605 research outputs found

    The Effects of Line Dancing on Balance and Coordination in the Elderly

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if a six-week line dancing program has a significant effect on balance and coordination in a geriatric population. If proven effective, line dancing can be added to the options available to physical therapists for balance and coordination training. A total of 12 volunteer subjects participated in this study. They were separated into two groups, a control group (n = 6, 4 females and 2 males), and a dance group (n = 6, all female) according to participant\u27s preference. Subjects were in good health, were high functioning , and were found to be at a low risk for falls. Age of subjects ranged from 72 to 94 years, with a mean age of 85.67. The study format involved an initial and final evaluation using the Berg Balance Measure and the coordination assessment from O\u27Sullivan and Schmitz. Following the initial assessment, the control group was instructed to continue their normal activities during the following six-week period. The dancing group participated in a line dancing exercise program two times per week for the six weeks. Following the six-week period, the Berg Balance Measure and the coordination assessment from O\u27Sullivan and Schmitz were re-administered. A Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare the control group to the dance group using scores from both the Berg and the coordination tests. A Wilcoxon T-test was also used to compare the control group scores before versus after the six-week period and the dancing group scores before versus after six weeks of dancing. An alpha level of p = .05 was used to determine significance for all tests. At the beginning of the study, there was no significant difference between the two groups for either test (z = -.165, P = .869 for the Berg; z = -.647, P = .517 for the coordination test). Following six weeks of dancing, there was a significant difference between the control group and the dance group (z = -2.123, P = .034 for the Berg; z = -2.500, P = .012 for the coordination test). The results also demonstrated no significant change in scores in the control group (z = -.743, P = .458 for the Berg; z = -1.289, P = .197 for the coordination test), but a significant increase in the scores from the dance group following six weeks of dancing (z = - 2.14, P = .027 for the Berg; z = -2.264, P = .024 for the coordination test). A six-week line dancing program significantly improved scores on the Berg Balance Measure and the coordination assessment from O\u27Sullivan and Schmitz. Line dancing can be an effective tool for physical therapists to use for balance and coordination training with the elderly

    Ureide accumulation in faba bean (Vicia faba, L.)

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a cool season crop that uses symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation to obtain atmospheric nitrogen (N), a limiting macronutrient, for growth and maintenance of the plant. Most cool season legumes like faba bean transport N from the nodules as amides, which are metabolized in destination tissues. Ureide metabolism is a catabolic process that produces N rich compounds from purine rings. Many warm season legumes such as soybean and common bean produce ureides (allantoin and allantoate) in their root nodules and then use these molecules to transport fixed nitrogen from root to shoot. Non-ureide exporting plants such as faba bean also produce ureides in normal purine recycling whereby these compounds may play a role in response to abiotic stress. This research aims to examine possible differences in ureide metabolism across genotypes and to assess the role of ureides in response to water limitation. In field grown faba bean, total ureides were found in highest concentrations in leaf tissue, followed by reproductive parts, stems, and nodules, but were not found to differ significantly among genotypes. Ureide concentrations varied throughout the growing season, decreasing over time as the plants reached physiological maturity. A water limitation experiment of faba bean grown in a controlled environment showed that faba bean accumulated the ureides allantoin and allantoate after six to eight days of water limitation when all data were pooled. However, no consistent trend was observed comparing results by genotype, and inoculated versus non-inoculated plants. Overall, results indicate that faba bean likely does not use ureides to transport symbiotically fixed N and that ureide accumulation in field grown plants is most likely in response to abiotic stress or remobilization of purine N from senescing tissues

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    Mathematics teacher educators’ addressing the common core standards for mathematical practice in content courses for prospective elementary teachers: A focus on critiquing the reasoning of others

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    Over the last forty years, standards and recommendations for teachers and learners of K-12 mathematics in the US have evolved to highlight mathematical practices (e.g., Common Core State Standards of Mathematics, Standards for Mathematical Practice [SMPs]). Practice standards (i.e., SMPs) describe mathematical competencies that should be developed in learners of mathematics at all levels. National organizations (e.g., Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences) have specifically called for attention to be given to SMPs in collegiate mathematics content courses for prospective elementary (ages 5-12) teachers (PTs). The goal of this paper is to help instructors of such courses, especially those new to the field of mathematics education, gain familiarity with the organizations and documents that support the development of these practices and conceptualize ways in which they might engage PTs in their content courses in SMPs. First, we synthesize the evolution of mathematics standards for K-12 learners and teachers in the US. Second, we report results from an investigation into the ways in which mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) are addressing SMPs in their content courses for PTs. In this study, SMP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others was reported by MTEs as being addressed in their courses more than any other SMP. This finding precipitated a qualitative analysis of the ways in which PTs were being provided opportunities to engage in SMP 3 within the descriptions and samples of tasks provided by the MTEs. We will share and discuss example tasks that provided opportunities for PTs to analyze others’ thinking. Lastly, we consider the potential benefits of leveraging children’s thinking in SMP 3-related tasks for PTs and provide resources for MTEs who are interested in utilizing samples of children’s thinking in their classes

    Modelo de perda de pacote para projeto e simulação de sistemas de controle em rede sem fio

