17,971 research outputs found

    Comparative assessment of LANDSAT-4 MSS and TM data quality for mapping applications in the southeast

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    The initial objectives of analyses of the MSS data are two-fold: (1) to evaluate the geodetic accuracy of CCT-P data of the test sites; and (2) to improve the geodetic accuracy by additional processing if the original data either do not meet pre-launch specifications or mapping requirements. The location of 45 ground control points (GCP) digitized from 35 U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 scale quadrangles (UTM coordinates) were identified in terms of pixel and scan line values. These 46 points are used to establish UTM position error vector distributions in the scene. As an initial check on the geometric reliability of the MSS data, 28 well-distributed GCPs were input to a program which compares the scaled image distances between all possible point pairs with the corresponding map distances and computes the distance differences; that is, the relative positional errors. The relative errors obtained from initial computations averaged about +/- 200 m. These errors could result from a number of sources, including misidentification of GCP locations, UTM coordinate errors introduced by the map digitizing process or errors resulting from data acquisition and geometric processing

    Map accuracy requirements: The cartographic potential of satellite image data

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    Cartographic products fall into a variety of classes: topographic maps that are concerned with planimetric information and elevations or heights; thematic maps, which might be used for geology, vegetation, water, or to display these subjects; digital elevation maps that would be produced from digital terrain data; and finally image maps. In terms of satellite applications, thematic maps and image maps are emphasized. The objectives are to consider, first, if resolution will be adequate for the identification of control and for the compilation of map products. Then, second, to define map accuracy standards and to determine the potential for meeting these standards with image data from the film camera, scanner and linear array systems of the 1980s

    Gender differences in expectancy of academic success in mathematics

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    Cartographic quality of ERTS-1 images

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    Analyses of simulated and operational ERTS images have provided initial estimates of resolution, ground resolution, detectability thresholds and other measures of image quality of interest to earth scientists and cartographers. Based on these values, including an approximate ground resolution of 250 meters for both RBV and MSS systems, the ERTS-1 images appear suited to the production and/or revision of planimetric and photo maps of 1:500,000 scale and smaller for which map accuracy standards are compatible with the imaged detail. Thematic mapping, although less constrained by map accuracy standards, will be influenced by measurement thresholds and errors which have yet to be accurately determined for ERTS images. This study also indicates the desirability of establishing a quantitative relationship between image quality values and map products which will permit both engineers and cartographers/earth scientists to contribute to the design requirements of future satellite imaging systems

    Processing irrelevant location information: practice and transfer effects in a Simon task.

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    How humans produce cognitively driven fine motor movements is a question of fundamental importance in how we interact with the world around us. For example, we are exposed to a constant stream of information and we must select the information that is most relevant by which to guide our actions. In the present study, we employed a well-known behavioral assay called the Simon task to better understand how humans are able to learn to filter out irrelevant information. We trained subjects for four days with a visual stimulus presented, alternately, in central and lateral locations. Subjects responded with one hand moving a joystick in either the left or right direction. They were instructed to ignore the irrelevant location information and respond based on color (e.g. red to the right and green to the left). On the fifth day, an additional testing session was conducted where the task changed and the subjects had to respond by shape (e.g. triangle to the right and rectangle to the left). They were instructed to ignore the color and location, and respond based solely on the task relevant shape. We found that the magnitude of the Simon effect decreases with training, however it returns in the first few trials after a break. Furthermore, task-defined associations between response direction and color did not significantly affect the Simon effect based on shape, and no significant associative learning from the specific stimulus-response features was found for the centrally located stimuli. We discuss how these results are consistent with a model involving route suppression/gating of the irrelevant location information. Much of the learning seems to be driven by subjects learning to suppress irrelevant location information, however, this seems to be an active inhibition process that requires a few trials of experience to engage

    Geometric accuracy of LANDSAT-4 MSS image data

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    Analyses of the LANDSAT-4 MSS image data of North Georgia provided by the EDC in CCT-p formats reveal that errors of approximately + or - 30 m in the raw data can be reduced to about + or - 55 m based on rectification procedures involving the use of 20 to 30 well-distributed GCPs and 2nd or 3rd degree polynomial equations. Higher order polynomials do not appear to improve the rectification accuracy. A subscene area of 256 x 256 pixels was rectified with a 1st degree polynomial to yield an RMSE sub xy value of + or - 40 m, indicating that USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle-sized areas of LANDSAT-4 data can be fitted to a map base with relatively few control points and simple equations. The errors in the rectification process are caused by the spatial resolution of the MSS data, by errors in the maps and GCP digitizing process, and by displacements caused by terrain relief. Overall, due to the improved pointing and attitude control of the spacecraft, the geometric quality of the LANDSAT-4 MSS data appears much improved over that of LANDSATS -1, -2 and -3

    A Design Strategy for Deadlock-Free Concurrent Systems

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    When building concurrent systems, it would be useful to have a collection of reusable processes to perform standard tasks. However, without knowing certain details of the inner workings of these components, one can never be sure that they will not cause deadlock when connected to some particular network. Here we describe a hierarchical method for designing complex networks of communicating processeswhich are deadlock-free.We use this to define a safe and simple method for specifying the communication interface to third party software components. This work is presented using the CSP model of concurrency and the occam2.1 programming language

    An interregional analysis of natural vegetation analogues using ERTS-1 imagery

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    The identification of ecological analogs of natural vegetation and food crops using ERTS-1 imagery is discussed. Signatures of four natural vegetation analogs have been determined from color photography. Color additive techniques to improve the photointerpretation are examined. Tests were conducted at test sites in Louisiana, California, and Colorado
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