2,039 research outputs found

    Sol-gel-derived optical oxygen, pH and dissolved carbon dioxide sensors

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    Psychiatric Symptomatology in Migraine Sufferers and the Relationship with Headache-Related Self-Efficacy

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    Introduction: Self-efficacy (SE) refers to one\u27s belief in their ability to successfully complete a task. Increases in SE are associated with improved pain outcomes as well as improvements in anxiety and depression (Turner, 2005). Headache-related self-efficacy (HSE) refers to a person\u27s belief in his/her ability to manage migraine attacks. Previous studies illustrate that HSE and psychiatric comorbidities are independently related to migraine disability, severity, and treatment outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between HSE and psychiatric comorbidities among individuals with migraine. Methods: 852 young adult migraineurs (M age = 19.22; 79.9% female; 77.0% Caucasian) completed measures about headache and related variables, including the Headache Management Self-Efficacy Scale (HMSE; French, 2000), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21; Lovibond, 1995), and the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL; Wilkins, 2011). Of the 852 migraine participants, 56.8% met criteria for migraine without aura, 25% met for migraine with aura, and 18.2% met for chronic migraine. Linear regressions were run to identify associations between psychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety, and PTSD) and HSE. Results: Men reported higher HSE than women (M = 108.67 [18.91] vs. 104.66 [21.28], p = .025). Comorbid psychiatric symptoms explained a significant proportion of variance in HSE scores (R2 = .047, p \u3c .001). When controlling for sex, headache frequency, and disability, the percentage of unique variance accounted for by psychiatric comorbidities was 1.5% (p = .005) of the total. Conclusion: Consistent with our hypothesis, a significant relationship exists between comorbid psychiatric symptoms and HSE scores, but psychiatric symptoms only accounted for a small amount of variance in HSE. This small effect size likely indicates that numerous variables influence self-efficacy, and that psychiatric symptoms represent a relatively weak influence; perhaps also stronger relations would be evident in a clinical sample. Future research into variables that affect headache-related self-efficacy would be valuable for piecing together a better understanding of this powerful predictor of headache prognosis

    Adopting the Brisoux-Larouche model of brand categorization to correlate brand social responsibility in national and in-house coffee shops

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    In-house food service brands operating on college campuses struggle to build brand image with limited consumer awareness. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities may enhance brand image for customers, employees, and stakeholders. In some cases, CSR associations have significant influence on consumers\u27 response to new products. The purpose of this study was to determine if a non-branded socially responsible retail food offering would be accepted (evoked) by a campus consumer. To date there has been little research on this topic. College-age customer purchasing trends can provide important insight into future consumer trends. The quantitative methodology started with a coffee-cupping survey and an Internet-based survey on socially responsible coffee. With the knowledge gained from the cupping survey and Internet survey a structured equation modeling (SEM) confirmatory model was developed. This model and the five hypotheses were tested by the campus coffee survey, a personal intercept survey instrument (N = 344). In addition to the SEM, other quantitative methods were utilized including multiple regressions and ANOVA. By using accepted brand categorization methods, this study confirms that an in-house coffee brand offering a high-quality product and deploying a brand social responsible strategy can be coveted by the college campus customers with little or no previous experience of the brand. Additionally the research illuminated how these customers\u27 needs for social responsibility products will reshape the foodservice and restaurant industry in the near future

    Some Factors Affecting the Formation of Colonies in Gonium Pectorale

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    Author Institution: Department of Zoology and Enotmology, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    Sinergija površinskog sloja alatnog čelika poslije naugljičenja kao pokazatelj uporabne kakvoće

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    In the paper the results of the investigation on surface layer of carburized X150CrMoV12-1 tool steel are presented. Abrasive wearing of the surface was determined according the ASTM G77-98 method. The microstructure of the matrix and distribution of carbides were observed in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). A correlation between the investigated parameters (microstructure/carbides distribution) was found.Članak daje rezultate istraživanja naugljičenog površinskog sloja alatnog čelika X150CrMoV12-1. Abrazivno trošenje površine određeno je sukladno metodi ASTM G77-98. Mikrostruktura materijala i raspodjela karbida promatrana je na skening elektronskom mikroskopu (SEM). Utvrđena je zavisnost između istraživanih parametara (raspodjela mikrostruktura/karbidi)

