127 research outputs found

    Chesapeake Bay benthic community restoration goals

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    Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages have been an integral part of the Chesapeake Bay monitoring program since its inception due to their ecological importance and their value as biological indicators. The condition of benthic assemblages reflects an integration of temporally variable environmental conditions and the effects of multiple types of environmental stresses. As such, benthic assemblages provide a useful complement to more temporally variable chemical and water quality monitoring measures. While assessments using benthic monitoring data have been useful for characterizing changes in environmental conditions at individual sites over time, and for relating the condition of sites to pollution loadings and sources, the full potential of these assessments for addressing larger management questions, such as What is the overall condition of the Bay? or How does the condition of various tributaries compare? has not yet been realized. Regional-scale assessments of ecological status and trends using benthic assemblages are limited by the fact that benthic assemblages are strongly influenced by naturally varying habitat elements, such as salinity, sediment type, and depth. Such natural variability confounds interpretation of differences in the benthic community differences as simple responses to anthropogenic environmental perturbations. An additional limitation is that different sampling methodologies used in various programs often constrain the extent to which the benthic data can be integrated for a unified assessment. The objective of this project was to develop a practical and conceptually sound framework for assessing benthic environmental conditions in Chesapeake Bay that would address the general constraints and limitations just described. This was accomplished by standardizing benthic data from several different monitoring programs to allow their integration into a single, coherent data base. From that data base a set of measures (Chesapeake Bay Benthic Restoration Goals) was developed to describe characteristics of benthic assemblages expected at sites having little evidence of environmental stress or disturbance. Using these goals, benthic data from any part of the Bay could be compared to determine whether conditions at that site met, were above, or were below expectations defined for reference sites in similar habitats

    Correlation between Quantitative PCR and Culture-Based Methods for Measuring Enterococcus spp. over Various Temporal Scales at Three California Marine Beaches

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    ABSTRACT Several studies have examined how fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) measurements compare between quantitative PCR (qPCR) and the culture methods it is intended to replace. Here, we extend those studies by examining the stability of that relationship within a beach, as affected by time of day and seasonal variations in source. Enterococcus spp. were quantified at three southern California beaches in the morning and afternoon using two qPCR assays, membrane filtration, and defined-substrate testing. While qPCR and culture-based measurements were consistently and significantly correlated, strength of the correlation varied both among and within beaches. Correlations were higher in the morning (0.45 < ρ < 0.74 [ P < 0.002]) than in the afternoon (0.18 < ρ < 0.45 [ P < 0.021]) and higher when the fecal contamination was concentrated (0.38 < ρ < 0.83 [ P < 0.001]) than when it was diffuse (0.19 < ρ < 0.34 [ P < 0.003]). The ratios of culture-based and qPCR results (CFU or most probable number [MPN] per calibrator cell equivalents [CCE]) also varied spatially and temporally. Ratios ranged between 0.04 and 0.85 CFU or MPN per CCE and were lowest at the beach affected by diffuse pollution. Patterns in the ratios over the course of the day were dissimilar across beaches, increasing with time at one beach and decreasing at another. The spatial and temporal variability we observed indicate that the empirical relationship between culture-based and qPCR results is not universal, even within a beach

    Virulence Genes among Enterococcus faecalis

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    Most Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium are harmless to humans; however, strains harboring virulence genes, including esp, gelE, cylA, asa1, and hyl, have been associated with human infections. E. faecalis and E. faecium are present in beach waters worldwide, yet little is known about their virulence potential. Here, multiplex PCR was used to compare the distribution of virulence genes among E. faecalis and E. faecium isolated from beaches in Southern California and Puerto Rico to isolates from potential sources including humans, animals, birds, and plants. All five virulence genes were found in E. faecalis and E. faecium from beach water, mostly among E. faecalis. gelE was the most common among isolates from all source types. There was a lower incidence of asa1, esp, cylA, and hyl genes among isolates from beach water, sewage, septage, urban runoff, sea wrack, and eelgrass as compared to human isolates, indicating that virulent strains of E. faecalis and E. faecium may not be widely disseminated at beaches. A higher frequency of asa1 and esp among E. faecalis from dogs and of asa1 among birds (mostly seagull) suggests that further studies on the distribution and virulence potential of strains carrying these genes may be warranted

    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Toward Synthesis of Thresholds of Ocean Acidification Impacts on Calcifying Pteropods and Interactions With Warming

