2,303 research outputs found

    Single Crystal to Single Crystal Polymerization of a Columnar Assembled Diacetylene Macrocycle

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    Organic tubular materials have attracted lots of attentions for their potential applications as nanoscale fluidic transport systems, specific ion sensors, molecular sieves and confined molecular reaction containers. While conjugated polymers, due to delocalized Pi electrons, exhibit interesting solar cells and sensors applications. In this thesis, we developed a conjugated polymer which combines the attributes of conjugated polymers with tubular materials, which should have great potential to work as a sensing material. We reproduced and scaled-up the synthesis of a polymerizable macrocycle 1 that contains two rigidly separated diacetylene units. We found that, through hydrogen bonding, 1 can assemble into columnar crystals and can be polymerized under a single crystal to single crystal transformation process to afford porous polydiacetylene (PDA) crystals. We studied the assembly of the macrocycles 1 under different conditions to give three different crystalline forms and micro-phase crystals, and also investigated their subsequent polymerizations. The macrocycle assembly and polymerized materials were characterized by a variety of technique. Since the gas adsorption measurement exhibited PDA crystals still retained its porosity and the polymer should have ability to uptake suitable guest molecules, therefore the absorption of iodine for PDA crystals was investigated as well

    Педагогічні умови реалізації методичних засад формування виконавської стабільності магістрантів музичного мистецтва у процесі вокального навчання

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    The author theoretically justifies and concretizes the methodological foundations of formation of performance stability of master students of musical art, as well as defines the pedagogical conditions as appropriate methodological guidelines for effective implementation of these principles. The pedagogical conditions as defined by the author are based on such principles of vocal training process organization as the principle of consistency, consistency and continuity in performing activity production, and the principle of crosscutting use and strategic planning of educational vocal-performance activity. The specificity of organization of pedagogical conditions for the formation of performance stability in master students consists in the accumulation of positive experience of vocal performance in the process of vocal training. The implementation of the mentioned principles is carried out by involving various, both traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal and singing activities. Crosscutting application of traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal performance in the process of vocal training enables Master students to master practical knowledge, skills and abilities of vocal performance; this creates basis for fundamental preparation of vocal-pedagogical repertoire necessary for stable performance of vocal compositions.Key words: Masters of Music, performing stability, methodological foundations, pedagogical conditions, principles of vocal training organization, positive experience of vocal performance, traditional and non-traditional forms of vocal performance activity.У статті автор теоретично обґрунтовує й конкретизує методичні засади формування виконавської стабільності магістрантів музичного мистецтва, а також визначає педагогічні умови як доцільні методичні орієнтири для ефективного упровадження означених засад.  Визначені педагогічні умови спираються на такі принципи організації процесу вокального навчання, як принцип послідовності, систематичності і неперервності провадження виконавської діяльності, принцип наскрізності і стратегічного планування просвітницької вокально-виконавської діяльності.  Специфіка організації педагогічних умов формування в магістрантів виконавської стабільності полягає в накопиченні позитивного досвіду вокального виконавства у процесі вокального навчання. Реалізація наведених принципів здійснюється шляхом залучення різноманітних, як традиційних, так і нетрадиційних форм вокально-виконавської діяльності. Наскрізне застосування у процесі вокального навчання  традиційних і нетрадиційних форм вокально-виконавської діяльності уможливлює оволодіння магістрантами практичними знаннями, уміннями і навиками вокального виконавства, що створює основу для набуття фундаментальної підготовленості вокально-педагогічного репертуару, необхідної для стабільного виконання вокальних творів.Ключові слова: магістранти музичного мистецтва, виконавська стабільність, методичні засади, педагогічні умови, принципи організації вокального навчання, позитивний досвід вокального виконавства, традиційні і нетрадиційні форми вокально-виконавської діяльності

    The Effection Analysis of Geotechnical Investigation on Foundation Pit Supporting Construction

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    With the continuous development of the construction industry, the density of engineering construction and the difficulty of underground construction are also increasing. As an important construction protection measure, foundation pit support construction is widely used in underground construction. Starting from the characteristics of foundation pit support construction, this paper analyzes the influence of geotechnical investigation on foundation pit support construction, and analyzes the problems that need to be paid attention to in the survey process

    The Theme of Alienation in V. S. Naipaul’s 1970s Novels

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    V. S. Naipaul’s conscious extension of localities, cultural and historical horizons in his 1970s novels (In a Free State, Guerillas, and A Bend in the River) seems to be paradoxical with his inward-looking exploration of alienation. This paper draws on the theories of alienation of Fritz Pappenheim and Richard Schacht to divide Naipaul’s representation of alienation into two categories: alienation with others and self-alienation. The overarching theme of alienation in Naipaul’s 1970s novels is analysed in the realm of postcolonial concepts like displacement, migration, otherness and Diaspora. By doing so, it can be concluded that Naipaul develops the sense of alienation to a universal phenomenon for all human beings in the postcolonial world

    Applying Bayesian Neural Networks to Event Reconstruction in Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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    A toy detector has been designed to simulate central detectors in reactor neutrino experiments in the paper. The electron samples from the Monte-Carlo simulation of the toy detector have been reconstructed by the method of Bayesian neural networks (BNN) and the standard algorithm, a maximum likelihood method (MLD), respectively. The result of the event reconstruction using BNN has been compared with the one using MLD. Compared to MLD, the uncertainties of the electron vertex are not improved, but the energy resolutions are significantly improved using BNN. And the improvement is more obvious for the high energy electrons than the low energy ones.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Accepted by NIM

    Efficiently Disassemble-and-Pack for Mechanism

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    In this paper, we present a disassemble-and-pack approach for a mechanism to seek a box which contains total mechanical parts with high space utilization. Its key feature is that mechanism contains not only geometric shapes but also internal motion structures which can be calculated to adjust geometric shapes of the mechanical parts. Our system consists of two steps: disassemble mechanical object into a group set and pack them within a box efficiently. The first step is to create a hierarchy of possible group set of parts which is generated by disconnecting the selected joints and adjust motion structures of parts in groups. The aim of this step is seeking total minimum volume of each group. The second step is to exploit the hierarchy based on breadth-first-search to obtain a group set. Every group in the set is inserted into specified box from maximum volume to minimum based on our packing strategy. Until an approximated result with satisfied efficiency is accepted, our approach finish exploiting the hierarchy.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure