIn all, 67 patients with T2DM and 28 healthy controls were included and divided into a DM group and a control group. Two-dimensional dynamic images of apical three-chamber view, apical two-chamber view, and apical four-chamber view were collected from all subjects, consisting of at least three cardiac cycles. LV myocardial strain parameters, including global longitudinal strain (GLS) and peak strain dispersion (PSD), as well as myocardial work parameters, including global constructive work (GCW), global wasted work (GWW), global work index (GWI), and global work efficiency (GWE), were obtained and analyzed.ResultsA total of 15 subjects were randomly selected to assess intra-observer and inter-observer consistency of myocardial work parameters and strain parameters, which showed excellent results (intra-class correlation coefficients: 0.856 - 0.983, P<0.001). Compared with the control group, the DM group showed significantly higher PSD (37.59 ± 17.18 ms vs. 27.72 ± 13.52 ms, P<0.05) and GWW (63.98 ± 43.63 mmHg% vs. 39.28 ± 25.67 mmHg%, P<0.05), and lower GWE (96.38 ± 2.02% vs. 97.72 ± 0.98%, P<0.001). Furthermore, the PSD was positively correlated with GWW (r = 0.565, P<0.001) and negatively correlated with GWE (r = -0.569, P<0.001).ConclusionUncoordinated LV myocardial strain, higher GWW, and lower GWE in patients with T2DM may serve as indicators for the early assessment of cardiac impairment in T2DM

    Characteristics of buried paleo-channels in the Western South Yellow Sea during the Late Last Glaciation

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    Istraživanja o evoluciji paleolitskih korita u obalnim područjima važna su za konstrukcije podmorskog inženjerstva i za otkrivanje promjena u globalnom paleolitskom okruženju. Stoga je za istraživanje značajki paleo-korita tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba u zapadnom Južnom Žutom moru primijenjena digitalna metoda analize terena i ArcGis funkcija porijekla rijeke, analizirani su plitki stratigrafski seizmički profili visoke rezolucije i osnovni podaci, a rabljene su empirijske formule rijeke za određivanje riječnih svojstava i struktura. Rezultati pokazuju da je drevni riječni sustav tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba grebena Južnog Žutog mora podijeljen na paleo-Žutu (Huanghe) i paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) rijeku. Paleo-korita blizu 33°N pripadaju paleo-Yangtze rijeci i uglavnom teku od istoka do sjeveroistoka. Paleo-korita oko 35°N i 123,5°E dio su paleo-Žute rijeke. U usporedbi s paleo-Žutom rijekom, paleo-Yangtze rijeka inklinira horizontalnom premiještanju, ima veću prodornu moć i veću količinu vode. Na temelju metode širine nagiba sustav paleo-Žute rijeke može se smatrati uglavnom krivudavim dok je sustav paleo-Yangtze rijeke uglavnom sustav račvaste (braided) rijeke. Pronađene su značajne razlike između paleo-Yangtze rijeke i paleo-Žute rijeke. Značajke podzemnih paleo-korita tijekom kasnog posljednjeg ledenog doba mogu biti korisne u predviđanju popratne moguće opasnosti kod podvodnih konstrukcija i otkrivanju promjena paleookruženja u grebenu Južnog Žutog mora.Studies on the evolution of paleo-channels in coastal areas are important for submarine engineering construction and to reveal changes in the global paleoenvironment. Thus, to explore the characteristics of paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation in the western South Yellow Sea, digital terrain analysis method and ArcGis river extraction function were employed, high-resolution shallow stratigraphic seismic profiles and core data were analysed, and river empirical formulas were used to determine river properties and river patterns. Results indicate that the ancient river system during the late Last Glaciation of the South Yellow Sea shelf is divided into paleo-Yellow (Huanghe) and paleo-Yangtze (Changjiang) Rivers. The paleo-channels near 33°N belong to the paleo-Yangtze River, and generally flow from east to northeast. The paleo-channels around 35°N and 123,5°E are part of the paleo-Yellow River. Compared with the paleo-Yellow River, the paleo-Yangtze River is prone to horizontal migration and has higher penetration depths and discharge. Based on the slope-width method, the paleo-Yellow River system can be considered mainly as a meandering river, whereas the paleo-Yangtze River system is largely a braided river. Remarkable differences are found between the paleo-Yangtze River and the paleo-Yellow River. The characteristics of buried paleo-channels during the late Last Glaciation can be useful in predicting the incident potential hazard of submarine engineering and in revealing the paleoenvironment changes in the South Yellow Sea shelf

    Unraveling microforging principle during in situ shot-peening-assisted cold spray additive manufacturing aluminum alloy through a multi-physics framework

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    Wang Q., Ma N., Shi J., et al. Unraveling microforging principle during in situ shot-peening-assisted cold spray additive manufacturing aluminum alloy through a multi-physics framework. Materials and Design 236, 112451 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2023.112451.Cold spray (CS) is a highly potential solid-state additive manufacturing (AM) technique. In situ shot-peening-assisted CSAM was proposed to additively manufacture fully dense deposits using cost-effective and renewable nitrogen gas. The role of in situ shot-peening particles is critical but remains unclear. Here, the process was quantitatively modeled to visualize the dynamic deformation, energy conversion, as well as cell/sub-grain size and microhardness evolutions, compared to those during the conventional CSAM process, identifying the key role of in situ shot-peening particles in the AA6061 extreme deformation and microstructure characteristics during in situ shot-peening-assisted CSAM. High-fidelity modeling was verified fully by comparing the experimental and model-reproduced deformation profiles, cell/sub-grain size distributions, and increases in microhardness. The results show that the kinetic energy of in situ shot-peening particles was 470 times higher and dissipated mainly through AA6061 plastic deformation (86.36% of total energy), leading to significant enhancement of microhardness and tensile strength. Moreover, the mixing ratio of large-size SS410 particles required to create a fully dense deposit was evaluated from an energy perspective, in good agreement with the experiment. This study elucidates the microforging principle during in situ shot-peening-assisted CSAM, providing scientific guidelines for high-quality and low-cost CSAM of high-strength aluminum alloys