880 research outputs found

    Quantitative atomic spectroscopy for primary thermometry

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    Quantitative spectroscopy has been used to measure accurately the Doppler-broadening of atomic transitions in 85^{85}Rb vapor. By using a conventional platinum resistance thermometer and the Doppler thermometry technique, we were able to determine kBk_B with a relative uncertainty of 4.1×1044.1\times 10^{-4}, and with a deviation of 2.7×1042.7\times 10^{-4} from the expected value. Our experiment, using an effusive vapour, departs significantly from other Doppler-broadened thermometry (DBT) techniques, which rely on weakly absorbing molecules in a diffusive regime. In these circumstances, very different systematic effects such as magnetic sensitivity and optical pumping are dominant. Using the model developed recently by Stace and Luiten, we estimate the perturbation due to optical pumping of the measured kBk_B value was less than 4×1064\times 10^{-6}. The effects of optical pumping on atomic and molecular DBT experiments is mapped over a wide range of beam size and saturation intensity, indicating possible avenues for improvement. We also compare the line-broadening mechanisms, windows of operation and detection limits of some recent DBT experiments

    Differential influence of components resulting from atmospheric-pressure plasma on integrin expression of human HaCaT keratinocytes

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    Adequate chronic wound healing is a major problem in medicine. A new solution might be non-thermal atmospheric-pressure plasma effectively inactivating microorganisms and influencing cells in wound healing. Plasma components as, for example, radicals can affect cells differently. HaCaT keratinocytes were treated with Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma (DBD/air, DBD/argon), ozone or hydrogen peroxide to find the components responsible for changes in integrin expression, intracellular ROS formation or apoptosis induction. Dependent on plasma treatment time reduction of recovered cells was observed with no increase of apoptotic cells, but breakdown of mitochondrial membrane potential. DBD/air plasma increased integrins and intracellular ROS. DBD/argon caused minor changes. About 100 ppm ozone did not influence integrins. Hydrogen peroxide caused similar effects compared to DBD/air plasma. In conclusion, effects depended on working gas and exposure time to plasma. Short treatment cycles did neither change integrins nor induce apoptosis or ROS. Longer treatments changed integrins as important for influencing wound healing. Plasma effects on integrins are rather attributed to induction of other ROS than to generation of ozone. Changes of integrins by plasma may provide new solutions of improving wound healing, however, conditions are needed which allow initiating the relevant influence on integrins without being cytotoxic to cells

    Iron porphyrin molecules on Cu(001): Influence of adlayers and ligands on the magnetic properties

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    The structural and magnetic properties of Fe octaethylporphyrin (OEP) molecules on Cu(001) have been investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) methods and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The molecules have been adsorbed on the bare metal surface and on an oxygen-covered surface, which shows a 2×22R45\sqrt{2}\times2\sqrt{2}R45^{\circ} reconstruction. In order to allow for a direct comparison between magnetic moments obtained from sum-rule analysis and DFT we calculate the dipolar term 77, which is also important in view of the magnetic anisotropy of the molecule. The measured X-ray magnetic circular dichroism shows a strong dependence on the photon incidence angle, which we could relate to a huge value of 77, e.g. on Cu(001) 77 amounts to -2.07\,\mbo{} for normal incidence leading to a reduction of the effective spin moment ms+7m_s + 7. Calculations have also been performed to study the influence of possible ligands such as Cl and O atoms on the magnetic properties of the molecule and the interaction between molecule and surface, because the experimental spectra display a clear dependence on the ligand, which is used to stabilize the molecule in the gas phase. Both types of ligands weaken the hybridization between surface and porphyrin molecule and change the magnetic spin state of the molecule, but the changes in the X-ray absorption are clearly related to residual Cl ligands.Comment: 17 figures, full articl

    Laxative use and incident falls, fractures and change in bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: results from the Women\u27s Health Initiative

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    BACKGROUND: Laxatives are among the most widely used over-the-counter medications in the United States but studies examining their potential hazardous side effects are sparse. Associations between laxative use and risk for fractures and change in bone mineral density [BMD] have not previously been investigated. METHODS: This prospective analysis included 161,808 postmenopausal women (8907 users and 151,497 nonusers of laxatives) enrolled in the WHI Observational Study and Clinical Trials. Women were recruited from October 1, 1993, to December 31, 1998, at 40 clinical centers in the United States and were eligible if they were 50 to 79 years old and were postmenopausal at the time of enrollment. Medication inventories were obtained during in-person interviews at baseline and at the 3-year follow-up visit on everyone. Data on self-reported falls (\u3e/=2), fractures (hip and total fractures) were used. BMD was determined at baseline and year 3 at 3 of the 40 clinical centers of the WHI. RESULTS: Age-adjusted rates of hip fractures and total fractures, but not for falls were similar between laxative users and non-users regardless of duration of laxative use. The multivariate-adjusted hazard ratios for any laxative use were 1.06 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03-1.10) for falls, 1.02 (95% CI, 0.85-1.22) for hip fractures and 1.01 (95% CI, 0.96-1.07) for total fractures. The BMD levels did not statistically differ between laxative users and nonusers at any skeletal site after 3-years intake. CONCLUSION: These findings support a modest association between laxative use and increase in the risk of falls but not for fractures. Its use did not decrease bone mineral density levels in postmenopausal women. Maintaining physical functioning, and providing adequate treatment of comorbidities that predispose individuals for falls should be considered as first measures to avoid potential negative consequences associated with laxative use

