112 research outputs found

    Vibrational dephasing in molecular mixed crystals:a picosecond time domain CARS study of pentacene in naphthalene and benzoic acid

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    Multiresonant time-domain coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) experiments have been employed in a study of the decay of vibrational coherences of pentacene doped into naphthalene and benzoic acid. In all cases, the CARS decay is found to be exponential, which indicates that the electronic and vibronic inhomogeneities in this system are strongly correlated. The temperature dependence of vibrational dephasing shows no effect of coupling to the lowest-frequency librational mode of pentacene that is known to dominate electronic dephasing. This surprising result can be understood on basis of a dephasing model where rapid coherence exchange exists between a cold vibrational transition and a corresponding near-resonant librationally hot one. For the 767 cm–1 vibrational transition, oscillations of the CARS signal as a function of delay are shown to arise from interference at the detector with a nearby naphthalene host signal. An inconsistency with a previously reported spontaneous Raman study is resolved by showing that the signal observed there is actually site-selected fluorescence

    Observation of force-detected nuclear magnetic resonance in a homogeneous field

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    We report the experimental realization of BOOMERANG (better observation of magnetization, enhanced resolution, and no gradient), a sensitive and general method of magnetic resonance. The prototype millimeter-scale NMR spectrometer shows signal and noise levels in agreement with the design principles. We present H-1 and F-19 NMR in both solid and liquid samples, including time-domain Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy, multiple-pulse echoes, and heteronuclear J spectroscopy. By measuring a H-1-F-19 J coupling, this last experiment accomplishes chemically specific spectroscopy with force-detected NMR. In BOOMERANG, an assembly of permanent magnets provides a homogeneous field throughout the sample, while a harmonically suspended part of the assembly, a detector, is mechanically driven by spin-dependent forces. By placing the sample in a homogeneous field, signal dephasing by diffusion in a field gradient is made negligible, enabling application to liquids, in contrast to other force-detection methods. The design appears readily scalable to µm-scale samples where it should have sensitivity advantages over inductive detection with microcoils and where it holds great promise for application of magnetic resonance in biology, chemistry, physics, and surface science. We briefly discuss extensions of the BOOMERANG method to the µm and nm scales

    Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Time Optimal Control of Three Spin Systems: Quantum Gates and Coherence Transfer

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    Many coherence transfer experiments in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, involving network of coupled spins, use temporary spin-decoupling to produce desired effective Hamiltonians. In this paper, we show that significant time can be saved in producing an effective Hamiltonian, if spin-decoupling is avoided. We provide time optimal pulse sequences for producing an important class of effective Hamiltonians in three spin networks. These effective Hamiltonians are useful for coherence transfer experiments and implementation of quantum logic gates in NMR quantum computing. It is demonstrated that computing these time optimal pulse sequences can be reduced to geometric problems that involve computing sub-Riemannian geodesics on Homogeneous spaces

    Force-detected nuclear magnetic resonance: Recent advances and future challenges

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    We review recent efforts to detect small numbers of nuclear spins using magnetic resonance force microscopy. Magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) is a scanning probe technique that relies on the mechanical measurement of the weak magnetic force between a microscopic magnet and the magnetic moments in a sample. Spurred by the recent progress in fabricating ultrasensitive force detectors, MRFM has rapidly improved its capability over the last decade. Today it boasts a spin sensitivity that surpasses conventional, inductive nuclear magnetic resonance detectors by about eight orders of magnitude. In this review we touch on the origins of this technique and focus on its recent application to nanoscale nuclear spin ensembles, in particular on the imaging of nanoscale objects with a three-dimensional (3D) spatial resolution better than 10 nm. We consider the experimental advances driving this work and highlight the underlying physical principles and limitations of the method. Finally, we discuss the challenges that must be met in order to advance the technique towards single nuclear spin sensitivity -- and perhaps -- to 3D microscopy of molecules with atomic resolution.Comment: 15 pages & 11 figure

    Total spin coherence transfer echo spectroscopy

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    The sensitivity of multiple quantum NMR transitions to magnetic field inhomogeneity and the relative phases and amplitudes of multiple quantum lines are discussed. The technique of total spin coherence transfer echo spectroscopy (TSCTES) is described and experimentally demonstrated. The TSCTES method allows multiple quantum spectra to be obtained which are free of inhomogeneous magnet broadening, yet remain sensitive to spin–spin couplings and chemical shift differences. The method takes advantage of the properties of the total spin coherence, the unique transition between the extreme eigenstates of a coupled spin system. Experimental results are reported for partially oriented acetaldehyde and are analyzed in terms of irreducible tensor operators. Limitations on the method and extensions to heteronuclear spin systems are also discussed

