589 research outputs found

    Mid‐level intrusions at the continental shelf edge

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    Observations across the continental shelf offshore from New Jersey in late summer 1976 show an intrusion of saline water at the mid level of the water column across the shelf edge front, which appears in density only as an offshore thickening of the pycnocline. This internal density field produces horizontal pressure gradient forces within the pycnocline in the onshore direction. These forces, in the linearized equation of motion with a constant eddy viscosity, drive a circulation which resembles a double Ekman spiral for internal pressure vertical distributions which are thin with respect to the Ekman depth. For thick pressure distributions, the circulation is geostrophic. The resulting flow pattern has no net crossshelf transport. For the continental shelf edge in the example, a northward geostrophic mid-level jet is predicted by the theory. Ekman depth, and thus the vertical coefficient of eddy viscosity, can be determined from hydrographic data describing an intrusion

    Solid rocket motor witness test

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    The Solid Rocket Motor Witness Test was undertaken to examine the potential for using thermal infrared imagery as a tool for monitoring static tests of solid rocket motors. The project consisted of several parts: data acquisition, data analysis, and interpretation. For data acquisition, thermal infrared data were obtained of the DM-9 test of the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor on December 23, 1987, at Thiokol, Inc. test facility near Brigham City, Utah. The data analysis portion consisted of processing the video tapes of the test to produce values of temperature at representative test points on the rocket motor surface as the motor cooled down following the test. Interpretation included formulation of a numerical model and evaluation of some of the conditions of the motor which could be extracted from the data. These parameters included estimates of the insulation remaining following the tests and the thickness of the charred layer of insulation at the end of the test. Also visible was a temperature signature of the star grain pattern in the forward motor segment

    Fine Scale Circulation Near Foxtrot in Hampton Roads, Virginia

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    During 1974 the Virginia Institute of Marine Science conducted a series of oceanographic, water quality and modeling studies for the outfall from the proposed Nansemond Wastewater Treatment Plant (VIMS, 1975). One of these studies included dye releases to determine the dispersion and transport of material discharged to Hampton Roads near Pig Point. These dye releases were made from the munitions loading piers known as Foxtrot . The proposed outfall, as given in the Facilities Plan is located roughly one kilometer to the east-south-east of Foxtrot. Tidal circulation in Hampton Roads is quite complex and there was concern that the distribution patterns for material released at the two sites would differ appreciably. Therefore a fine scale circulation study was conducted in the vicinity of Foxtrot

    On the use of drift bottle and seabed drifter data in coastal management

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    The use of drift bottle and seabed drifter information for use in coastal management is discussed. The drift bottle/seabed drifter portion of VIMS project MACONS (Mid Atlantic Continental Shelf) is described as an example of how a comprehensive survey using drift bottles and seabed drifters provides data useful for coastal management. The data from MACONS are analyzed to answer specific questions of interest to several different coastal managers: a manager siting a deep oil port, one siting a sewage outfall, a manager responsible for setting up emergency beach protection procedures before an accident occurs, and a manager responsible for the environmental quality of a particular small section of coastline

    Method of remotely characterizing thermal properties of a sample

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    A sample in a wind tunnel is radiated from a thermal energy source outside of the wind tunnel. A thermal imager system, also located outside of the wind tunnel, reads surface radiations from the sample as a function of time. The produced thermal images are characteristic of the heat transferred from the sample to the flow across the sample. In turn, the measured rates of heat loss of the sample are characteristic of the flow and the sample

    A surface circulation study in middle Elizabeth River

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    A new oil refinery has been proposed to be located in Portsmouth, Virginia south of the Hampton Roads area. The Virginia Institute of Marine Science was asked by NUS Corporation to conduct a surface circulation study to assemble the characteristics of the flow near Lambert Point on the Elizabeth River (Figure 3.1). This report includes a review of the previous work in the area, a description of the particular experiments performed, and an interpretation of the data in terms of surface circulation. Several small oil slicks were incidentally observed during the experiments and their behavior has been discussed in relation to the observed surface circulation

    Seasat SAR test of the Virginian Sea Wave Climate Model

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    Coastal wave refraction imaged by the Seasat Synthetic Aperture Radar is compared to simulations produced by the Virginian Sea Wave Climate Model. Seasat SAR passes 974 at Cape Hatteras, and 974 and 1404 at Long Island, were examined using OFT and ZTS methods. Results generally confirm the validity of linear wave theory in modeling of shallow-water wave refraction --roughly half the deviations between VSWCM and SAR data for direction and wavelength are within 2 degrees and 10 meters. Convergence of wave orthogonals is found in predicted caustic regions. Available bathymetric data were adequate for the analysis. Some details in the pattern of deviations near Cape Hatteras suggested current shear and tidal effects associated with the Gulf Stream

    Regional Comparisons of Satellite (AVHRR) and Space Shuttle (MAPS) Derived Estimates of CO and Aerosol Concentrations

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    Biomass burning is considered to be a major source of trace gas species and aerosol particles which play a vital role in tropospheric chemistry and climate. Anthropogenic biomass burning has largely expanded in the last 15 years, due to increased deforestation practices in the Amazon Basin, as well as to clear land for shifting cultivation in South America, southern Asia, and Africa. Biomass burning produces large amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide (CO), water, hydrocarbons, nitrous oxides, and smoke particles

    Light scattering study of the “pseudo-layer” compression elastic constant in a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal

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    The nematic twist-bend (TB) phase, exhibited by certain achiral thermotropic liquid crystalline (LC) dimers, features a nanometer-scale, heliconical rotation of the average molecular long axis (director) with equally probable left- and right-handed domains. On meso to macroscopic scales, the TB phase may be considered as a stack of equivalent slabs or “pseudo-layers”, each one helical pitch in thickness. The long wavelength fluctuation modes should then be analogous to those of a smectic-A phase, and in particular the hydrodynamic mode combining “layer” compression and bending ought to be characterized by an effective layer compression elastic constant Beff and average director splay constant Keff1. The magnitude of Keff1 is expected to be similar to the splay constant of an ordinary nematic LC, but due to the absence of a true mass density wave, Beff could differ substantially from the typical value of ∼10⁶ Pa in a conventional smectic-A. Here we report the results of a dynamic light scattering study, which confirms the “pseudo-layer” structure of the TB phase with Beff in the range 10³–10⁴ Pa. We show additionally that the temperature dependence of Beff at the TB to nematic transition is accurately described by a coarse-grained free energy density, which is based on a Landau-deGennes expansion in terms of a heli-polar order parameter that characterizes the TB state and is linearly coupled to bend distortion of the director