1,883 research outputs found

    Masculine Failure and Male Violence in Noah Hawley’s Fargo

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    ‘Quality’ television drama is drama marketed as being filmic and boundary-pushing, yet it tackles the concept of masculinity in highly normative ways. Scholars argue that many quality television shows feature narratives of men struggling against emasculation at the hands of contemporary society before using violence to assert their masculinity by force. However, this interpretation is limited, assuming that all quality television shows which engage with violent masculinities root this violence in normative, ‘aggressive’ masculinity. In many cases, the violent masculinities of quality television are anything but normatively masculine: they are inescapably queer and othered. Using a queer theoretical framework, this essay explores an illustrative example: Season One of Noah Hawley’s anthology series Fargo (2014–). Within this season, male violence is an expression of queer masculinities, offering a transgressive space which questions the coherence of the masculine body and exposes its vulnerabilities. While threats of violence are a way to demonstrate and approximate normative masculinity, these normatively masculine performances can be conquered by direct acts of violence, which are positioned as being queerly ambiguous. Violence between men functions as an erotic transgression of bodily boundaries: weapons allow men to ‘penetrate’ other men, to act on violent desire in a sexualised context. Men can also weaponise their emasculation, violently embracing their ‘failure’ to perform normative masculinity rather than struggling against it, which allows them to access the danger of ‘failed’ masculinity and othered femininity. This queer form of violence allows men to claim power over other men, in contrast to the idea that ‘failed’ masculinities are necessarily physically weak and non-violent. The show’s most brutal acts of male violence are not in conflict with the unattainability of normative masculinity, but instead expressions of ‘othered’, maligned masculinities. The show thus reinforces normative masculinity through the othering and villainisation of queer masculinities

    Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs

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    NGO aid is still widely believed to be superior to official aid (ODA). However, the incentives of NGOs to excel and target aid to the poor and deserving are increasingly disputed. We contribute to the emerging literature on the allocation of NGO aid by performing panel Tobit estimations for Swiss NGOs. The analysis offers new insights in two major regards: First, we cover the allocation of both self-financed and officially co-financed aid for a large panel of NGOs and recipient countries. Second, by classifying each NGO according to its financing structure, we address the unresolved question of whether financial dependence on the government impairs the targeting of NGO aid. It turns out that NGOs mimic the state as well as NGO peers. Officially refinanced NGOs are more inclined to imitate the allocation of ODA. However, the degree of financial dependence does not affect the poverty orientation of NGO aid and the incentives of NGOs to engage in easier environments. The allocation of self-financed aid differs in several respects from the allocation of officially co-financed aid, including the role of financial dependence for imitating the state and herding among NGOs

    Endocrine Disruptors and Leydig Cell Function

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    During the past decades, a large body of information concerning the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) on animals and humans has been accumulated. EDCs are of synthetic or natural origin and certain groups are known to disrupt the action of androgens and to impair the development of the male reproductive tract and external genitalia. The present overview describes the effects of the different classes of EDCs, such as pesticides, phthalates, dioxins, and phytoestrogens, including newly synthesized resveratrol analogs on steroidogenesis in Leydig cells. The potential impact of these compounds on androgen production by Leydig cells during fetal development and in the adult age is discussed. In addition, the possible role of EDCs in connection with the increasing frequency of abnormalities in reproductive development in animals and humans is discussed

    Process Combination of VPP-LED and Vacuum Die Casting for Producing Complex Ceramic 3D-MID

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    Future developments lead to increasing demands on mechatronic integrated devices (MID). Therefore, ceramics have to be used as substrate material and conductor tracks have to be located in the interior of components to be sufficiently protected. A process combination of vat photopolymerization (VPP-LED) and vacuum die casting is investigated for realizing such structures. First, optimized process parameters are derived by studying the filling behavior of straight capillaries. Subsequently, the results are transferred to complex additively manufactured substrates to derive design guidelines

    Structural and magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3_3Si superlattice in cylindrical geometry

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    The structure and the magnetic properties of an InGaAs/Fe3Si superlattice in a cylindrical geometry are investigated by electron microscopy techniques, x-ray diffraction and magnetometry. To form a radial superlattice, a pseudomorphic InGaAs/Fe3As bilayer has been released from its substrate self-forming into a rolled-up microtube. Oxide-free interfaces as well as areas of crystalline bonding are observed and an overall lattice mismatch between succeeding layers is determined. The cylindrical symmetry of the final radial superlattice shows a significant effect on the magnetization behavior of the rolled-up layers

