6,233 research outputs found

    Distortion-Rate Function of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Gaussian Sources

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    The amount of information lost in sub-Nyquist sampling of a continuous-time Gaussian stationary process is quantified. We consider a combined source coding and sub-Nyquist reconstruction problem in which the input to the encoder is a noisy sub-Nyquist sampled version of the analog source. We first derive an expression for the mean squared error in the reconstruction of the process from a noisy and information rate-limited version of its samples. This expression is a function of the sampling frequency and the average number of bits describing each sample. It is given as the sum of two terms: Minimum mean square error in estimating the source from its noisy but otherwise fully observed sub-Nyquist samples, and a second term obtained by reverse waterfilling over an average of spectral densities associated with the polyphase components of the source. We extend this result to multi-branch uniform sampling, where the samples are available through a set of parallel channels with a uniform sampler and a pre-sampling filter in each branch. Further optimization to reduce distortion is then performed over the pre-sampling filters, and an optimal set of pre-sampling filters associated with the statistics of the input signal and the sampling frequency is found. This results in an expression for the minimal possible distortion achievable under any analog to digital conversion scheme involving uniform sampling and linear filtering. These results thus unify the Shannon-Whittaker-Kotelnikov sampling theorem and Shannon rate-distortion theory for Gaussian sources.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE transactions on information theor

    Global environmental effects of impact-generated aerosols: Results from a general circulation model

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    Cooling and darkening at Earth's surface are expected to result from the interception of sunlight by the high altitude worldwide dust cloud generated by impact of a large asteroid or comet, according to the one-dimensional radioactive-convective atmospheric model (RCM) of Pollack et al. An analogous three-dimensional general circulation model (GCM) simulation obtains the same basic result as the RCM but there are important differences in detail. In the GCM simulation the heat capacity of the oceans, not included in the RCM, substantially mitigates land surface cooling. On the other hand, the GCM's low heat capacity surface allows surface temperatures to drop much more rapidly than reported by Pollack et al. These two differences between RCM and GCM simulations were noted previously in studies of nuclear winter; GCM results for comet/asteroid winter, however, are much more severe than for nuclear winter because the assumed aerosol amount is large enough to intercept all sunlight falling on Earth. In the simulation the global average of land surface temperature drops to the freezing point in just 4.5 days, one-tenth the time required in the Pollack et al. simulation. In addition to the standard case of Pollack et al., which represents the collision of a 10-km diameter asteroid with Earth, additional scenarios are considered ranging from the statistically more frequent impacts of smaller asteroids to the collision of Halley's comet with Earth. In the latter case the kinetic energy of impact is extremely large due to the head-on collision resulting from Halley's retrograde orbit

    Toward an Integrated Theory of Delinquency Responsibility

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    Rotation and Color Properties of the Nucleus of Comet 2P/Encke

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    We present results from CCD observations of comet 2P/Encke acquired at Steward Observatory's 2.3m Bok Telescope on Kitt Peak obtained in Oct. 2002, when the comet was near aphelion. Rotational lightcurves in B, V and R-filters were acquired over two nights of observations, and analysed to study the physical and color properties of the nucleus. The average apparent R-filter magnitude across both nights corresponds to a mean effective radius of 3.95 +/- 0.06 km. The rotational lightcurve results in a nucleus axial ratio a/b >= 1.44 +/- 0.06 and semi-axes lengths of [3.60 +/- 0.09] x [5.20 +/- 0.13] km. Our data includes the first detailed time series multi-color measurements of a cometary nucleus, and significant color variations were seen. The average color indices across both nights are: (V-R) = 0.39 +/- 0.06 and (B-V) = 0.73 +/- 0.06 (R_mean = 19.76 +/- 0.03). We linked our data with the September 2002 data from Fernandez et al. (2005) - taken just 2-3 weeks before the current data set - and we show that a rotation period of 11.083 +/- 0.003hours works extrememly well for the combined data set.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icarus (Dec 2006). 27 page

    Cloning of terminal transferase cDNA by antibody screening

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    A cDNA library was prepared from a terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-containing thymoma in the phage vector λgt11. By screening plaques with anti-terminal transferase antibody, positive clones were identified of which some had β-galactosidase-cDNA fusion proteins identifiable after electrophoretic fractionation by immunoblotting with anti-terminal transferase antibody. The predominant class of cross-hybridizing clones was determined to represent cDNA for terminal transferase by showing that one representative clone hybridized to a 2200-nucleotide mRNA in close-matched enzyme-positive but not to enzyme-negative cells and that the cDNA selected a mRNA that translated to give a protein of the size and antigenic characteristics of terminal transferase. Only a small amount of genomic DNA hybridized to the longest available clone, indicating that the sequence is virtually unique in the mouse genome

    The effects of a plasma in the near-zone field of an antenna Final report

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    Radiating energy from antenna immersed in finite plasm

    An interstellar precursor mission

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    A mission out of the planetary system, with launch about the year 2000, could provide valuable scientific data as well as test some of the technology for a later mission to another star. Primary scientific objectives for the precursor mission concern characteristics of the heliopause, the interstellar medium, stellar distances (by parallax measurements), low energy cosmic rays, interplanetary gas distribution, and mass of the solar system. Secondary objectives include investigation of Pluto. Candidate science instruments are suggested. Individual spacecraft systems for the mission were considered, technology requirements and problem areas noted, and a number of recommendations made for technology study and advanced development. The most critical technology needs include attainment of 50-yr spacecraft lifetime and development of a long-life NEP system

    A Reproductive-Resting Stage in an Harpacticoid Copepod, and the Significance of Genetically Based Differences Among Populations

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    Dormancy is an important life-history strategy which allows copepods to increase their fitness by delaying growth and reproduction until harsh environmental conditions have ameliorated. For marine species, the primary strategies identified to date include the production of dormant eggs by shallow-water species, and copepodite overwintering in deep-water species. Herein, we describe a third strategy in which fertilized adult females enter a “reproductive-resting” stage during the late fall that allows them to overwinter and provide a first source of spring naupliar recruitment. This strategy has been observed in the estuarine copepod Coullana canadensis, but may also occur in other species. Laboratory studies indicate that daylength and temperature are the environmental cues that induce the developing female copepodite to switch between active reproduction and reproductive-resting stage. In Maine populations, daylengths equal to 14 h induce \u3e90% of the females to reduce development rate and accumulate lipid before maturation and mating. The resulting females, however, do not develop ova regardless of food level. A similar reproductive-resting stage is triggered at daylengths/or dramatically increased temperature. Cross breeding experiments indicate that the daylength triggered switch to reproductive-resting is under tight genetic control. Daylength likely serves as a critical cue for all populations in differentiating between the onset of harsh (i.e., winter) and favorable (i.e., spring) environmental conditions. At these times water temperatures are similar, but daylengths are different. Population differences in the daylength necessary to trigger the reproductive-resting strategy likely reflect latitudinal variation in the period over which environmental conditions are conducive to population growth