3,455 research outputs found

    Development of reclaimed potable water quality criteria

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    In order to minimize launch requirements necessary to meet the demands of long-term spaceflight, NASA will reuse water reclaimed from various on-board sources including urine, feces, wash water and humidity condensate. Development of reclamation systems requires the promulgation of water quality standards for potable reuse of the reclaimed water. Existing standards for domestic U.S. potable water consumption were developed, but do not consider the peculiar problems associated with the potable reuse of recycled water. An effort was made to: (1) define a protocol by which comprehensive reclaimed water potability/palatability criteria can be established and updated; and (2) continue the effort to characterize the organic content of reclaimed water in the Regenerative Life Support Evaluation

    Casting Alloys: the Materials and "the Clinical Effects"

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67282/2/10.1177_08959374920060011101.pd

    Metallic liquid hydrogen and likely Al2O3 metallic glass

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    Dynamic compression has been used to synthesize liquid metallic hydrogen at 140 GPa (1.4 million bar) and experimental data and theory predict Al2O3 might be a metallic glass at ~300 GPa. The mechanism of metallization in both cases is probably a Mott-like transition. The strength of sapphire causes shock dissipation to be split differently in the strong solid and soft fluid. Once the 4.5-eV H-H and Al-O bonds are broken at sufficiently high pressures in liquid H2 and in sapphire (single-crystal Al2O3), electrons are delocalized, which leads to formation of energy bands in fluid H and probably in amorphous Al2O3. The high strength of sapphire causes shock dissipation to be absorbed primarily in entropy up to ~400 GPa, which also causes the 300-K isotherm and Hugoniot to be virtually coincident in this pressure range. Above ~400 GPa shock dissipation must go primarily into temperature, which is observed experimentally as a rapid increase in shock pressure above ~400 GPa. The metallization of glassy Al2O3, if verified, is expected to be general in strong oxide insulators. Implications for Super Earths are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 14th Liquid and Amorphous Metals Conference, Rome 201

    Whole-genome sequencing of Theileria parva strains provides insight into parasite migration and diversification in the african continent

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    The disease caused by the apicomplexan protozoan parasite Theileria parva, known as East Coast fever or Corridor disease, is one of the most serious cattle diseases in Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa. We performed whole-genome sequencing of nine T. parva strains, including one of the vaccine strains (Kiambu 5), field isolates from Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania, or Rwanda, and two buffalo-derived strains. Comparison with the reference Muguga genome sequence revealed 34 814–121 545 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were more abundant in buffalo-derived strains. High-resolution phylogenetic trees were constructed with selected informative SNPs that allowed the investigation of possible complex recombination events among ancestors of the extant strains. We further analysed the dN/dS ratio (non-synonymous substitutions per non-synonymous site divided by synonymous substitutions per synonymous site) for 4011 coding genes to estimate potential selective pressure. Genes under possible positive selection were identified that may, in turn, assist in the identification of immunogenic proteins or vaccine candidates. This study elucidated the phylogeny of T. parva strains based on genome-wide SNPs analysis with prediction of possible past recombination events, providing insight into the migration, diversification, and evolution of this parasite species in the African continent

    Genetic and epidemiological characterization of Stretch Lagoon orbivirus, a novel orbivirus isolated from Culex and Aedes mosquitoes in northern Australia

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    Stretch Lagoon orbivirus (SLOV) was isolated in 2002 from pooled Culex annulirostris mosquitoes collected at Stretch Lagoon, near the Wolfe Creek national park in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Conventional serological tests were unable to identify the isolate, and electron microscopy indicated a virus of the genus Orbivirus, family Reoviridae. Here, a cDNA subtraction method was used to obtain approximately one-third of the viral genome, and further sequencing was performed to complete the sequences of segment 1 (viral polymerase) and segment 2 (conserved inner-core protein). Phylogenetic analysis showed that SLOV should be considered a new species within the genus Orbivirus. A real-time RT-PCR test was designed to study the epidemiology of SLOV in the field. Six additional isolates of SLOV were identified, including isolates from four additional locations and two additional mosquito species. Horses, donkeys and goats were implicated as potential vertebrate hosts in a serological survey

    Metabolic and hormonal studies of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients after successful pancreas and kidney transplantation

