341 research outputs found

    40S ribosome biogenesis co-factors are essential for gametophyte and embryo development

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    Ribosome biogenesis is well described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast only very little information is available on this pathway in plants. This study presents the characterization of five putative protein co-factors of ribosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, namely Rrp5, Pwp2, Nob1, Enp1 and Noc4. The characterization of the proteins in respect to localization, enzymatic activity and association with pre-ribosomal complexes is shown. Additionally, analyses of T-DNA insertion mutants aimed to reveal an involvement of the plant co-factors in ribosome biogenesis. The investigated proteins localize mainly to the nucleolus or the nucleus, and atEnp1 and atNob1 co-migrate with 40S pre-ribosomal complexes. The analysis of T-DNA insertion lines revealed that all proteins are essential in Arabidopsis thaliana and mutant plants show alterations of rRNA intermediate abundance already in the heterozygous state. The most significant alteration was observed in the NOB1 T-DNA insertion line where the P-A3 fragment, a 23S-like rRNA precursor, accumulated. The transmission of the T-DNA through the male and female gametophyte was strongly inhibited indicating a high importance of ribosome co-factor genes in the haploid stages of plant development. Additionally impaired embryogenesis was observed in some mutant plant lines. All results support an involvement of the analyzed proteins in ribosome biogenesis but differences in rRNA processing, gametophyte and embryo development suggested an alternative regulation in plants

    Optomechanical sideband cooling of a micromechanical oscillator close to the quantum ground state

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    Cooling a mesoscopic mechanical oscillator to its quantum ground state is elementary for the preparation and control of low entropy quantum states of large scale objects. Here, we pre-cool a 70-MHz micromechanical silica oscillator to an occupancy below 200 quanta by thermalizing it with a 600-mK cold 3He gas. Two-level system induced damping via structural defect states is shown to be strongly reduced, and simultaneously serves as novel thermometry method to independently quantify excess heating due to the cooling laser. We demonstrate that dynamical backaction sideband cooling can reduce the average occupancy to 9+-1 quanta, implying that the mechanical oscillator can be found (10+- 1)% of the time in its quantum ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Cavity-Optomechanics with Silica Microtoroids:Quantum-Coherent Coupling and Optomechanically Induced Transparency

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    Here, I report on a cryogenic cavity optomechanics experiment that has been set up with the goal to cool a mechanical degree of freedom of a fused silica microtoroidal resonator into the quantum regime by means of a combination of cryogenic and laser cooling. Based on the experience with a Helium-4 exchange gas cryostat obtained during a previous cryogenic optomechanics experiment, a novel setup with a Helium-3 cryostat at its heart has been set up. Cooling of a mechanical degree of freedom of a microtoroid close to its motional quantum ground state could be achieved and a regime, where full quantum control becomes possible, has come into reach. Silica microtoroids sustain at the same time ultra-high finesse optical whispering gallery modes (WGM) as well as radial mechanical modes ("radial breathing modes", RBM). The two degrees of freedom are mutually coupled, since mechanical motion changes the optical resonance frequency, and the mechanical motion is affected by the radiation pressure forces of an optical field contained in the optical mode. As the optical cavity lifetime is finite, the intracavity optical field amplitude is not adjusting instantaneously to the changed boundary conditions as induced by a mechanical displacement, but in a retarded manner, which gives rise to an effect known as dynamical backaction, that for example can be used to laser cool a mechanical mode. Using a 1550 nm laser important insight has been gained on the dependency of mechanical decay rate and frequency as a function of temperature, which is dominated by two level systems within amorphous fused silica. The different temperature regimes have been explored, including experiments at the lowest accessible temperatures, where evidence of resonant saturable absorption of TLS has been found. Using 780 nm light instead, cooling below ten quanta could be achieved and "optomechanically induced transparency", the optomechanical equivalent of electromagnetically induced transparency as found in atomic vapors, could be demonstrated, enabling all-optical switching of a laser beam and storage of pulses. Novel, optimized spokes-supported toroids then enabled us to push up the optomechanical coupling sufficiently, such that cooling to below two thermal quanta could be achieved and —for the first time in the optical domain— the quantum-coherent coupling regime could be accessed. Here, the optomechanical coupling rate exceeds the optical and mechanical decay rates (i.e. "strong coupling"), but also the mechanical decoherence rate, such that quantum-state transfer between optics and mechanics comes into reach. In addition, this thesis contains the technological steps taken and experimental hurdles overcome towards these experiments

