5,092 research outputs found

    The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Executive Withdrawal and Performance

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    This research examines the influence of job satisfaction and three dimensions of organizational commitment (i.e., affective, continuance, and normative) on the intention to leave, job search activity, performance, and leadership effectiveness of executives. Job satisfaction and the commitment dimensions were hypothesized to negatively predict the retention-related variables. Results generally supported the hypotheses. Job satisfaction had the strongest relationship, but both affective and continuance commitment showed an incremental effect even in the presence of job satisfaction. We also hypothesized that job satisfaction and affective commitment would positively and continuance commitment would negatively associate with general performance and leadership. As predicted, job satisfaction associated positively with performance, though not with leadership. Continuance commitment negatively associated with both performance and leadership

    Adolescent Expressive Reluctance Exacerbates Risk for Substance Use Following Daily Hassles

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    Previous research has established a link between adolescent’s perceived daily hassles and subsequent adjustment, but less is known about factors that exacerbate this relationship. The purpose of the present study was to identify if adolescent’s reluctance to express emotions moderated the association between their perceived daily hassles and subsequent substance use (i.e., alcohol, marijuana, tobacco). Cross-sectional data were obtained from a larger study that examined the effects of exposure to community violence among low-income, urban adolescents (N = 260, Mage = 14.14, SD = 1.62 years; 92% African American; 54% female). Linear regression analyses controlling for adolescent age, biological sex, and previous levels of drug use and daily hassles revealed that expressive reluctance moderated the association between perceived daily hassles and adolescent substance use. Specifically, for adolescents who were least likely to express their emotions, increases in perceived daily hassles were associated with significant increases in substance use. Further examination of domain-specific hassles revealed that expressive reluctance moderated the effects of academic, parental, and general neighborhood hassles on drug use, while no significant effects were detected for hassles related to friends or neighborhood danger. The present findings clarify which perceived daily hassles adversely affect adolescents, and how emotional expression can play an integral role in determining risk for poor coping behaviors.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1280/thumbnail.jp

    Dense Suspension Splat: Monolayer Spreading and Hole Formation After Impact

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    We use experiments and minimal numerical models to investigate the rapidly expanding monolayer formed by the impact of a dense suspension drop against a smooth solid surface. The expansion creates a lace-like pattern of particle clusters separated by particle-free regions. Both the expansion and the development of the spatial inhomogeneity are dominated by particle inertia, therefore robust and insensitive to details of the surface wetting, capillarity and viscous drag.Comment: 4 pages (5 with references), and a total of 4 figure

    Pengaruh Keberadaan Masyarakat Terhadapkelestarian Populasi Harimau Sumatera (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) di Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Bukittigapuluh (Tnbt) Desa Rantau Langsat

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    Bukit Tigapuluh National Park (BTNP) is an area who designated by the Minister of Forestry as a National Park with total area 127.698 ha based on decree No. 539/Kpt-II/1995. TNBT has a wealth of various types of wildlife, which Panthera tigris sumatraeis one of the wild animal that live with endanged status in BTNP. This is due to factors are always consider to occur because of the existence of society in the surrounding area of BTNP which resulting of increasing activity of the society. The aim of this study is to determinate the effect of the existence of society arround BTNP to Panthera tigris sumatrae population and to determine the role of society on the conservation of Panthera tigris sumatrae in BTNP. This study conducted using a descriptive qualitative design and involving 17 informans who recruited using purposive sampling and quoted sampling. The result showed that the existence of rural society in Rantau Langsat village who living arround BTNP is not affected the population of Panthera tigris sumatrae and then the society role of conservation of Panthera tigris sumatrae in BTNP is high enough. This indicates that the existence of society in Rantau Langsat village have been assist the preversation effort of Panthera tigris sumatrae population

    From splashing to bouncing: the influence of viscosity on the impact of suspension droplets on a solid surface

