458 research outputs found

    Report on the Workshop on Refugee and Asylum Policy in Practice in Europe and North America

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    Western nations have struggled to accomplish the dual goals of refugee and asylum policies: (1) identifying and protecting Convention refugees as well as those fleeing civil conflict; and (2) controlling for abuse. The Workshop on Refugee and Asylum Policy in Practice in Europe and North America was organized to facilitate a transatlantic dialogue to explore just how well these asylum systems are balancing the dual goals. The workshop exa!llined key elements of the U.S. and European asylum systems: decision making on claims, deterrence of abuse, independent review, return of rejected asylum seekers, scope of the refugee concept, social rights and employment, international cooperation, and data and evaluation. The Workshop was convened by the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) of Georgetown University and the Center for the Study of Immigration, Integration and Citizenship Policies (CEPIC) of the Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, with the support of the German Marshall Fund of the United States. It was held on July 1-3, 1999, at Oxford University. Workshop participants included government officials, scholars, and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively involved in analyzing and implementing refugee and asylum policies. This report outlines the major points of discussion and the areas of consensus at the Workshop, and emphasizes the issues in need of further analysis and agreement. Through this report, the Workshop seeks to encourage further discussion on refugee and asylum policies in practice in order to clarify, develop, and improve the existing mechanisms for protection

    Circulez, il y a Ă  voir

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    Même si, en matière d’immigration, les Etats-Unis se sont longtemps pensés comme une île, les défis auxquels ils sont aujourd’hui confrontés sont de même nature que ceux des pays d’Europe continentale : l’adaptation à un monde globalisé dans lequel un nombre grandissant d’individus ont la possibilité de franchir librement les frontières. Dans ce contexte, les Etats-Unis gagneraient à s’inspirer de l’expérience européenne dans différents domaines. Les différentes expériences européennes pour développer les migrations circulaires, par opposition aux migrations sédentaires, pourraient être adaptées aux Etats-Unis, notamment pour les travailleurs saisonniers. La circulation des migrants hautement qualifiés pourrait être facilitée, au bénéfice des pays d’origine et du pays d’accueil. L’instauration d’un système de régularisation permanente, comme il y existe en France, empêcherait l’accumulation d’une population d’étrangers en situation irrégulière, intenable à long terme,  et constituerait une alternative aux régularisations massives.In terms of immigration policy, the United States have thought themselves as an island for a long time, but the challenges to which they are confronted nowadays are very similar to those of  the countries of continental Europe : adaptation to a globalized world where a growing number of people can cross the borders easily. In this context, the USA could benefit from the European experience in these matters. The different attempts to develop circular migrations, as opposed to sedentary ones, could be adapted in the USA, especially for seasonal workers. The circulation and re-circulation of highly qualified migrants could be made easier, and it would benefit both the USA and the countries of emigration. The creation of permanent individual legalization schemes would avoid the accumulation of a massive population of undocumented immigrants –unsustainable in the long term- and would constitute an alternative to wide scale legalization laws. United States, immigration law, immigration policy, comparative approach, comparison USA/Europe, Bracero program, circular migrations, sedentary migrations, highly qualified migrations, legalization, legalization programs in France, Spain and Italy, wide scale legalization, amnest

    Why aren't they locked in waiting games? Unlocking rules and the ecology of concepts in the semiconductor industry.

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    International audienceIn a multi-level perspective, regimes can be clearly described as long as they remain stable. To understand how regimes and niches interact during transition, the article contrasts two models of regimes in transition(s). The classical model of evolutionary niches suggests misalignments between rules and competition between niches. Transition management, technological innovation systems and works on transition pathways suggest a second model based on "unlocking rules", which support collective work on a structured set of emerging technologies. The latter model is illustrated with a case study on the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)