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    Long-term normalization of glucose metabolism is necessary to prevent or ameliorate diabetic complications. Although pancreatic grafting is able to restore normal blood glucose and glycated haemoglobin, the degree of normalization of the deranged diabetic metabolism after pancreas transplantation is still questionable. Consequently glucose, insulin, C-peptide, glucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide responses to oral glucose and i.v. arginine were measured in 36 Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetic recipients of pancreas and kidney allografts and compared to ten healthy control subjects. Despite normal HbA1 (7.2±0.2%; normal <8%) glucose disposal was normal only in 44% and impaired in 56% of the graft recipients. Normalization of glucose tolerance was achieved at the expense of hyperinsulinaemia in 52% of the subjects. C-peptide and glucagon were normal, while pancreatic polypeptide was significantly higher in the graft recipients. Intravenous glucose tolerance (n=21) was normal in 67% and borderline in 23%. Biphasic insulin release was seen in patients with normal glucose tolerance. Glucose tolerance did not deteriorate up to 7 years post-transplant. In addition, stress hormone release (cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, glucagon, catecholamines) to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia was examined in 20 graft recipients and compared to eight healthy subjects. Reduced blood glucose decline indicates insulin resistance, but glucose recovery was normal, despite markedly reduced catecholamine and glucagon release. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of pancreatic grafting in normalizing glucose metabolism, although hyperinsulinaemia and deranged counterregulatory hormone response are observed frequently

    Solid molecular hydrogen: The Broken Symmetry Phase

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    By performing constant-pressure variable-cell ab initio molecular dynamics simulations we find a quadrupolar orthorhombic structure, of Pca21Pca2_1 symmetry, for the broken symmetry phase (phase II) of solid H2 at T=0 and P =110 - 150 GPa. We present results for the equation of state, lattice parameters and vibronic frequencies, in very good agreement with experimental observations. Anharmonic quantum corrections to the vibrational frequencies are estimated using available data on H2 and D2. We assign the observed modes to specific symmetry representations.Comment: 5 pages (twocolumn), 4 Postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Determination of Effective Permittivity and Permeability of Metamaterials from Reflection and Transmission Coefficients

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    We analyze the reflection and transmission coefficients calculated from transfer matrix simulations on finite lenghts of electromagnetic metamaterials, to determine the effective permittivity and permeability. We perform this analysis on structures composed of periodic arrangements of wires, split ring resonators (SRRs) and both wires and SRRs. We find the recovered frequency-dependent permittivity and permeability are entirely consistent with analytic expressions predicted by effective medium arguments. Of particular relevance are that a wire medium exhibits a frequency region in which the real part of permittivity is negative, and SRRs produce a frequency region in which the real part of permeability is negative. In the combination structure, at frequencies where both the recovered real part of permittivity and permeability are simultaneously negative, the real part of the index-of-refraction is found also to be unambigously negative.Comment: *.pdf file, 5 figure

    Parallel Measurement and Modeling of Transport in the Darht II Beamline on ETA II

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    To successfully tune the DARHT II transport beamline requires the close coupling of a model of the beam transport and the measurement of the beam observables as the beam conditions and magnet settings are varied. For the ETA II experiment using the DARHT II beamline components this was achieved using the SUICIDE (Simple User Interface Connecting to an Integrated Data Environment) data analysis environment and the FITS (Fully Integrated Transport Simulation) model. The SUICIDE environment has direct access to the experimental beam transport data at acquisition and the FITS predictions of the transport for immediate comparison. The FITS model is coupled into the control system where it can read magnet current settings for real time modeling. We find this integrated coupling is essential for model verification and the successful development of a tuning aid for the efficient convergence on a useable tune. We show the real time comparisons of simulation and experiment and explore the successes and limitations of this close coupled approach

    High pressure transport properties of the topological insulator Bi2Se3

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    We report x-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and magnetoresistance measurements on Bi2Se3 under high pressure and low temperature conditions. Pressure induces profound changes in both the room temperature value of the electrical resistivity as well as the temperature dependence of the resistivity. Initially, pressure drives Bi2Se3 towards increasingly insulating behavior and then, at higher pressures, the sample appears to enter a fully metallic state coincident with a change in the crystal structure. Within the low pressure phase, Bi2Se3 exhibits an unusual field dependence of the transverse magnetoresistance that is positive at low fields and becomes negative at higher fields. Our results demonstrate that pressures below 8 GPa provide a non-chemical means to controllably reduce the bulk conductivity of Bi2Se3
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