1,647 research outputs found

    Bringing Special Collections to Life: Open-Source Tools for Digital Exhibit Creation

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    In 2014, Butler University Libraries received an institutional Innovation Fund grant to implement a large-scale digitization project to facilitate access and discovery of unique institutional holdings. Today, the Butler Digital History Initiative [digitalhistory.butlerlibraryservices.org] is comprised of several digital collections and interactive digital exhibits providing additional context and accessibility to archival materials to external and internal stakeholders. This program will highlight the open-source tools, procedures, and partnerships that enabled Butler University Libraries to bring their special collections to life

    El procés constituent a Equador (2007-2008)

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    Reloaded municipalism: will, politics and institutions

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    Este breve ensayo confronta la experiencia de promoción de instituciones de participación ciudadana en América Latina con la desarrollada recientemente en los ayuntamiento del cambio en España, particularmente en Madrid y Barcelona

    Diet and Exercise-Induced Menstrual Dysfunction in the Female Athlete

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    In recent years there has been an overwhelming increase in the number of females participating in athletic activities. As members of the sports medicine team, physical therapists must be able to recognize afflictions unique to the female athlete. A cluster of increasingly common disorders has been titled the female athlete triad. By definition, it is the inter-relatedness of disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis. Clinically, it may include other factors such as excessive exercise, various degrees and forms of menstrual dysfunction, and additional issues such as fractures, scoliosis, and general musculoskeletal injury. The purpose of this study is to provide information to physical therapists and students regardi.ng components of the \u27triad\u27, related disorders, secondary pathology, and data concerning evaluation and treatment. By identifying problems early in the course of their progression, physical therapists can facilitate timely and appropriate intervention and prevent or minimize the deleterious effects of the \u27triad\u27 and associated disorders

    The Making of a Pathogen: Implications of Phage Domestication in \u3cem\u3eAcinetobacter baumannii\u3c/em\u3e

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    Mutations and horizontal gene transfer have allowed for rapid evolution of many species of bacteria, allowing them to become more virulent and resistant to antibiotics. As a result of these changes, Acinetobacter baumannii has become one of the most prominent drug-resistant bacteria in hospitals. This nosocomial pathogen is capable of causing a range of infections—from pneumonia to sepsis—and is extremely difficult to eradicate from hospital settings. Despite its current status, this species has not always been apparent in healthcare. The emergence of this organism has been extremely rapid; once an innocuous environmental organism, A. baumannii is now resistant to all classes of antibiotics. To better understand its rise to its present status, the genomes of several clinical isolates of A. baumannii were annotated and analyzed. Upon analysis, several intact and incomplete prophages were discovered that were contained within these bacterial chromosomes. Remnants of these bacterial viruses have been shown to be advantageous in a number of other bacteria, but no relationship to A. baumannii has been previously described. Unlike other non-pathogenic Acinetobacter species, A. baumannii has maintained greater numbers of incomplete prophages within its genome, particularly Acinetobacter phage Bϕ-B1251. The acquisition and maintenance of defective phage elements appears to be increasing over time, suggesting that A. baumannii has selected for the advantages they confer