    Patient level pooled analysis of 68,500 patients from seven major vitamin D fracture trials in the US and Europe

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    Objectives To identify participants’ characteristics that influence the anti-fracture efficacy of vitamin D or vitamin D plus calcium with respect to any fracture, hip fracture, and clinical vertebral fracture and to assess the influence of dosing regimens and co-administration of calcium. Design Individual patient data analysis using pooled data from randomised trials. Data sources Seven major randomised trials of vitamin D with calcium or vitamin D alone, yielding a total of 68 517 participants (mean age 69.9 years, range 47-107 years, 14.7% men). Study selection Studies included were randomised studies with at least one intervention arm in which vitamin D was given, fracture as an outcome, and at least 1000 participants. Data synthesis Logistic regression analysis was used to identify significant interaction terms, followed by Cox’s proportional hazards models incorporating age, sex, fracture history, and hormone therapy and bisphosphonate use. Results Trials using vitamin D with calcium showed a reduced overall risk of fracture (hazard ratio 0.92, 95% confidence interval 0.86 to 0.99, P=0.025) and hip fracture (all studies: 0.84, 0.70 to 1.01, P=0.07; studies using 10 μg of vitamin D given with calcium: 0.74, 0.60 to 0.91, P=0.005). For vitamin D alone in daily doses of 10 μg or 20 μg, no significant effects were found. No interaction was found between fracture history and treatment response, nor any interaction with age, sex, or hormone replacement therapy. Conclusion This individual patient data analysis indicates that vitamin D given alone in doses of 10-20 μg is not effective in preventing fractures. By contrast, calcium and vitamin D given together reduce hip fractures and total fractures, and probably vertebral fractures, irrespective of age, sex, or previous fractures.The WHI program is funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services through contracts N01WH22110, 24152, 32100-2, 32105-6, 32108-9, 32111-13, 32115, 32118-32119, 32122, 42107-26, 42129-32, and 44221. AA acknowledges personal funding from the UK Medical Research Council and Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates

    Controlling the Oxidation of Magnetic and Electrically Conductive Solid-Solution Iron-Rhodium Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquids

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    This study focuses on the synthesis of FeRh nanoparticles via pulsed laser ablation in liquid and on controlling the oxidation of the synthesized nanoparticles. Formation of monomodal γ-FeRh nanoparticles was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and their composition confirmed by atom probe tomography (APT). For these particles, three major contributors to oxidation were analysed: (1) dissolved oxygen in the organic solvents, (2) the bound oxygen in the solvent and (3) oxygen in the atmosphere above the solvent. The decrease of oxidation for optimized ablation conditions was confirmed through energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Furthermore, the time dependence of oxidation was monitored for dried FeRh nanoparticles powders using ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy (FMR). By magnetophoretic separation, B2-FeRh nanoparticles could be extracted from the solution and characteristic differences of nanostrand formation between γ-FeRh and B2-FeRh nanoparticles were observed

    Analysis of the mechanism of the Serratia nuclease using site-directed mutagenesis

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    Based on crystal structure analysis of the Serratia nuclease and a sequence alignment of six related nucleases, conserved amino acid residues that are located in proximity to the previously identified catalytic site residue His89 were selected for a mutagenesis study. Five out of 12 amino acid residues analyzed turned out to be of particular importance for the catalytic activity of the enzyme: Arg57, Arg87, His89, Asn119 and Glu127. Their replacement by alanine, for example, resulted in mutant proteins of very low activity, <1% of the activity of the wild-type enzyme. Steady-state kinetic analysis of the mutant proteins demonstrates that some of these mutants are predominantly affected in their k(cat), others in their K(m). These results and the determination of the pH and metal ion dependence of selected mutant proteins were used for a tentative assignment for the function of these amino acid residues in the mechanism of phosphodiester bond cleavage by the Serratia nuclease

    Field-regulated switching of the magnetization of Co-porphyrin on graphene

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    Differentmagnetic couplingmechanisms have been identified for a fewmonolayers of Co-porphyrin molecules deposited on a graphene-covered Ni(111) single crystal. A relatively strong antiferromagnetic coupling of the first molecular layer via graphene to the Ni crystal in comparison to a weaker intermolecular coupling gives rise to a complex field-dependent response of this hybrid system. By continuously increasing the magnetic field strength, the net magnetization of the molecular system switches from antiparallel to parallel to the field direction at 2.5 T. Utilizing x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, the element-specific magnetization and field dependence was probed. The nature of the magnetic couplings is identified by means of density functional theory and orbital-dependent susceptibilities