338 research outputs found

    Applications of nonlinear diffusion in image processing and computer vision

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    Nonlinear diffusion processes can be found in many recent methods for image processing and computer vision. In this article, four applications are surveyed: nonlinear diffusion filtering, variational image regularization, optic flow estimation, and geodesic active contours. For each of these techniques we explain the main ideas, discuss theoretical properties and present an appropriate numerical scheme. The numerical schemes are based on additive operator splittings (AOS). In contrast to traditional multiplicative splittings such as ADI, LOD or D'yakonov splittings, all axes are treated in the same manner, and additional possibilities for efficient realizations on parallel and distributed architectures appear. Geodesic active contours lead to equations that resemble mean curvature motion. For this application, a novel AOS scheme is presented that uses harmonie averaging and does not require reinitializations of the distance function in each iteration step

    04172 Abstracts Collection -- Perspectives Workshop: Visualization and Image Processing of Tensor Fields

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    From 18.04.04 to 23.04.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04172 ``Perspectives Workshop: Visualization and Image Processing of Tensor Fields\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A shock-capturing algorithm for the differential equations of dilation and erosion

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    Dilation and erosion are the fundamental operations in morphological image processing. Algorithms that exploit the formulation of these processes in terms of partial differential equations offer advantages for non-digitally scalable structuring elements and allow sub-pixel accuracy. However, the widely-used schemes from the literature suffer from significant blurring at discontinuities. We address this problem by developing a novel, flux corrected transport (FCT) type algorithm for morphological dilation / erosion with a flat disc. It uses the viscosity form of an upwind scheme in order to quantify the undesired diffusive effects. In a subsequent corrector step we compensate for these artifacts by means of a stabilised inverse diffusion process that requires a specific nonlinear multidimensional formulation. We prove a discrete maximum-minimum principle in this multidimensional framework. Our experiments show that the method gives a very sharp resolution of moving fronts, and it approximates rotation invariance very well

    On the application of projection methods for computing optical flow fields

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    Detecting optical flow means to find the apparent displacement field in a sequence of images. As starting point for many optical flow methods serves the so called optical flow constraint (OFC), that is the assumption that the gray value of a moving point does not change over time. Variational methods are amongst the most popular tools to compute the optical flow field. They compute the flow field as minimizer of an energy functional that consists of a data term to comply with the OFC and a smoothness term to obtain uniqueness of this underdetermined problem. In this article we replace the smoothness term by projecting the solution to a finite dimensional, affine subspace in the spatial variables which leads to a smoothing and gives a unique solution as well. We explain the mathematical details for the quadratic and nonquadratic minimization framework, and show how alternative model assumptions such as constancy of the brightness gradient can be incorporated. As basis functions we consider tensor products of B-splines. Under certain smoothness assumptions for the global minimizer in Sobolev scales, we prove optimal convergence rates in terms of the energy functional. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the feasibility of our approach

    A TV flow based local scale estimate and its application to texture discrimination

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    This paper presents a local region based scale measure, which exploits properties of a certain type of nonlinear diffusion, the so-called total variation (TV) flow. During the signal evolution by means of TV flow, pixels change their value with a speed that is inversely proportional to the size of the region they belong to. From this evolution speed one can derive a local scale estimate based on regions instead of derivative filters. Main motivation for such a scale measure is its application to texture discrimination, in particular the construction of an alternative to Gabor filters. When the scale estimate is combined with the components of the structure tensor, which provides orientation information, it yields a texture feature space of only four dimensions. Like Gabor features, this sparse feature space discriminates textures by means of their orientation and scale, yet the representation of orientation and scale is less redundant. The quality of the feature space containing the new scale measure is evaluated in texture segmentation experiments by comparing results to those achieved with Gabor filters. It turns out that one can gain a total speedup of factor 2 without loosing any quality concerning the discrimination of textures

    Level set segmentation with multiple regions

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    The popularity of level sets for segmentation is mainly based on the sound and convenient treatment of regions and their boundaries. Unfortunately, this convenience is so far not known from level set methods when applied to images with more than two regions. This paper introduces a comparatively simple way how to extend active contours to multiple regions keeping the familiar quality of the two-phase case. We further suggest a strategy to determine the optimum number of regions as well as initializations for the contours
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