2,055 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning vs. Gradient-Based Optimisation for Robust Energy Landscape Control of Spin-1/2 Quantum Networks

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    We explore the use of policy gradient methods in reinforcement learning for quantum control via energy landscape shaping of XX-Heisenberg spin chains in a model agnostic fashion. Their performance is compared to finding controllers using gradient-based L-BFGS optimisation with restarts, with full access to an analytical model. Hamiltonian noise and coarse-graining of fidelity measurements are considered. Reinforcement learning is able to tackle challenging, noisy quantum control problems where L-BFGS optimization algorithms struggle to perform well. Robustness analysis under different levels of Hamiltonian noise indicates that controllers found by reinforcement learning appear to be less affected by noise than those found with L-BFGS.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    The Stellar Initial Mass Function in the Galactic Center

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    Massive stars define the upper limits of the star formation process, dominate the energetics of their local environs, and significantly affect the chemical evolution of galaxies. Their role in starburst galaxies and the early Universe is likely to be important, but we still do not know the maximum mass that a star can possess, i.e.``the upper mass cutoff.'' I will discuss results from a program to measure the upper mass cutoff and IMF slope in the Galactic Center. The results suggest that the IMF in the Galactic center may deviate significantly from the Salpeter value, and that there may be an upper mass cutoff to the initial mass function of \sim150 Msun.Comment: To be published in the IMF@50 conference proceeding

    The aging male: investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males

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    Androgen deficiency in the aging male has become a topic of increasing interest and debate throughout the world. The demographics clearly demonstrate the increasing percentage of the population that is in the older age groups. The data also support the concept that testosterone falls progressively with age and that a significant percentage of men over the age of 60 years have serum testosterone levels that are below the lower limits of young adults (age 20-30 years) men. The principal questions raised by these observations are whether older hypogonadal men will benefit from testosterone treatment and what will be the risks associated with such intervention. The past decade has brought evidence of benefit of androgen treatment on multiple target organs of hypogonadal men and recent studies show short-term beneficial effects of testosterone in older men that are similar to those in younger men. Long-term data on the effects of testosterone treatment in the older population are limited and specific risk data on the prostate and cardiovascular systems are needed. Answers to key questions of functional benefits that may retard frailty of the elderly are not yet available. The recommendations described below were prepared for the International Society of Andrology (ISA) and the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM) following a panel discussion with active participation from the audience sponsored by the ISA on the topic at the 4th ISSAM Congress in Prague in February 2004.peer-reviewe

    The scale-free character of the cluster mass function and the universality of the stellar IMF

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    Our recent determination of a Salpeter slope for the IMF in the field of 30 Doradus (Selman and Melnick 2005) appears to be in conflict with simple probabilistic counting arguments advanced in the past to support observational claims of a steeper IMF in the LMC field. In this paper we re-examine these arguments and show by explicit construction that, contrary to these claims, the field IMF is expected to be exactly the same as the stellar IMF of the clusters out of which the field was presumably formed. We show that the current data on the mass distribution of clusters themselves is in excellent agreement with our model, and is consistent with a single spectrum {\it by number of stars} of the type nβn^\beta with beta between -1.8 and -2.2 down to the smallest clusters without any preferred mass scale for cluster formation. We also use the random sampling model to estimate the statistics of the maximal mass star in clusters, and confirm the discrepancy with observations found by Weidner and Kroupa (2006). We argue that rather than signaling the violation of the random sampling model these observations reflect the gravitationally unstable nature of systems with one very large mass star. We stress the importance of the random sampling model as a \emph{null hypothesis} whose violation would signal the presence of interesting physics.Comment: 9 pages emulateap

    On the normalisation of the cosmic star formation history

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    Strong constraints on the cosmic star formation history (SFH) have recently been established using ultraviolet and far-infrared measurements, refining the results of numerous measurements over the past decade. Taken together, the most recent and robust data indicate a compellingly consistent picture of the SFH out to redshift z~6, with especially tight constraints for z<~1. We fit these data with simple analytical forms, and derive conservative bands to indicate possible variations from the best fits. Since the z<~1 SFH data are quite precise, we investigate the sequence of assumptions and corrections that together affect the SFH normalisation, to test their accuracy, both in this redshift range and beyond. As lower limits on this normalisation, we consider the evolution in stellar mass density, metal mass density, and supernova rate density, finding it unlikely that the SFH normalisation is much lower than indicated by our direct fit. Additionally, predictions from the SFH for supernova type Ia rate densities tentatively suggests delay times of ~3 Gyr. As a corresponding upper limit on the SFH normalisation, we consider the Super-Kamiokande (SK) limit on the electron antineutrino flux from past core-collapse supernovae, which applies primarily to z<~1. We find consistency with the SFH only if the neutrino temperatures from SN events are relatively modest. Constraints on the assumed initial mass function (IMF) also become apparent. The traditional Salpeter IMF, assumed for convenience by many authors, is known to be a poor representation at low stellar masses (<~ 1 solar mass), and we show that recently favoured IMFs are also constrained. In particular, somewhat shallow, or top-heavy, IMFs may be preferred, although they cannot be too top-heavy. (Abridged)Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, major revisions following referee's comment

    Universal Negative Poisson Ratio of Self Avoiding Fixed Connectivity Membranes

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    We determine the Poisson ratio of self-avoiding fixed-connectivity membranes, modeled as impenetrable plaquettes, to be sigma=-0.37(6), in statistical agreement with the Poisson ratio of phantom fixed-connectivity membranes sigma=-0.32(4). Together with the equality of critical exponents, this result implies a unique universality class for fixed-connectivity membranes. Our findings thus establish that physical fixed-connectivity membranes provide a wide class of auxetic (negative Poisson ratio) materials with significant potential applications in materials science.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX (revtex) Published version - title changed, one figure improved and one reference change

    The general gaugings of maximal d=9 supergravity

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    We use the embedding tensor method to construct the most general maximal gauged/massive supergravity in d=9 dimensions and to determine its extended field content. Only the 8 independent deformation parameters (embedding tensor components, mass parameters etc.) identified by Bergshoeff \textit{et al.} (an SL(2,R) triplet, two doublets and a singlet can be consistently introduced in the theory, but their simultaneous use is subject to a number of quadratic constraints. These constraints have to be kept and enforced because they cannot be used to solve some deformation parameters in terms of the rest. The deformation parameters are associated to the possible 8-forms of the theory, and the constraints are associated to the 9-forms, all of them transforming in the conjugate representations. We also give the field strengths and the gauge and supersymmetry transformations for the electric fields in the most general case. We compare these results with the predictions of the E11 approach, finding that the latter predicts one additional doublet of 9-forms, analogously to what happens in N=2, d=4,5,6 theories.Comment: Latex file, 43 pages, reference adde