    Platform emergence in double unknown: Common challenge strategy

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    International audienceThe proposed paper deals with platform emergence in double unknown situations when technology and markets are highly uncertain. The interest in technological platform development to enable creation of products and processes that support present and future development of multiple options is widely recognized by practitioners and academics The existing literature considers already existing platforms and the development is based on exploiting this common platform core to build future markets and technological derivatives. However, when we are in double unknown situations, markets and technologies are highly uncertain and neither options, nor platform core are known. Thus, how can one ensure platform emergence in double unknown?The history of innovation promotes mostly singular challenge strategy to guide innovative development. But in certain sectors, like semiconductors, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, the success of common challenge strategy applicable to several markets is more important than singular project success. Thus, which strategy to choose for innovative technological platform emergence? Why common challenge strategy appears to be so challenging and risky? The objective of the paper is to define what are the precise market and technological conditions that in certain situations lead to 1) develop common building block (common core) that facilitate all the others projects but don't provide access directly to the market 2) launch singular project exploration to emerge future platform core consequently. We attempt to address our research questions by formally describing each strategy and fabricating simple economical model to compare them. For simulation the data was created by taking into account specifics of real management situations and parameters were chosen based on the literature review. Then we illustrate the insights of the model through a case study of innovative technology development in semiconductor industry. The in-depth empirical case study was conducted in STMicroelectronics, one of the leaders in the semiconductor industry. The data for case study was gathered from advanced technology platform with several interdependent modules developed by company and introduced to the several markets after all. This paper contributes to existing work on platform emergence by introducing the strategy of platform core construction in double unknown based on future common challenge investigation

    Concevoir les outils du Bureau d'Etudes : Dassault Systèmes une firme innovante au service des concepteurs.

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    International audienceEntretien avec Pascal Daloz, Directeur Général Adjoint de Dassault Systèmes en charge de la Stratégie et du Marketin

    Advanced R&D for prepositioning strategies: the economics of platform shift in high technological velocity environments

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the design of platform, and more precisely the economics of platform shift in industries with high technological velocity. A platform consists in fixing some design dimensions (such as basic components, modules or processes) to get better performance on some other dimensions (flexibility of alternative development, enhanced variety, lower costs). Platform design consists in using a stock of design rules to find the right balance between fixed parameters and to be defined parameters for a certain time period. In high technological velocity (HTV) environment this time period can become very short so that platform renewal becomes critical. Moreover in this HTV environment, the stock of design rules becomes obsolete so that platform renewal can take several forms: this can range from "adaptation" (development activity makes the optimal use of existing stock) to "anticipation" (research activity produces new design rules to prepare the development of the next platform). In this paper we propose an economic model of platform renewal to compare these strategies, depending on the technological velocity. We show where anticipation and adaptation are relevant and what is the optimal level of research compared to development. Moreover we show that an alternate strategy, called "prepositioning", based on advanced R&D (ARD) and consisting in renewing the stock of design rules for several generations, would be interesting in case of HTV. We then illustrate its insights through a case study in a typical HTV industry, semiconductor industry. This enables us to propose an explanation of complex platform renewal strategies. The article closes with managerial implications and directions for further research in platform renewal

    L'Europe a-t-elle une politique de l'immigration?

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    Development and introduction of the Filariasis Test Strip: A new diagnostic test for the Global Program to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis

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    A key component to achieving the global goal of elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) is the availability of appropriate tools for disease mapping, monitoring, and surveillance. However, the development of these tools for a neglected disease such as LF can be a challenge. The lack of a commercial market and low familiarity with these diseases leave little incentive for diagnostic manufacturers to invest in this space. The Filarial Test Strip (FTS) development story provides a case study on how a multi-stakeholder, public-private partnership model facilitated the development, evaluation, and introduction of a new monitoring and surveillance tool for LF. This paper will reflect on the experience with the FTS and document the process from development of the target product profile to adoption and scale-up in country programs. Lessons learned from both the successes and challenges experienced during this process may help inform future efforts to develop and introduce new diagnostic or surveillance tools for neglected diseases
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