    Comparison of a 2-Layer Electric Fence and a Single Strand Electric Fence in Mitigating Browsing of Impatiens by White-Tailed Deer

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate two electric fence configurations in minimizing damage to impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Each of 3 sites consisted of 3 plots (3mx3m), containing 16, evenly spaced impatiens planted on the perimeter of each plot. Plots within each site had a control, single strand and 2-layered electric fence. Control plots had no fencing. Single strand plots had one electrified wire attached to posts at 40 cm height, surrounding the plot. Two-layered electric fence had energized wire attached to posts at 25 cm and 60 cm height, on the perimeter of the plot. A second, single electrified wire was attached to posts at 25 cm height, 1 m to the exterior of the two strand fence. Eight plants within each plot was photographed weekly for 3-weeks. The percentage of total pixels containing plant material in each photo was used to determine changes in plant growth. The percentage of pixels containing impatiens plants was lower (

    Field Evaluation of Two External Attachment Location of Radio Transmitters on Non-Venomous Rat Snakes (elaphe obsolete)

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of external attachment of radio transmitters at one of two locations on mature rat snakes (Elaphe obsolete). Transmitters were attached to mature snakes (n = 10; 136.7cm ± 6.4) on either the ventral surface (n = 5) or dorsal-lateral surface of the rib cage (n = 5), approximately 25cm cranially to the cloaca. Transmitters (18mm × 8mm × 2mm) were attached by one drop of acrylamide gel glue to the adhering side of camouflage duct tape (20cm × 30mm), a single drop of glue on the exposed side of the transmitter, and secured by wrapping the tape to the snake’s body with the transmitter in the appropriate location. A second piece of duct tape (20cm × 40mm) overlapped and secured the first piece of tape with the transmitter. Snakes were placed in a 0.1ha plastic fence enclosure, (128.5cm ± 0.5 height, and 17.1° ± 0.5 inward slope) in an unimproved pasture with numerous hides, water and food. Snakes (n = 4) shed their skin and the transmitter, within 6- 17d post-attachment (11.7d ± 2.4). Snakes (n = 4) escaping the enclosure and not located, ranged from 1- 21d post-attachment, (12.3d ± 4.7). There was no difference (p \u3e 0.05) in functional days snakes were located by radio telemetry due to attachment site or sex. Transmitter reception distance was typically \u3c 50m and often problematic. Results of this study suggest that the location of external attachment of transmitters had no influence on duration of effectiveness. However, shedding and limited telemetry range under these conditions should be considered to determine if the methodology is appropriate for the desired objectives

    Staphylococcus aureus Endocarditis as a Complication of Toxocariasis-Associated Endomyocarditis With Fibrosis: A Case Report

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    Complications associated with Toxocara canis infection are rare. We present a case of a patient with Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis as a complication of an endomyocardial fibrosis caused by T canis. The epidemiological, pathological, and clinical features of this rare complication are described here

    Three-centre cluster structure in 11C and 11B

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    Studies of the 16O(9Be,alpha 7Be)14C, 7Li(9Be,alpha 7Li)5He and 7Li(9Be,alpha alpha t)5He reactions at E(beam)=70 and 55 MeV have been performed using resonant particle spectroscopy techniques. The 11C excited states decaying into alpha+7Be(gs) are observed between 8.5 and 13.5 MeV. The alpha+7Li(gs), alpha+7Li*(4.652 MeV) and t+8Be(gs) decays of 11B excited states between 9 and 19 MeV are observed. The decay processes are used to indicate the possible three-centre 2alpha+3He (2alpha+3H) cluster structure of observed states. This cluster structure is more prominent in the positive-parity states, where two rotational bands with large deformations are suggested. Excitations of some of the observed T=1/2 resonances coincide with the energies of previously measured T=3/2 isobaric analogs of the 11Be states,indicating that these states may have mixed isospin.Comment: Contribution for the proceedings of the NUSTAR'05: NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK; accepted for publication in Journal of Physics