591 research outputs found

    Relaxation mechanisms of multi-quantum coherences in the Zeeman structure of atomic Cs trapped in solid He

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    This paper extends our previous work on near-degenerate magnetic resonance transitions in alkali ground states involving the simultaneous absorption of multiple radio-frequency quanta. New experimental results with an improved spectral resolution were obtained with cesium atoms trapped in the cubic phase of a helium crystal. The main objective of the paper is a theoretical study of the influence of stochastic perturbations of given multipole orders on the various multi-photon coherences. Algebraic and numerical results for perturbations of both dipolar and quadrupolar symmetry are presented. The present experimental resolution does not yet allow us to distinguish between these two most likely relaxation mechanisms. Nonetheless, the experimental spectra are very well described when allowing in the calculations for a magnetic field inhomogeneity of 2×10-

    Discovery of dumbbell-shaped Cs*He_n exciplexes in solid He 4

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    We have observed several new spectral features in the fluorescence of cesium atoms implanted in the hcp phase of solid helium following laser excitation to the 62^{2}P states. Based on calculations of the emission spectra using semiempirical Cs-He pair potentials the newly discovered lines can be assigned to the decay of specific Cs*Hen_{n} exciplexes: an apple-shaped Cs(AΠ3/2)(A\Pi _{3/2})He2_{2} and a dumbbell-shaped Cs(AΠ1/2)(A\Pi_{1/2}) Hen_{n} exciplex with a well defined number nn of bound helium atoms. While the former has been observed in other enviroments, it was commonly believed that exciplexes with n>2n>2 might not exist. The calculations suggest Cs(AΠ1/2)(A\Pi_{1/2}) He6_{6} to be the most probable candidate for that exciplex, in which the helium atoms are arranged on a ring around the waist of the dumbbell shaped electronic density distribution of the cesium atom.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-photon processes in the Zeeman structure of atomic Cs trapped in solid helium

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    We report magnetic resonance experiments with optical detection performed on cesium atoms trapped in a crystalline Hematrix. Multi-photon transitions, i.e., processes in which several radio-frequency photons are absorbed simultaneously in a given hyperfine Zeeman multiplet of the ground state, were the central topic of these studies. The long relaxation times of spin coherences of Cs in solid He allow such transitions to be spectrally resolved in fields as low as 1mT. We observed all allowed multi-photon transitions up to the ΔM=8 transition in the F=4 state. We compare the experimental spectra with theoretical spectra obtained from numerical solutions of the Liouville equation that include optical pumping and the interaction with the static and oscillating fields. Multi-photon transitions may find applications in magnetometry, suppress systematic effects in EDM experiments, and allow the study of relaxation phenomena in doped He crystals. The demonstration of these features is still hindered by inhomogeneous line broadenin

    A molecular dynamics study on the equilibrium magnetization properties and structure of ferrofluids

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    We investigate in detail the initial susceptibility, magnetization curves, and microstructure of ferrofluids in various concentration and particle dipole moment ranges by means of molecular dynamics simulations. We use the Ewald summation for the long-range dipolar interactions, take explicitly into account the translational and rotational degrees of freedom, coupled to a Langevin thermostat. When the dipolar interaction energy is comparable with the thermal energy, the simulation results on the magnetization properties agree with the theoretical predictions very well. For stronger dipolar couplings, however, we find systematic deviations from the theoretical curves. We analyze in detail the observed microstructure of the fluids under different conditions. The formation of clusters is found to enhance the magnetization at weak fields and thus leads to a larger initial susceptibility. The influence of the particle aggregation is isolated by studying ferro-solids, which consist of magnetic dipoles frozen in at random locations but which are free to rotate. Due to the artificial suppression of clusters in ferro-solids the observed susceptibility is considerably lowered when compared to ferrofluids.Comment: 33 pages including 12 figures, requires RevTex

    Entwicklung eines zeitlichen und räumlichen Entscheidungshilfesystems gegen den Erbsenwickler (Cydia nigricana, Fabricius)

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    Pea moths (Cydia nigricana) can cause severe damages in pea crops (Pisum sativum). Larvae feed on the seeds in the pods and contaminate them with feces. In the cultivation of organic green peas 0.5 % damaged seeds lead to the denial of whole pea fields (Schulz & Saucke 2005). There can be a yield loss in forage peas and a loss of quality of seeds for propagation. Within the framework of the project to improve the spatial and temporal cultivation strategy of peas to get less damage due to pea moths, is the intention. For a better spatial and temporal cultivation strategy, the DSS creates a map with areas with an infestation risk factor. The higher the risk factor, the earlier the new fields should be cultivated. Therefore, the first part of the DSS works with georeferenced data, like distances between fields of the previous year and the currently planned fields and their infestation risk. The coincidence of the flowering of peas and the flight of pea moths is very important for the infestation. Hence, the second part of the DSS predicts the phenology of the pea and the development of the pea moth for a better precision of the pest control

    Erbsenwickler (Cydia nigricana) in Gemüse- und Körnererbsen: Grundlagen zur Befallsprognose und Schadensprävention