    Theory of selective excitation of multiple-quantum transitions

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    The question of whether a molecule can be made to absorb and emit photons only in groups of n is treated. Pulse sequences are introduced which in effect selectively induce the absorption of only groups of n photons. This causes only n-quantum transitions even when many other transitions might be resonant. The technique involves repeated phase shifts of 2pi/n in the radiation to build up the selected coherences and cancel all other coherences, and is applicable to a wide range of spectroscopic systems. Coherent averaging theory is extended to describe selective sequences and demonstrates that n-quantum selectivity is possible to arbitrarily high order in the average Hamiltonian expansion. High-order selectivity requires many phase shifts, however, and for this reason the residual nonselective effects of sequences which are selective to only a finite order are calculated. Selective sequences are applied to the multiple-quantum NMR of oriented molecules, where in combination with time reversal sequences they produce a much more efficient transfer of the population differences into selected coherences than is obtainable by normal wideband pumping. For example, the 10-quantum transition in a 10-spin system can be enhanced by more than four orders of magnitude. Experiments on selective excitaiton of the 4-quantum transitions in oriented benzene verify the expected enhancement

    Determination of dipole coupling constants using heteronuclear multiple quantum NMR

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    The problem of extracting dipole couplings from a system of N spins I = 1/2 and one spin S by NMR techniques is analyzed. The resolution attainable using a variety of single quantum methods is reviewed. The theory of heteronuclear multiple quantum (HMQ) NMR is developed, with particular emphasis being placed on the superior resolution available in HMQ spectra. Several novel pulse sequences are introduced, including a two-step method for the excitation of HMQ coherence. Experiments on partially oriented [1−13C] benzene demonstrate the excitation of the necessary HMQ coherence and illustrate the calculation of relative line intensities. Spectra of high order HMQ coherence under several different effective Hamiltonians achievable by multiple pulse sequences are discussed. A new effective Hamiltonian, scalar heteronuclear recoupled interactions by multiple pulse (SHRIMP), achieved by the simultaneous irradiation of both spin species with the same multiple pulse sequence, is introduced. Experiments are described which allow heteronuclear couplings to be correlated with an S-spin spreading parameter in spectra free of inhomogeneous broadening

    Fourier transform pure nuclear quadrupole resonance by pulsed field cycling

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    We report the observation of Fourier transform pure NQR by pulsed field cycling. For deuterium, well resolved spectra are obtained with high sensitivity showing the low frequency nu0 lines and allowing assignments of quadrupole couplings and asymmetry parameters to inequivalent deuterons. The technique is ideally applicable to nuclei with low quadrupolar frequencies (e.g., 2D, 7Li, 11B, 27Al, 23Na, 14N) and makes possible high resolution structure determination in polycrystalline or disordered materials

    An optical NMR spectrometer for Larmor-beat detection and high-resolution POWER NMR

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    Optical nuclear magnetic resonance (ONMR) is a powerful probe of electronic properties in III-V semiconductors. Larmor-beat detection (LBD) is a sensitivity optimized, time-domain NMR version of optical detection based on the Hanle effect. Combining LBD ONMR with the line-narrowing method of POWER (perturbations observed with enhanced resolution) NMR further enables atomically detailed views of local electronic features in III-Vs. POWER NMR spectra display the distribution of resonance shifts or line splittings introduced by a perturbation, such as optical excitation or application of an electric field, that is synchronized with a NMR multiple-pulse time-suspension sequence. Meanwhile, ONMR provides the requisite sensitivity and spatial selectivity to isolate local signals within macroscopic samples. Optical NMR, LBD, and the POWER method each introduce unique demands on instrumentation. Here, we detail the design and implementation of our system, including cryogenic, optical, and radio-frequency components. The result is a flexible, low-cost system with important applications in semiconductor electronics and spin physics. We also demonstrate the performance of our systems with high-resolution ONMR spectra of an epitaxial AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction. NMR linewidths down to 4.1 Hz full width at half maximum were obtained, a 10^3-fold resolution enhancement relative any previous optically detected NMR experiment
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