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Eduardo Parente RibeiroDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/05/2016Inclui referências : f. 61-63Área de concentração: Sistemas eletrônicosResumo: A compreensão da dinâmica intr?nseca em um sistema de controle de rede sem fios (WNCS - Wireless Networked Control System) é relevante para o desenvolvimento e análise de estratégias de controle que proporcionem o funcionamento do sistema em condições adversas, como em casos onde ocorre uma alta taxa de perda de pacotes durante a comunicação. A perda de pacotes é uma das principais deficiências presentes na transmissão de dados sem fios, as quais afetam diretamente a qualidade do sistema de controle. Desse modo um modelo de perda de pacotes preciso é muito importante para o projeto e simulação de WNCS. Neste sentido o presente trabalho analisou o comportamento de um processo, em diferentes níveis de perda de pacotes utilizando o protocolo IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) 802.15.4. Foram comparados dois modelos de perda de pacotes, a fim de verificar qual o modelo pode representar melhor esse comportamento em um WNCS. O comportamento real da transmissão foi obtido mediante comunicação entre dois n'os xbees modelo s1. Sobre as perdas reais foram ajustados dois modelos de perdas de pacotes, sendo estes os modelos de Bernoulli, modelo utilizado em softwares de simulação de WNCS/NCS, tal qual TRUETIME e o modelo de Gilbert-Elliot. As análises mostraram em que condições os modelos de perdas diferem na representação do comportamento real do WNCS. Ambos os modelos representaram bem baixas taxas de perdas, mas o modelo de Gilbert-Elliot mostrou ser uma melhor representação para taxas de perdas mais elevadas. Palavras-chave: Sistema de controle em rede, perda de pacote, modelo de Gilbert- Elliot, modelo de Bernoulli.Abstract: The understanding of intrinsic dynamics of a wireless networked control system (WNCS) is relevant to the development and analysis of control strategies to enable the operation of the system under adverse conditions. Packet loss is one of the main deficiencies present in wireless data transmission. An accurate packet loss model is very important to WNCS design and simulation. We analyzed the behavior of a plant under different levels of packet loss using the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. We compared two models of packet loss in order to check which model can better represent this behavior in a WNCS. The results demonstrate in which conditions the Gilbert-Elliot and Bernoulli models differ in the representation of packet loss for a WNCS. Gilbert model showed to be a better representation specially for higher loss ratios. Key words: WNCS, packet loss, Gilbert-Elliot model, Bernoulli model

    Limbitis Secondary to Autologous Serum Eye Drops in a Patient with Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis

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    Purpose. Report a case of limbitis secondary to autologous serum eye drops in a patient with atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Design. Interventional case report. Methods. A 32-year-old African American female with atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC) presented with chronic dry eye and diffuse punctate epithelial erosions refractory to conservative treatment. She was initially managed with cyclosporine ophthalmic 0.05% in addition to preservative-free artificial tears and olopatadine hydrochloride 0.2% for 6 months. She was later placed on autologous serum eye drops (ASEDs) and 4 weeks into treatment developed unilateral limbitis. The limbitis resolved shortly after stopping ASEDs in that eye; however, the drops were continued in the contralateral eye, which subsequently developed limbitis within 2 weeks. ASEDs were discontinued in both eyes, and the patient has remained quiet ever since. Results. Patient with a history of AKC and no prior history of limbitis developed limbitis shortly after starting ASEDs, which resolved promptly after discontinuation of therapy with no subsequent recurrence of inflammation. Conclusion. ASEDs are widely used in the treatment of complicated or treatment refractory dry eye. The potential side effects should be kept in mind when prescribing ASEDs for any patient, especially in those with underlying immunological diseases and circulating inflammatory factors


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    A metrópole traz consigo novas constituições e características que consequentemente influenciam numa nova configuração da religião vivida neste contexto. O presente artigo busca entender a vivência do cristianismo católico em contexto de metrópole. A partir de pesquisa que acompanhou o processo catequético na paróquia Nossa Senhora da Conceição, em São Paulo, pudemos elencar e analisar as características do cristianismo paroquial na perspectiva da subjetividade do indivíduo metropolitano, da crise das instituições e de uma moral pautada no bem-estar. A religião em contexto metropolitano assume cada vez mais características de prestação de serviço.Data de submissão: 30-09-2015. Aprovado em: outubro de 2016.doi: 10.20426/P.2178-8162.2016v7n14p02

    Modeling Hydrogen Networks for Future Energy Systems: A Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches

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    Common energy system models that integrate hydrogen transport in pipelines typically simplify fluid flow models and reduce the network size in order to achieve solutions quickly. This contribution analyzes two different types of pipeline network topologies (namely, star and tree networks) and two different fluid flow models (linear and nonlinear) for a given hydrogen capacity scenario of electrical reconversion in Germany to analyze the impact of these simplifications. For each network topology, robust demand and supply scenarios are generated. The results show that a simplified topology, as well as the consideration of detailed fluid flow, could heavily influence the total pipeline investment costs. For the given capacity scenario, an overall cost reduction of the pipeline costs of 37% is observed for the star network with linear cost compared to the tree network with nonlinear fluid flow. The impact of these improvements regarding the total electricity reconversion costs has led to a cost reduction of 1.4%, which is fairly small. Therefore, the integration of nonlinearities into energy system optimization models is not recommended due to their high computational burden. However, the applied method for generating robust demand and supply scenarios improved the credibility and robustness of the network topology, while the simplified fluid flow consideration can lead to infeasibilities. Thus, we suggest the utilization of the nonlinear model for post-processing to prove the feasibility of the results and strengthen their credibility, while retaining the computational performance of linear modeling