66 research outputs found

    Superconductivity and Stoichiometry in the BSCCO-family Materials

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    We report on magnetization, c-axis and ab-plane resistivity, critical current, electronic band structure and superconducting gap properties. Bulk measurements and photoemission data were taken on similar samples.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to be published in Journal of Superconductivity. two figures available from Jian Ma at [email protected]

    Magnetic ordering in electronically phase-separated La2-xSrxCuO4+y: Neutron diffraction experiments

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    We present results of magnetic neutron diffraction experiments on the codoped superoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4+y (LSCO+O) system with x=0.09. We find that the magnetic phase is long-range ordered incommensurate antiferromagnetic with a Neacuteel temperature T-N coinciding with the superconducting ordering temperature T-c=40 K. The incommensurability value is consistent with a hole doping of n(h)approximate to 1>8 but in contrast to nonsuperoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4 with hole doping close to n(h)approximate to 18 the magnetic-order parameter is not field dependent. We attribute this to the magnetic order being fully developed in LSCO+O as in the spin and charge ordered "stripe" compounds La1.48Nd0.40Sr0.12CuO4 and La7/8Ba1/8CuO4

    Enhancement of long-range magnetic order by magnetic field in superconducting La2CuO(4+y)

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    We report a detailed study, using neutron scattering, transport and magnetization measurements, of the interplay between superconducting (SC) and spin density wave (SDW) order in La2CuO(4+y). Both kinds of order set in below the same critical temperature. However, the SDW order grows with applied magnetic field, whereas SC order is suppressed. Most importantly, the field dependence of the SDW Bragg peak intensity has a cusp at zero field, as predicted by a recent theory of competing SDW and SC order. This leads us to conclude that there is a repulsive coupling between the two order parameters. The question of whether the two kinds of order coexist or microscopically phase separate is discussed.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Improved discussion in connection with the muSR result

    Quasiparticle photoemission intensity in doped two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Using the self-consistent Born approximation, and the corresponding wave function of the magnetic polaron, we calculate the quasiparticle weight corresponding to destruction of a real electron (in contrast to creation of a spinless holon), as a funtion of wave vector for one hole in a generalized tJt-J model and the strong coupling limit of a generalized Hubbard model. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by exact diagonalization of a sufficiently large cluster. Only the Hubbard weigth compares very well with photoemission measurements in Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Qualitative understanding of the sign of t' asymmetry in the extended t-J Model and relevance for pairing properties

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    Numerical calculations illustrate the effect of the sign of the next nearest-neighbor hopping term t' on the 2-hole properties of the t-t'-J model. Working mainly on 2-leg ladders, in the -1.0 < t'/t < 1.0 regime, it is shown that introducing t' in the t-J model is equivalent to effectively renormalizing J, namely t' negative (positive) is equivalent to an effective t-J model with smaller (bigger) J. This effect is present even at the level of a 2x2 plaquette toy model, and was observed also in calculations on small square clusters. Analyzing the transition probabilities of a hole-pair in the plaquette toy model, it is argued that the coherent propagation of such hole-pair is enhanced by a constructive interference between both t and t' for t'>0. This interference is destructive for t'<0.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PRB as a Rapid Communicatio

    Neutron scattering study of the effects of dopant disorder on the superconductivity and magnetic order in stage-4 La_2CuO_{4+y}

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    We report neutron scattering measurements of the structure and magnetism of stage-4 La_2CuO_{4+y} with T_c ~42 K. Our diffraction results on a single crystal sample demonstrate that the excess oxygen dopants form a three-dimensional ordered superlattice within the interstitial regions of the crystal. The oxygen superlattice becomes disordered above T ~ 330 K, and a fast rate of cooling can freeze-in the disordered-oxygen state. Hence, by controlling the cooling rate, the degree of dopant disorder in our La_2CuO_{4+y} crystal can be varied. We find that a higher degree of quenched disorder reduces T_c by ~ 5 K relative to the ordered-oxygen state. At the same time, the quenched disorder enhances the spin density wave order in a manner analogous to the effects of an applied magnetic field.Comment: 4 figures included in text; submitted to PR

    In-situ epitaxial growth of superconducting La-based bilayer cuprate thin films

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    We investigate the epitaxial growth of bilayer cuprate La2CaCu2O6+\delta using pure ozone as an oxidant, and find that even the crystal with parent composition without cation substitution can show metallic behavior with the aid of epitaxial strain effect. The hole concentration is controlled simply by excess-oxygen doping, and the films grown under the optimum conditions exhibit superconductivity below 30 K. This is the first result on the superconductivity of bilayer La2CaCu2O6+\delta induced purely by the excess oxygen.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication

    Theory for the excitation spectrum of High-T$_c superconductors : quasiparticle dispersion and shadows of the Fermi surface

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    Using a new method for the solution of the FLEX-equations, which allows the determination of the self energy Σk(ω)\Sigma_{\bf k}(\omega) of the 2D2D Hubbard model on the real frequency axis, we calculate the doping dependence of the quasi-particle excitations of High-Tc_c superconductors. We obtain new results for the shadows of the Fermi surface, their dependence on the deformation of the quasi particle dispersion, an anomalous ω\omega-dependence of ImΣk(ω){\rm Im}\Sigma_{\bf k}(\omega) and a related violation of the Luttinger theorem. This sheds new light on the influence of short range magnetic order on the low energy excitations and its significance for photoemission experiments.Comment: 4 pages (REVTeX) with 3 figure

    Dispersion of a single hole in the t-J model

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    The dispersion of a single hole in the t-J model obtained by the exact result of 32 sites and the results obtained by self-consistent Born approximation and the Green function Monte Carlo method can be simply derived by a mean-field theory with d-RVB and antiferromagnetic order parameters. In addition, it offers a simple explanation for the difference observed between those results. The presence of the extended van Hove region at (pi,0) is a consequence of the d-RVB pairing independenct of the antiferromagnetic order. Results including t' and t" are also presented and explained consistently in a similar way.Comment: LaTex file, 5 pages with 5 embedded eps figure

    Hubbard model versus t-J model: The one-particle spectrum

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    The origin of the apparent discrepancies between the one-particle spectra of the Hubbard and t-J models is revealed: Wavefunction corrections, in addition to the three-site terms, should supplement the bare t-J. In this way a quantitative agreement between the two models is obtained, even for the intermediate-UU values appropriate for the high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Numerical results for clusters of up to 20 sites are presented. The momentum dependence of the observed intensities in the photoemission spectra of Sr2CuO2Cl2 are well described by this complete strong-coupling approach.Comment: 4 two-column RevTeX pages, including 4 Postscript figures. Uses epsf. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B, Rapid Communicatio