    La participación ciudadana como compromiso democrático

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    La promoción de mecanismos de par- ticipación ciudadana no necesaria- mente conlleva una apuesta decidida por democratizar a la sociedad. Por ejemplo, en ocasiones, los mecanismos de participación pueden ser introducidos con nes meramente electorales o para responder a crisis institucionales en apariencia, sin producir cambios de fondo. Sin embargo, las malas prácti- cas no deben ocultar que la participa- ción es un componente fundamental de la democracia. Más aún, el buen funcionamiento y la ampliación de la participación ciudadana — del ámbito electoral a los procesos de rendición de cuentas y toma de decisiones — pueden jugar un papel destacado al mejorar el desempeño del gobierno y la satisfacción ciudadana con el sistema político. Pero, ¿qué condiciones permiten que los mecanismos de participación contribuyan a profundizar la democracia? Para dar respuesta a esta pregunta, el trabajo procede inductivamente al analizar una selección de institucio- nes en funcionamiento en el nivel lo- cal de gobierno — el concejo vecinal en Montevideo, el consejo comunal en Venezuela, la silla vacía en Ecuador, el presupuesto participativo en la Ciudad de México, la consulta popular en Argentina y la revocatoria del mandato en Perú— del que deriva la identi cación de elementos explicativos de mayor o menor contribución al fortalecimiento de la democracia. To promote mechanisms of citizen’s participation does not necessarily imply a rm commitment to democratize society. For example, sometimes mechanisms of participation can be introduced for electoralist purposes or to resolve institutional crisis in appearance without producing substantial changes. However, bad practices should not hide the fact that participation is an essential component of democracy. Furthermore, well designed and exercised channels of citizen participation can play an important role in improving government performance and citizen’s satisfaction with the political system. But what conditions allow mechanisms of participation to deepen democracy? To answer this question, this work proceeds inductively, analyzing a selection of institutions operating at the local level of government — neighborhood councils in Montevideo, the communal councils in Venezuela, Empty Chair in Ecuador, participatory budgeting in Mexico city, the referendum in Argentina and the recall referenda in Peru —, which resulted in the identi cation of explanatory elements of their degree of contribution to the strengthening of democracy

    Open Educational Resources @ Butler University: Gateway to Access and Advocacy in Open Education

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    This session reports on the progress of the Open Education Resources @ Butler University web portal. The portal was designed with 2 goals: (1) to provide a platform for the advocacy of OERs and (2) to provide an extensive list of resources with consideration given to their integration among departmental introductory courses at Butler. This project explicates a role academic libraries can play in Open Education

    Beyond Utopian and Dystopian approaches to democratic innovation

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    This paper discusses the myths regarding both the conceptualization and the expected effects that are implicitly or explicitly presented in analyses of the so-called ‘democratic innovations’, that is, the new institutions that aim to increase public participation beyond regular elections. It is argued that these myths, together with the (fictitious) confrontation between direct and indirect politics, have generated false oppositions and reductionisms that mask the debate and limit empirical approximations to democratic innovation. A research agenda based on the concept of ‘participatory ecologies’ is suggested as a way to gain an understanding of the mechanisms of participation in a systematic way.Este artículo analiza los mitos que se han construido, tanto en un plano conceptual como de efectos esperados, en torno a las denominadas innovaciones democráticas, entendidas como instituciones destinadas a incrementar la participación ciudadana más allá de las elecciones. Argumentamos que tanto estos mitos como la (ficticia) confrontación entre política directa e indirecta ha generado falsas oposiciones y reduccionismos que enmascaran el debate y limitan el estudio empírico de la innovación democrática. Una agenda de investigación basada en el concepto de ecologías participativas se sugiere para el entendimiento de los mecanismos de participación en forma sistemática.This paper discusses the myths regarding both the conceptualization and the expected effects that are implicitly or explicitly presented in analyses of the so-called ‘democratic innovations’, that is, the new institutions that aim to increase public participation beyond regular elections. It is argued that these myths, together with the (fictitious) confrontation between direct and indirect politics, have generated false oppositions and reductionisms that mask the debate and limit empirical approximations to democratic innovation. A research agenda based on the concept of ‘participatory ecologies’ is suggested as a way to gain an understanding of the mechanisms of participation in a systematic way

    La democracia directa a debate: procesos y mecanismos de participación ciudadana

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    Que la democracia y los procesos de democratización no siguen caminos unidireccionales hacia un único fin o meta es una evidencia. Volver a leer los debates que se dieron durante la independencia de las colonias americanas y la revolución francesa a fines del siglo xviii y, poco más tarde, durante las discusiones que precedieron a la formación de la Confederación Suiza, son tan solo unas pocas pruebas de lo dicho