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    Interpreting the vulnerability of pelagic calcifiers to ocean acidification (OA) is enhanced by an understanding of their critical thresholds and how these thresholds are modified by other climate change stressors (e.g., warming). To address this need, we undertook a three-part data synthesis for pteropods, one of the calcifying zooplankton group. We conducted the first meta-analysis and threshold analysis of literature characterizing pteropod responses to OA and warming by synthetizing dataset comprising of 2,097 datapoints. Meta-analysis revealed the extent to which responses among studies conducted on differing life stages and disparate geographies could be integrated into a common analysis. The results demonstrated reduced calcification, growth, development, and survival to OA with increased magnitude of sensitivity in the early life stages, under prolonged duration, and with the concurrent exposure of OA and warming, but not species-specific sensitivity. Second, breakpoint analyses identified OA thresholds for several endpoints: dissolution (mild and severe), calcification, egg development, shell growth, and survival. Finally, consensus by a panel of pteropod experts was used to verify thresholds and assign confidence scores for five endpoints with a sufficient signal: noise ratio to develop life-stage specific, duration-dependent thresholds. The range of aragonite saturation state from 1.5–0.9 provides a risk range from early warning to lethal impacts, thus providing a rigorous basis for vulnerability assessments to guide climate change management responses, including an evaluation of the efficacy of local pollution management. In addition, meta-analyses with OA, and warming shows increased vulnerability in two pteropod processes, i.e., shell dissolution and survival, and thus pointing toward increased threshold sensitivity under combined stressor effect

    Redox-Induced Src Kinase and Caveolin-1 Signaling in TGF-β1-Initiated SMAD2/3 Activation and PAI-1 Expression

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    Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a major regulator of the plasmin-based pericellular proteolytic cascade, is significantly increased in human arterial plaques contributing to vessel fibrosis, arteriosclerosis and thrombosis, particularly in the context of elevated tissue TGF-β1. Identification of molecular events underlying to PAI-1 induction in response to TGF-β1 may yield novel targets for the therapy of cardiovascular disease.Reactive oxygen species are generated within 5 minutes after addition of TGF-β1 to quiescent vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) resulting in pp60(c-src) activation and PAI-1 expression. TGF-β1-stimulated Src kinase signaling sustained the duration (but not the initiation) of SMAD3 phosphorylation in VSMC by reducing the levels of PPM1A, a recently identified C-terminal SMAD2/3 phosphatase, thereby maintaining SMAD2/3 in an active state with retention of PAI-1 transcription. The markedly increased PPM1A levels in triple Src kinase (c-Src, Yes, Fyn)-null fibroblasts are consistent with reductions in both SMAD3 phosphorylation and PAI-1 expression in response to TGF-β1 compared to wild-type cells. Activation of the Rho-ROCK pathway was mediated by Src kinases and required for PAI-1 induction in TGF-β1-stimulated VSMCs. Inhibition of Rho-ROCK signaling blocked the TGF-β1-mediated decrease in nuclear PPM1A content and effectively attenuated PAI-1 expression. TGF-β1-induced PAI-1 expression was undetectable in caveolin-1-null cells, correlating with the reduced Rho-GTP loading and SMAD2/3 phosphorylation evident in TGF-β1-treated caveolin-1-deficient cells relative to their wild-type counterparts. Src kinases, moreover, were critical upstream effectors of caveolin-1(Y14) phosphoryation and initiation of downstream signaling.TGF-β1-initiated Src-dependent caveolin-1(Y14) phosphorylation is a critical event in Rho-ROCK-mediated suppression of nuclear PPM1A levels maintaining, thereby, SMAD2/3-dependent transcription of the PAI-1 gene

    Party identification and party closeness in comparative perspective

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    The present analysis uses data from 1974 and 1981 U. S. cross sections, which incorporate a panel, to compare the standard NES measure of party identification (ID) with a measure of partisanship derived from a party closeness question widely employed in cross-national research. Important features of the two scales are examined by transforming the closeness measure into a scale of very close, fairly close, not very close, and no preference corresponding to the seven-point ID scale. The scales are highly correlated and are similar in their reliability. More than 75% of the “independents” in the ID scale choose a party in the closeness version, and over half of these select the “fairly close” category. Respondents do not volunteer that they are independents when that alternative is not stated in the question.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45482/1/11109_2004_Article_BF00990552.pd