    Adopting the Brisoux-Larouche Model of Brand Categorization to Correlate Brand Social Responsibility in National and In-house Coffee Shops

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    Abstract In-house food service brands operating on college campuses struggle to build brand image without consumer awareness. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities may enhance brand image, for the customers, employees and stakeholders (Lee and Heo, 2009). Brown and Dacin (1997) suggested that CSR associations have significant influence on consumer’s response to new products. The objective of the study is to determine if brand social responsibility influences customers’ purchase decisions and how they cognitively categorize brands. The quantitative methodology involves two different survey instruments designed to be interpreted using Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) and regression analysis. The study confirms that a in house coffee brand offering a high quality product, deploying a brand social responsible strategy can be coveted by the college campus customer with little or no previous experience of the brand

    A temática pobreza no currículo escolar na perspectiva dos professores da educação infantil em uma escola pública de Campo Mourão

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    Orientadora : Profª Ms Jocilene Gordiano Lima Tomaz PereiraMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Educação, Pobreza e Desigualdade SocialInclui referênciasResumo : Este artigo analisa a inserção da temática pobreza nos currículos escolares na perspectiva de professores que atuam na Educação Infantil de uma escola pública localizada na região oeste do munícipio de Campo Mourão, Paraná. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, que busca a partir da análise dos diálogos e das observações realizadas em contexto de Educação Infantil, compreender como os sujeitos desse estudo, estruturam suas práticas pedagógica com relação a dimensão da pobreza. Os resultados sinalizam a grande dificuldade dos docentes para definirem o que de fato é a pobreza, limitando-se a conceituar a pobreza como carência financeira, das quais os próprios alunos são responsáveis por suas condições. Apontam, também, que esses professores expressaram apreensão com relação ao trabalho com a temática, afirmam que preferem "seguir à risca" o que está determinado nos currículos, para que alcancem êxito e evitar fracassos nos anos seguintes, em relação a aprendizagem. Diante do exposto, faz-se necessário que a temática pobreza seja inserida no currículo escolar para que possibilite o reconhecimento das diferentes vivências e experiências dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de educação: educando e educador. É indispensável também que haja reflexões em torno da formação do educador para que trabalhe com as diversidades dentro de sua sala de aula

    The Influence of Diet and Exercise on the Physical Health of Affected Individuals with VCP Disease

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    While there is no curative treatment for the Inclusion body myopathy, Paget disease of bone and/ or frontotemporal dementia (IBMPFD) disorder, it is worthwhile to investigate alternate therapies that may slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life in this patient population. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the impact of diet and exercise changes on the Quality of Life questionnaire. We assessed data from the questionnaire in 30 individuals (mean age 50.86 years; range 27-65 years; 16 Males, 14 Females) that participated in the clinical study of Valosin Containing Protein (VCP) disease. Eleven affected individuals consumed a high fat/sugar diet and 15 low fat/sugar diet of 4.09±0.25 and 1.53±0.13 servings/day respectively. Eleven individuals reported not exercising and 12 reported moderate exercise of 2.44±0.74 hours/week. In this cohort we found significantly higher mean physical health domain score for all those who exercised (P=.02) and surprisingly in those who had a high fat/sugar diet (P=.01). In the high fat/sugar diet group there was a significantly greater ability to walk; greater perceived muscle strength in arms and legs (P=.03; P=.02 and P= .02 respectively). Therefore lifestyle changes with exercise training and a higher fat/ sugar diet may have a beneficial effect in affected individuals with VCP disease. Nevertheless, larger studies with further research are needed to confirm these preliminary studies before making clinical practice recommendations.

    Peeter Espak, The God Enki in Sumerian Royal Ideology and Mythology (Philippika 87)

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    P. Espak’s book The God Enki is a daring attempt to compile and interpret the available Sumerian sources pertaining to the all-important figure of the god Enki/Ea and related deities. The author focuses on two main bodies of evidence: royal inscriptions and mythological texts. References to other sources of information regarding ancient beliefs and worship, such as archaeology, onomastics, religious texts and wisdom literature, appear scattered across the volume where deemed relevant to the a..