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    We experimentally investigated the splashing of dense suspension droplets impacting a solid surface, extending prior work to the regime where the viscosity of the suspending liquid becomes a significant parameter. The overall behavior can be described by a combination of two trends. The first one is that the splashing becomes favored when the kinetic energy of individual particles at the surface of a droplet overcomes the confinement produced by surface tension. This is expressed by a particle-based Weber number WepWe_p. The second is that splashing is suppressed by increasing the viscosity of the solvent. This is expressed by the Stokes number StSt, which influences the effective coefficient of restitution of colliding particles. We developed a phase diagram where the splashing onset is delineated as a function of both WepWe_p and StSt. A surprising result occurs at very small Stokes number, where not only splashing is suppressed but also plastic deformation of the droplet. This leads to a situation where droplets can bounce back after impact, an observation we are able to reproduce using discrete particle numerical simulations that take into account viscous interaction between particles and elastic energy


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    In this research article we share our vision of how to improve student mathematics success in rural districts. Good teaching matters. We have found two recurring features that can support teachers\u27 success in effectively teaching students mathematics: high-quality, longitudinal professional development and professional connections. We partner with rural districts and master teachers to offer local high-quality professional development for mathematics teachers to strengthen their mathematical knowledge for teaching. We have substantial evidence that participation in longitudinal, high-quality professional development significantly increases teachers\u27 mathematical knowledge for teaching, as well as improves their confidence in teaching. Bringing teachers together for professional development helps teachers develop professional connections. Such connections are necessary for teachers to have regular conversations about mathematics teaching and learning with peers. University-district partnerships can provide infrastructure to allow teachers to develop connections with each other, to collectively support each other, and to collaborate in teaching mathematics more effectively. Investing in professional development for rural teachers and supporting professional connections among teachers will help us achieve the common goal of increasing student success in mathematics

    YouTube Videos and the Rip Current Hazard: Swimming in a Sea of (Mis)information

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    Rip currents are strong, narrow, offshore flows found on many global beaches and contribute to hundreds of drownings and tens of thousands of rescues each year. Yet despite long-standing educational efforts, public understanding of rip currents is poor. YouTube represents a new visual-based social media platform with the potential to educate a large and global audience about the rip current hazard. This study analyzed the content of 256 rip current–related YouTube videos with over 5 million total views as of March 2, 2015 finding that the accuracy of information disseminated about rip currents on YouTube is mixed and of varying quality. Existing videos are good at emphasizing correct rip current terminology, visual imagery, and a range of escape strategies, but greater emphasis in future videos must be placed on rip current avoidance, particularly through promoting the need to swim near lifeguards and how to spot rip currents

    Analysis of Learning Strategies in the Speaking Class at the Second Grade Students' of Senior High School

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    Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui strategi belajar yang digunakan oleh siswa, kemampuan berbicara siswa dan menemukan korelasi antara strategi belajar bahasa dengan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 1 Binduriang Bengkulu menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. 20 siswa kelas dua dipilih sebagai sample. 50 quesionire dan test menggunakan storytelling untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara siswa. Data dianalisa menggunakan product moment corelation. Ada 6 strategy belajar siswa yang berbeda meliputi; meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95), affective (2.85), sosial (2.82), cognitive (2.77) dan compentation (3.11). Hasil nilai dari kemampuan berbicara siswa adalah (68.05), meliputi; vocabulary (72.5), comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation (66.5), fluency (66.5), dan grammar (62.5). Vocabulary dan comprehension adalah paling tinggi, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penggunaan strategi belajar siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara dimana nilai r adalah 0.562.The objectives of this research are to find out the strategies of language learning that are used by the students, to find out the students' speaking ability, and to find out the correlation between students' language learning strategies with students' speaking ability. This research was conducted in SMAN 1 Binduriang Bengkulu by using qualitative and quantitative method. There were 20 students from the second grade as a sample. 50 items of questionnaires to check the learning strategy and given test in speaking by using storytelling. The data were analyzed by product moment corelation. There are 6 kinds of different language learning strategies, including; meta-cognitive (3.56), memory (2.95), affective (2.85), social (2.82), cognitive (2.77) and compensation (3.11). The average score of students' speaking ability is (68.05), such us; vocabulary (72.5), comprehension (72.5), Pronunciation (66.5), fluency (66.5), and grammar (62.5). The average score of vocabulary and comprehension were the highest one, there was a significant correlation between language learning strategies with speaking ability where value was 0.562
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