    Reducing infection risk and optimization of airing concepts for indoor air quality by accurate aerosol and CO2 measurement

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    Since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the findings about the virus transmission route through aerosols, indoor air quality is a major topic when it comes to efforts to contain the spread of SARSCoV- 2 in the population. Most calculations of infection risk, however, still rely on CO2 as a proxy for exhaled aerosols. This assumption is no longer valid when air filtration devices are used, arising the need to include actual measured aerosol concentration into the calculation of indoor infection risk. To close this gab, a version of Wells-Riley equation, extended to include the effect of air filtration into determination of reproductive number, is introduced and applied to measurement data from indoor air quality during school lessons. The results show, that taking only CO2 into account will overestimate the real infection risk from aerosols by 20% in the cases without air filtration and by 60% in the cases with air filtration. Furthermore, measurement results varied strongly between different classrooms. This indicates that general airing recommendation, as applied during these tests, are not enough to assure a healthy environment and more individual measurements are necessary.publishedVersio

    Cosmic rays in astrospheres

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    Cosmic rays passing through large astrospheres can be efficiently cooled inside these "cavities" in the interstellar medium. Moreover, the energy spectra of these energetic particles are already modulated in front of the astrospherical bow shocks. We study the cosmic ray flux in and around lambda Cephei as an example for an astrosphere. The large-scale plasma flow is modeled hydrodynamically with radiative cooling. We studied the cosmic ray flux in a stellar wind cavity using a transport model based on stochastic differential equations. The required parameters, most importantly, the elements of the diffusion tensor, are based on the heliospheric parameters. The magnetic field required for the diffusion coefficients is calculated kinematically. We discuss the transport in an astrospheric scenario with varying parameters for the transport coefficients. We show that large stellar wind cavities can act as sinks for the galactic cosmic ray flux and thus can give rise to small-scale anisotropies in the direction to the observer. Small-scale cosmic ray anisotropies can naturally be explained by the modulation of cosmic ray spectra in huge stellar wind cavities

    Structural Diversity of Peptoids: Tube-Like Structures of Macrocycles

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    Peptoids, or poly-N-substituted glycines, are characterised by broad structural diversity. Compared to peptides, they are less restricted in rotation and lack backbone-derived H bonding. Nevertheless, certain side chains force the peptoid backbone into distinct conformations. Designable secondary structures like helices or nanosheets arise from this knowledge. Herein, we report the copper-catalysed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) of macrocycles to form innovative tube-like tricyclic peptoids, giving access to host–guest chemistry or storage applications. Different linker systems make the single tubes tuneable in size and enable modifications within the gap. An azobenzene linker, which is reversibly switchable in conformation, was successfully incorporated and allowed for light-triggered changes of the entire tricyclic structure

    Structural Diversity of Peptoids: Tube-Like Structures of Macrocycles

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    Peptoids, or poly-N-substituted glycines, are characterised by broad structural diversity. Compared to peptides, they are less restricted in rotation and lack backbone-derived H bonding. Nevertheless, certain side chains force the peptoid backbone into distinct conformations. Designable secondary structures like helices or nanosheets arise from this knowledge. Herein, we report the copper-catalysed alkyne-azide cycloaddition (CuAAC) of macrocycles to form innovative tube-like tricyclic peptoids, giving access to host–guest chemistry or storage applications. Different linker systems make the single tubes tuneable in size and enable modifications within the gap. An azobenzene linker, which is reversibly switchable in conformation, was successfully incorporated and allowed for light-triggered changes of the entire tricyclic structure