498 research outputs found

    Market Work, Home Production, Consumer Demand and Unemployment among the Unskilled

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    We propose and test a general equilibrium model in which longer working time and higher labor force participation lead to a fall in unemployment. Longer working hours and higher labor force participation have two direct effects: People have higher incomes and less (leisure) time. This has implications for the composition of consumer demand, since people spend less time on home production. Instead, they outsource more domestic tasks to the market. Consumer demand shifts toward unskill-intensive goods. The relative demand for unskilled labor rises and unemployment falls. We test our model in two ways: First, we study the link between labor market partici- pation, home production and the demand for household and similar services using the German time use survey conducted in 1991/92. Second, we use cross-country time- series data on OECD countries between 1980 and 2003 to directly examine the link between labor force participation and the unemployment rate. The empirical results corroborate the predictions from the theoretical model.

    The Power of Narrative: A Practical Guide to Creating Decolonial, Community-Based Projects

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    Focusing on the potential for narrative-driven, community-based projects to foster intergenerational connections and mobilize communities on behalf of social justice, this chapter aims to serve as a guide for practitioners. The guidance offered here was developed over two decades of work on oral history and narrative-based projects in a range of national and community contexts that include South Africa and the Americas. Beginning with a short overview of core concepts in narrative and decolonial theory and method, readers are taken through a series of seven questions designed to help them establish a practical, ethical framework for designing, launching, and maintaining narrative based projects of their own. The chapter concludes with a reflection on self-care for practitioners, a too often neglected component of academic or professional fieldwork

    Coming North to the South: Migration, Labor and City-Building in Twentieth-Century Miami

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    Over the past decade, scholars have worked to develop a rich array of transnational and global theories to better explain the cultural, social, and demographic processes that take place within nations, and which transcend them. As Shelley Fisher Fishkin reminded us in her presidential address to the annual meeting of the American Studies Association last year, As the transnational becomes more central . . . we are likely to focus not only on the proverbial immigrant who leaves somewhere called \u27home\u27 to make a new home in the United States, but also on the endless process of comings and goings that create familial, cultural, linguistic, and economic ties across national borders. The need for historical study of these processes, however, remains. While these processes may have deepened in contemporary times, for many migrants and border communities, transnationalism has long been a way of life

    Gemeinsam statt einsam : Führen generationenübergreifende Betätigungen zu einer besseren Lebensqualität bei älteren Menschen?

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    Thema: Infolge des demografischen Wandels gibt es in der Schweiz eine immer grössere Anzahl älterer Menschen und die sozialen Beziehungen dieser Menschen nehmen stetig ab. Vor allem ältere Menschen in einer Institution sind dem Risiko einer sozialen Isolation ausgesetzt. Dies kann zu einer Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität führen. Generationenübergreifende Betätigungen mit Kindern sollen dem gegensteuern. Fragestellung: Wie wirken sich generationenübergreifende Betätigungen mit Kindern auf die Lebensqualität der älteren Menschen in Institutionen aus? Methode: Durch eine systematische Literaturrecherche wurden fünf Hauptstudien kritisch überprüft und mit der Theorie der Lebensqualität diskutiert. Ergebnisse von generationenübergreifenden Betätigungen werden verglichen und ein Transfer für die Praxis abgeleitet. Ergebnisse: Generationenübergreifende Betätigungen führen zu positiven und negativen Auswirkungen der Lebensqualität auf der physischen, psychischen und sozialen Ebene. Qualitativ werden generationenübergreifende Betätigungen im Vergleich zu normalen Aktivitäten mit mehr Vergnügen wahrgenommen und tragen dazu bei, dass Bewohner einer Institution vermehrt soziale Kontakte haben. Dies soll das Risiko einer sozialen Isolation vermindern. Schlussfolgerung: Die Lebensqualität ist abhängig von der subjektiven Sicht einer Person und kann mittels generationenübergreifenden Betätigungen gesteigert werden. Daher sehen die Verfasserinnen grosses Potenzial in diesen Betätigungen für die Institutionen in der Schweiz

    Transilluminated biomicroscopy and infrared photography of in-vivo meibomian gland morphology

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    In-vivo examination of meibomian gland structure is not possible with present biomicroscopy equipment and techniques. Recently, direct visualization of meibomian gland morphology has been described using a transillumination light probe and high-speed infrared photography. We performed transilluminated meibomian gland photography on 124 eyes of 62 subjects ranging in age from 21 to 45. The subject\u27s subjective symptoms for meibomian gland dysfunction ranged from no symptoms to severe. All participants in this study were students at Pacific University College of Optometry and approximately half of the subjects were current contact lens wearers. The results showed that clear, quantatatable photography of meibomian gland structure could be obtained with this technique. This procedure proved to be a relatively simple in office technique for detailed in-vivo assessment of meibomian gland structures. Through this technique we hope to gain a new level of knowledge on the anatomical changes which take place secondary to meibomian gland congestion

    Conditional drug approval as a path to market for oncology drugs in Canada: Challenges and recommendations for assessing eligibility and regulatory responsiveness