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    Spatio-temporal distribution, combined with aspects of insect biology and ecology can influence the infestation risk of the key pea pest Cydia nigricana in vegetable- and field peas. The proximity of pea fields of the previous cultivation period highly affects the infestation potential of the moth. The presented study aims to monitor the infestation development in three different regions in Germany (North Hesse, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt) in four consecutive years and to relate empirical pest incidences to key factors as crop abundance, the distance to previous pea fields, the pea plant phenology and climatic conditions. In a next step, these data will form the basis for the elaboration of a computer-aided decision support system, which assists farmers in implementing preventive strategies based on risk avoidance

    Gene expression in acute Stanford type A dissection: a comparative microarray study

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    BACKGROUND: We compared gene expression profiles in acutely dissected aorta with those in normal control aorta. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ascending aorta specimen from patients with an acute Stanford A-dissection were taken during surgery and compared with those from normal ascending aorta from multiorgan donors using the BD Atlas™ Human1.2 Array I, BD Atlas™ Human Cardiovascular Array and the Affymetrix HG-U133A GeneChip(®). For analysis only genes with strong signals of more than 70 percent of the mean signal of all spots on the array were accepted as being expressed. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to confirm regulation of expression of a subset of 24 genes known to be involved in aortic structure and function. RESULTS: According to our definition expression profiling of aorta tissue specimens revealed an expression of 19.1% to 23.5% of the genes listed on the arrays. Of those 15.7% to 28.9% were differently expressed in dissected and control aorta specimens. Several genes that encode for extracellular matrix components such as collagen IV α2 and -α5, collagen VI α3, collagen XIV α1, collagen XVIII α1 and elastin were down-regulated in aortic dissection, whereas levels of matrix metalloproteinases-11, -14 and -19 were increased. Some genes coding for cell to cell adhesion, cell to matrix signaling (e.g., polycystin1 and -2), cytoskeleton, as well as several myofibrillar genes (e.g., α-actinin, tropomyosin, gelsolin) were found to be down-regulated. Not surprisingly, some genes associated with chronic inflammation such as interleukin -2, -6 and -8, were up-regulated in dissection. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate the complexity of the dissecting process on a molecular level. Genes coding for the integrity and strength of the aortic wall were down-regulated whereas components of inflammatory response were up-regulated. Altered patterns of gene expression indicate a pre-existing structural failure, which is probably a consequence of insufficient remodeling of the aortic wall resulting in further aortic dissection

    Impact of estrogen receptor alpha on the tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer patients

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    Genetic aberrations and changes in the activity of estrogen receptors alpha (ERa[lpha]) play an important role in the endocrine sensitivity. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the ESR1 expression level, its polymorphic variants, and the distribution pattern of ER[alpha] expression with the prognosis and efficacy of tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer patients. Our data suggest that the ESR1 expression level, SNPs in the ESR1 gene and the distribution pattern of ERα expression can be a potential molecular marker of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer patients

    Increase of the mean inner Coulomb potential in Au clusters induced by surface tension and its implication for electron scattering

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    Electron holography in a transmission electron microscope was applied to measure the phase shift induced by Au clusters as a function of the cluster size. Large phase shifts Df observed for small Au clusters cannot be described by the well-known equation Df=C_E V_0 t (C_E: interaction constant, V_0: mean inner Coulomb potential (MIP) of bulk gold, t: cluster thickness). The rapid increase of the Au MIP with decreasing cluster size derived from Df, can be explained by the compressive strain of surface atoms in the cluster

    Web-Based Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Patients often seek other patients’ experiences with the disease. The Internet provides a wide range of opportunities to share and learn about other people’s health and illness experiences via blogs or patient-initiated online discussion groups. There also exists a range of medical information devices that include experiential patient information. However, there are serious concerns about the use of such experiential information because narratives of others may be powerful and pervasive tools that may hinder informed decision making. The international research network DIPEx (Database of Individual Patients’ Experiences) aims to provide scientifically based online information on people’s experiences with health and illness to fulfill patients’ needs for experiential information, while ensuring that the presented information includes a wide variety of possible experiences. Objective: The aim is to evaluate the colorectal cancer module of the German DIPEx website krankheitserfahrungen.de with regard to self-efficacy for coping with cancer and patient competence. Methods: In 2015, a Web-based randomized controlled trial was conducted using a two-group between-subjects design and repeated measures. The study sample consisted of individuals who had been diagnosed with colorectal cancer within the past 3 years or who had metastasis or recurrent disease. Outcome measures included self-efficacy for coping with cancer and patient competence. Participants were randomly assigned to either an intervention group that had immediate access to the colorectal cancer module for 2 weeks or to a waiting list control group. Outcome criteria were measured at baseline before randomization and at 2 weeks and 6 weeks Results: The study randomized 212 persons. On average, participants were 54 (SD 11.1) years old, 58.8% (124/211) were female, and 73.6% (156/212) had read or heard stories of other patients online before entering the study, thus excluding any influence of the colorectal cancer module on krankheitserfahrungen.de. No intervention effects were found at 2 and 6 weeks after baseline. Conclusions: The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that the website studied may increase self-efficacy for coping with cancer or patient competencies such as self-regulation or managing emotional distress. Possible explanations may involve characteristics of the website itself, its use by participants, or methodological reasons. Future studies aimed at evaluating potential effects of websites providing patient experiences on the basis of methodological principles such as those of DIPEx might profit from extending the range of outcome measures, from including additional measures of website usage behavior and users’ motivation, and from expanding concepts, such as patient competency to include items that more directly reflect patients’ perceived effects of using such a website. Trial Registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT02157454; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02157454 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6syrvwXxi