94 research outputs found

    Consequences of Fatherhood in the Biparental California Mouse ( Peromyscus californicus

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    Although effects of motherhood on mothers have been well documented in mammals, the effects of fatherhood on fathers are not well known. We evaluated effects of being a father on key metabolic and performance measures in the California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. California mice are genetically monogamous in the wild, and fathers show similar parental behavior to mothers, with the exception of lactation. To investigate the impact of fatherhood on fathers, focal males were paired with an intact female (breeding males), a tubally ligated female (non-breeding males) or another male (virgins). Starting 3–5 days after the birth of each breeding pair’s first litter, males were tested for locomotor performance (maximum sprint speed, treadmill endurance), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and maximum oxygen consumption (VO(2)max). At the end of the 11-day test period, mice were euthanized, hematocrit determined, and organs weighed. Speed, endurance, and [Formula: see text] max were significantly repeatable between two replicate measurement days but did not differ among groups, nor did BMR. Breeding males had larger significantly hindlimb muscles than did non-breeding males, whereas virgin males had heavier subcutaneous fat pads than non-breeding and breeding males. Several correlations were observed at the level of individual variation (residuals from ANCOVA models), including positive correlations for endurance with [Formula: see text] max, [Formula: see text] max with testes mass, and some of the digestion-related organs with each other. These results indicate that fatherhood may not have pronounced performance, metabolic or morphological effects on fathers, at least under standard laboratory conditions and across a single breeding cycle

    Paternal Care in Biparental Rodents: Intra- and Inter-individual Variation

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    Parental care by fathers, although rare among mmmals, can be essential for the survival and normal development of offspring in biparental species. A growing body of research on biparental rodents has identified several developmental and experiential influences on paternal responsiveness. Some of these factors, such as pubertal maturation, interactions with pups, and cues from a pregnant mate, contribute to pronounced changes in paternal responsiveness across the course of the lifetime in individual males. Others, particularly intrauterine position during gestation and parental care received during postnatal development, can have long-term effects on paternal behavior and contribute to stable differences among individuals within a species. Focusing on five well-studied, biparental rodent species, we review the developmental and experiential factors that have been shown to influence paternal responsiveness, and consider their roles in generating both intra- and inter-individual variation. We also review hormones and neuropeptides that have been shown to modulate paternal care and discuss their potential contributions to behavioral differences within and between males. Finally, we discuss the possibility that vasopressinergic and possibly oxytocinergic signaling within the brain, modulated by gonadal steroid hormones, may represent the "final common pathway" mediating effects of developmental and experiential variables on intra- and inter-individual variation in paternal care

    Effects of repeated pup exposure on behavioral, neural, and adrenocortical responses to pups in male California mice (Peromyscus californicus)

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    In biparental mammals, the factors facilitating the onset of male parental behavior are not well understood. While hormonal changes in fathers may play a role, prior experience with pups has also been implicated. We evaluated effects of prior exposure to pups on paternal responsiveness in the biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). We analyzed behavioral, neural, and corticosterone responses to pups in adult virgin males that were interacting with a pup for the first time, adult virgin males that had been exposed to pups 3 times for 20min each in the previous week, and new fathers. Control groups of virgins were similarly tested with a novel object (marble). Previous exposure to pups decreased virgins' latency to approach pups and initiate paternal care, and increased time spent in paternal care. Responses to pups did not differ between virgins with repeated exposure to pups and new fathers. In contrast, repeated exposure to a marble had no effects. Neither basal corticosterone levels nor corticosterone levels following acute pup or marble exposure differed among groups. Finally, Fos expression in the medial preoptic area, ventral and dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis was higher following exposure to a pup than to a marble. Fos expression was not, however, affected by previous exposure to these stimuli. These results suggest that previous experience with pups can facilitate the onset of parental behavior in male California mice, similar to findings in female rodents, and that this effect is not associated with a general reduction in neophobia

    Body‐mass changes in California mouse fathers

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    Fathering in rodents: Neurobiological substrates and consequences for offspring.

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    This article is part of a Special Issue "Parental Care". Paternal care, though rare among mammals, is routinely displayed by several species of rodents. Here we review the neuroanatomical and hormonal bases of paternal behavior, as well as the behavioral and neuroendocrine consequences of paternal behavior for offspring. Fathering behavior is subserved by many of the same neural substrates which are also involved in maternal behavior (for example, the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus). While gonadal hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, as well as hypothalamic neuropeptides such as oxytocin and vasopressin, and the pituitary hormone prolactin, are implicated in the activation of paternal behavior, there are significant gaps in our knowledge of their actions, as well as pronounced differences between species. Removal of the father in biparental species has long-lasting effects on behavior, as well as on these same neuroendocrine systems, in offspring. Finally, individual differences in paternal behavior can have similarly long-lasting, if more subtle, effects on offspring behavior. Future studies should examine similar outcome measures in multiple species, including both biparental species and closely related uniparental species. Careful phylogenetic analyses of the neuroendocrine systems presumably important to male parenting, as well as their patterns of gene expression, will also be important in establishing the next generation of hypotheses regarding the regulation of male parenting behavior