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    International drug regulators use conditional drug approval mechanisms to facilitate faster patient access to drugs based on a lower evidentiary standard typically required of drug approvals. Faster and earlier access is justified by limiting eligibility to drugs intended for serious and life-threatening diseases and by requiring post-market evidence collection to confirm clinical benefit. One such mechanism in Canada, the Notice of Compliance with Conditions (NOC/c) policy, was introduced in 1998. Today, most of the drugs approved under the NOC/c policy are for oncology indications. We analyze oncology drugs approvals under the NOC/c policy to inform discussions of two tradeoffs applied to conditional drug approvals, eligibility criteria and post-market evidence. Our analysis informs recommendations for Canada\u27s proposed regulatory reforms approach to conditional approvals pathways. Our analysis demonstrates that under the current policy, eligibility criteria are insufficiently defined, resulting in their inconsistent application by Health Canada. Regulatory responsiveness to post-market evidence from post-market clinical trial and foreign jurisdiction regulatory decisions is slow and insufficient. In the absence of sufficient regulatory responsiveness, physicians and patients must make clinical decisions without the benefit of the best available evidence. Together, our analysis of the two core tradeoffs in Canada\u27s conditional drug approval provides insight to inform the further development of Canada\u27s proposed agile regulatory approach to drugs and devices that will expand the use of terms and conditions

    We Are All Teachers: A Collaborative Approach to Digital Collection Development

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    In libraries and archives, efforts to document underrepresented communities and diversify collections can be fraught with political tension. We explore an interdepartmental collaboration to create and preserve a digital collection documenting the Urban Native Relocation Program of the mid- to late-twentieth century in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Involving the Grand Valley State University Libraries, the Kutsche Office of Local History, and the university’s Native American Advisory Board, the project serves as a model not just for collaborative collection development but also for community engagement and outreach. We find that process is as important as product in developing collaborative digital collections

    Repairs of Time References in Psychodiagnostic Talks

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    This paper explores interaction in psychotherapy. The main object of research are the situa-tions in which patients show difficulties in formulating time frames or temporally organiz-ing life events. The data was collected by the study group of the OPD (Operationalisierte Psychodynamische Diagnostik), who establish theories on how to improve the results of psychotherapy. The theoretical background of this paper is the research of Celia Kitzinger and Sigmund Freud. The former focuses on repair in spoken interaction and technologies of repair in interactions, the latter published a scholarly piece about his findings on slips of the tongue, forgetting names, false memories, and other similar phenomena. With the help tran-scripts from recordings of two psychotherapy sessions, I discovered that when talking about time, patients always refer to incidents that influenced their life thereafter. Furthermore, when slipping while trying to determine a certain point of their life, it eventually indicates an event they tried to forget, replace or refer to as being aggravating

    Identification and mechanistic characterization of DLX6-AS1 lncRNA in prostate cancer

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    Deregulation of promoter methylation is a well-defined phenomenon in prostate cancer (PCa). This does not only lead to the inactivation of tumor suppressors but also to the activation of oncogenes, enabling the acquisition of the hallmarks of cancer. Accumulating evidence suggests that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in DNA methylation and demethylation processes through recruitment of DNA methylation modifiers to specific genomic locations. Since alterations in DNA methylation of protein-coding genes are associated with prostate carcinogenesis and might be regulated by cis transcribed RNAs, we aimed to identify lncRNAs involved in DNA (de)methylation mechanisms in PCa. By integrating DNA methylation and RNA sequencing data generated by collaborators from the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) project, we have identified the lncRNA DLX6-AS1 as the potential regulator of the cis protein-coding gene DLX6. DLX6 and DLX6-AS1 transcript expression is upregulated and significantly correlates in two independent cohorts of PCa patients, as well as in five different cancer entities. In line with elevated expression levels of DLX6/DLX6-AS1, the DLX6 promoter region is hypomethylated in tumor samples. The impact of elevated DLX6/DLX6-AS1 levels on patient’s prognosis varies with the tumor type. The clinical data corroborate our hypothesis that DLX6-AS1 can regulate the cis protein-coding gene DLX6 by decreasing DLX6 promoter DNA methylation. Nevertheless, we showed through loss- and gain-of-function approaches that DLX6-AS1 does not regulate DLX6 at the transcript level by influencing local DNA methylation levels. The sequence features as well as the association to polysomes of the major splice variant of DLX6-AS1 (DLX6-AS1 T1), suggests rather a DLX6 protein synthesis regulatory role for this transcript. Detailed investigation of the function and expression pattern of all DLX6-AS1 splice variants in different cancer types will help to clarify the link between DLX6/DLX6-AS1 expression and patients’ prognosis

    Immigration, Race, and Nation: Baltimore's Immigrant Recruitment and Response, 1880-1910

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    In the period immediately following the Civil War, Maryland was among the southern states to pursue an active campaign to recruit European immigrants. This paper explores these efforts as well as the response of residents already residing in the state, and strives to locate these initiatives within the broader context of race relations across the region
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