6 research outputs found

    Multicenter Observational Study to Evaluate the Diagnostic Value of Sonography in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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    (1) Background: Computed tomography (CT) is considered mandatory for assessing the extent of pathologies in the paranasal sinuses (PNS) in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). However, there are few evidence-based data on the value of ultrasound (US) in CRS. This multicenter approach aimed to compare diagnostic imaging modalities in relation to findings during surgery. (2) Methods: 127 patients with CRS were included in this prospective multicenter study. Patients received preoperative US and CT scans. The sensitivity and specificity of CT and US were extrapolated from intraoperative data. (3) Results: CT scans showed the highest sensitivity (97%) and specificity (67%) in assessing CRS. Sensitivities of B-scan US were significantly lower regarding the maxillary sinus (88%), the ethmoid sinus (53%), and the frontal sinus (45%). The highest overall sensitivity was observed for assessing the pathology of the maxillary sinus. (4) Conclusions: We observed high accuracy with CT, confirming its importance in preoperative imaging in CRS. Despite the high US expertise of all investigators and a standardized examination protocol, the validity of CT was significantly higher than US. Ultrasound of the PNS sinuses is applicable in everyday clinical practice but lacks diagnostic accuracy. Nevertheless, it might serve as a complementary hands-on screening tool to directly correlate the clinical findings in patients with PNS disease

    Multicenter observational study to evaluate the diagnostic value of sonography in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

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    (1) Background: Computed tomography (CT) is considered mandatory for assessing the extent of pathologies in the paranasal sinuses (PNS) in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). However, there are few evidence-based data on the value of ultrasound (US) in CRS. This multicenter approach aimed to compare diagnostic imaging modalities in relation to findings during surgery. (2) Methods: 127 patients with CRS were included in this prospective multicenter study. Patients received preoperative US and CT scans. The sensitivity and specificity of CT and US were extrapolated from intraoperative data. (3) Results: CT scans showed the highest sensitivity (97%) and specificity (67%) in assessing CRS. Sensitivities of B-scan US were significantly lower regarding the maxillary sinus (88%), the ethmoid sinus (53%), and the frontal sinus (45%). The highest overall sensitivity was observed for assessing the pathology of the maxillary sinus. (4) Conclusions: We observed high accuracy with CT, confirming its importance in preoperative imaging in CRS. Despite the high US expertise of all investigators and a standardized examination protocol, the validity of CT was significantly higher than US. Ultrasound of the PNS sinuses is applicable in everyday clinical practice but lacks diagnostic accuracy. Nevertheless, it might serve as a complementary hands-on screening tool to directly correlate the clinical findings in patients with PNS disease

    Rare Differential Diagnosis of Dyspnea: Extramedullary Plasmocytoma (EMP) of the Larynx—Case Report and Review of the Latest Literature of Laryngeal EMP and Laryngeal Involvement of Multiple Myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) of the larynx is extremely rare. It can be either a laryngeal manifestation of a general multiple myeloma or it can occur as a primary laryngeal mass, which is then called extramedullary plasmocytoma (EMP). We present the case of an 81-year-old male patient who was admitted for dyspnea. He had a history of multiple myeloma but was in complete remission since some years. Histological and immunohistological examination of tissue samples revealed an EMP. The patient was first treated by laser surgery in order to reduce the tumor mass and secure the airway. Afterwards, he was systematically treated by radiation therapy with 60 Gy, which achieved a good response and complete remission proven by control laryngoscopy and histological examination of tissue samples taken from the former tumor area three months after laser excision. The latest literature in the field is reviewed. There were only ten cases of EMP in the larynx or laryngeal involvement of MM published within the last five years (Pubmed was searched for “larynx,” “laryngeal” and “EMP,” “Extramedullary Myeloma,” “Multiple Myeloma,” and “MM”). Due to its rarity, there are currently no evidence-based therapeutic guidelines available. For their development, multicenter studies are required

    Position paper: Suggestions for patient information and education before application of biologics in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) - Part 2: Omalizumab. Recommendations of the Medical Association of German Allergologists (AeDA) and the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (DGHNOKHC)

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    International audienceHintergrund: Die chronische Rhinosinusitis mit Nasenpolypen (CRSwNP) ist eine multifaktorielle entzündliche Erkrankung, oftmals auf der Grundlage einer Typ-2-Inflammation. Für die Behandlung von Patienten mit einer schweren Ausprägung ohne ausreichendes Ansprechen auf die Standardtherapie mit topischen nasalen Steroiden und/oder Zustand nach endonasaler Operation sind als Biologika aktuell Dupilumab und Omalizumab für die Therapie zugelassen. Nachdem wir in einer früheren Publikation für Dupilumab bereits entsprechende Hinweise gegeben haben, ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit die Standardisierung von Patienteninformation und -aufklärung vor einer Therapie mit Omalizumab.Methoden: Auf Grundlage des aktuellen Wissensstandes zur Immunologie der CRSwNP und zu den erwünschten und möglichen unerwünschten Wirkungen von Omalizumab werden Empfehlungen für die Patienteninformation entwickelt.Ergebnisse: Basierend auf der internationalen Literatur, der aktuellen Fachinformation und Erfahrungen aus der praktischen Anwendung und den derzeitigen Pharmakovigilanz-Daten hat ein Expertengremium Empfehlungen für die Patienteninformation und -aufklärung zur Anwendung von Omalizumab bei CRSwNP entwickelt und auf dieser Grundlage einen Patienteninformations- und Aufklärungsbogen erstellt.Schlussfolgerung: Die Information und Einwilligung des Patienten wird vor der Verordnung bzw. Verabreichung von allen Biologika, damit auch Omalizumab, empfohlen. Das vorliegende Positionspapier enthält wichtige Informationen zur praktischen Umsetzung und einen Vorschlag für eine Patienteninformation