62 research outputs found

    Improved Approximate String Matching and Regular Expression Matching on Ziv-Lempel Compressed Texts

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    We study the approximate string matching and regular expression matching problem for the case when the text to be searched is compressed with the Ziv-Lempel adaptive dictionary compression schemes. We present a time-space trade-off that leads to algorithms improving the previously known complexities for both problems. In particular, we significantly improve the space bounds, which in practical applications are likely to be a bottleneck

    Fast Searching in Packed Strings

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    Given strings PP and QQ the (exact) string matching problem is to find all positions of substrings in QQ matching PP. The classical Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm [SIAM J. Comput., 1977] solves the string matching problem in linear time which is optimal if we can only read one character at the time. However, most strings are stored in a computer in a packed representation with several characters in a single word, giving us the opportunity to read multiple characters simultaneously. In this paper we study the worst-case complexity of string matching on strings given in packed representation. Let mnm \leq n be the lengths PP and QQ, respectively, and let σ\sigma denote the size of the alphabet. On a standard unit-cost word-RAM with logarithmic word size we present an algorithm using time O\left(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + m + \occ\right). Here \occ is the number of occurrences of PP in QQ. For m=o(n)m = o(n) this improves the O(n)O(n) bound of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Furthermore, if m=O(n/logσn)m = O(n/\log_\sigma n) our algorithm is optimal since any algorithm must spend at least \Omega(\frac{(n+m)\log \sigma}{\log n} + \occ) = \Omega(\frac{n}{\log_\sigma n} + \occ) time to read the input and report all occurrences. The result is obtained by a novel automaton construction based on the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm combined with a new compact representation of subautomata allowing an optimal tabulation-based simulation.Comment: To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms. Special Issue on CPM 200

    Tests of sunspot number sequences: 1. Using ionosonde data

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    More than 70 years ago it was recognised that ionospheric F2-layer critical frequencies [foF2] had a strong relationship to sunspot number. Using historic datasets from the Slough and Washington ionosondes, we evaluate the best statistical fits of foF2 to sunspot numbers (at each Universal Time [UT] separately) in order to search for drifts and abrupt changes in the fit residuals over Solar Cycles 17-21. This test is carried out for the original composite of the Wolf/Zürich/International sunspot number [R], the new “backbone” group sunspot number [RBB] and the proposed “corrected sunspot number” [RC]. Polynomial fits are made both with and without allowance for the white-light facular area, which has been reported as being associated with cycle-to-cycle changes in the sunspot number - foF2 relationship. Over the interval studied here, R, RBB, and RC largely differ in their allowance for the “Waldmeier discontinuity” around 1945 (the correction factor for which for R, RBB and RC is, respectively, zero, effectively over 20 %, and explicitly 11.6 %). It is shown that for Solar Cycles 18-21, all three sunspot data sequences perform well, but that the fit residuals are lowest and most uniform for RBB. We here use foF2 for those UTs for which R, RBB, and RC all give correlations exceeding 0.99 for intervals both before and after the Waldmeier discontinuity. The error introduced by the Waldmeier discontinuity causes R to underestimate the fitted values based on the foF2 data for 1932-1945 but RBB overestimates them by almost the same factor, implying that the correction for the Waldmeier discontinuity inherent in RBB is too large by a factor of two. Fit residuals are smallest and most uniform for RC and the ionospheric data support the optimum discontinuity multiplicative correction factor derived from the independent Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) sunspot group data for the same interval

    The roles of the formal and informal sectors in the provision of effective science education

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    For many years, formal school science education has been criticised by students, teachers, parents and employers throughout the world. This article presents an argument that a greater collaboration between the formal and the informal sector could address some of these criticisms. The causes for concern about formal science education are summarised and the major approaches being taken to address them are outlined. The contributions that the informal sector currently makes to science education are identified. It is suggested that the provision of an effective science education entails an enhanced complementarity between the two sectors. Finally, there is a brief discussion of the collaboration and communication still needed if this is to be effective

    Developing and Testing a Theoretical Framework for Computer-Mediated Transparency of Local Governments

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    This article contributes to the emerging literature on transparency by developing and empirically testing a theoretical framework that explains the determinants of local government Web site transparency. It aims to answer the following central question: What institutional factors determine the different dimensions of government transparency? The framework distinguishes three dimensions of transparency—decision making transparency, policy information transparency, and policy outcome transparency—and hypothesizes three explanations for each: organizational capacity, political influence, and group influence on government. Results indicate that each dimension of transparency is associated with different factors. Decision-making transparency is associated with political influence; when left-wing parties are strong in the local council, local government tends to be more transparent. Policy information transparency is associated with media attention and external group pressure, and policy outcome transparency is associated with both external group pressure and the organizational capacity. The authors discuss the implications for policy and administratio

    The Global Scientific Workforce (GTEC) Framework

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    Research on the globalization of scientific workforce is not keeping pace with reality, and our understanding of the dynamics of the global scientific workforce is plagued with significant conceptual and empirical gaps. This paper builds on prior research, but moves in a somewhat different direction. Rather than considering the foreign status of the individuals based on one or two dichotomous indicators, this paper 1) recognizes that “foreign-ness” is a multidimensional concept, closely linked to the notion of “globalness” and more complex than birthplace or education location; 2) develops a theoretical framework to characterize the globalized scientific workforce. We propose the Global Scientific Workforce (GTEC) Framework that takes into account different global characteristics of individuals, global cognitions, global community and global institutional context. The framework is used to explain key outcomes including perceived racial and ethnic bias and discrimination, dissatisfaction, isolation and mobility intent, among others