104 research outputs found

    Definição lexicográfica em semântica descritiva

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    O autor analisa os vários aspectos do ato de definir uma palavra para um dicionário eos tipos de critério a serem adotados. Uma questão de relevância é a do tipo de meta/íngua que se deveadotar na redação de um dicionário e a metodologia empregada para definir o "definiendum", podendo-se empregar várias estratégias: o método analítico, o método sintético, o método denotativo,o método ostensivo ou de mostração, o método implicativo, ou contextual. O método escolhido dependeráda natureza do termo a ser definido: um referente concreto, uma noção abstrata, uma ação ou processoverbal, um instrumento gramatical etc. A sinonímia e a antonímia amplamente usadas nas definiçõestêm também grande importância lexicográfica. O lexicógrafo, ou a equipe de dicionaristas que tra-.balham na confecção de um dicionário, nunca se deve esquecer que as suas definições devem valer paratoda a comunidade lingüística a que ele se destina e assim usarem a linguagem comum a todos e não o(s)seu(s) idioleto(s) particular(es)

    The mediated innovation model: a framework for researching media influence in language change

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    Linguistic innovations that arise contemporaneously in highly distant locations, such as quotative be like, have been termed ‘global linguistic variants’. This is not necessarily to suggest fully global usage, but to invoke more general themes of globalisation vis-à-vis space and time. This research area has grown steadily in the last twenty years, and by asserting a role for mass media, researchers have departed intrepidly from sociolinguistic convention. Yet they have largely relied on quite conventional sociolinguistic methodologies, only inferring media influence post hoc. This methodological conservatism has been overcome recently, but uncertainty remains about the overall shape of the new epistemological landscape. In this paper, I review existing research on global variants, and propose an epistemological model for researching media influence in language change: the mediated innovation model. I also analyse the way arguments are constructed in existing research, including the use of rhetorical devices to plug empirical gaps – a worthy sociolinguistic topic in its own right

    Labov in sociolinguistics: An introduction

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    This theme issue marks fifty years since the publication of William Labov's Social Stratification of English in New York City, the foundation study of variationist sociolinguistics. This Introduction offers the editors' rationale for the shape of the issue. We briefly survey the innovations and impact of the New York study, together with the subsequent development of the field by Labov and others. We then touch on several strands of Labov's contribution to sociolinguistics: language change, linguistic evaluation, methodological innovation, African American English, language and the individual, and language style. We conclude with a reflection on Labov's commitment to the study of language in society

    Graphic loans: East Asia and beyond

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    The national languages of East Asia (Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese) have made extensive use of a type of linguistic borrowing sometimes referred to as a 'graphic loan'. Such loans have no place in the conventional classification of loans based on Haugen (1950) or Weinreich (1953), and research on loan word theory and phonology generally overlooks them. The classic East Asian phenomenon is discussed and a framework is proposed to describe its mechanism. It is argued that graphic loans are more than just 'spelling pronunciations', because they are a systematic and widespread process, independent of but not inferior to phonological borrowing. The framework is then expanded to cover a range of other cases of borrowing between languages to show that graphic loans are not a uniquely East Asian phenomenon, and therefore need to be considered as a major category of loan

    Modern English Yiddish Dictionary

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    La définition lexicographique dans la sémantique descriptive

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    Weinreich Uriel, Rey-Debove Josette. La définition lexicographique dans la sémantique descriptive. In: Langages, 5ᵉ année, n°19, 1970. La lexicographie. pp. 69-86

    “Impertinent” by

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