61,077 research outputs found

    Iterative Solutions for Low Lying Excited States of a Class of Schroedinger Equation

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    The convergent iterative procedure for solving the groundstate Schroedinger equation is extended to derive the excitation energy and the wave function of the low-lying excited states. The method is applied to the one-dimensional quartic potential problem. The results show that the iterative solution converges rapidly when the coupling gg is not too small.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Probing spin entanglement by gate-voltage-controlled interference of current correlation in quantum spin Hall insulators

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    We propose an entanglement detector composed of two quantum spin Hall insulators and a side gate deposited on one of the edge channels. For an ac gate voltage, the differential noise contributed from the entangled electron pairs exhibits the nontrivial step structures, from which the spin entanglement concurrence can be easily obtained. The possible spin dephasing effects in the quantum spin Hall insulators are also included.Comment: Physics Letters A in pres

    An agent-based architecture for managing the provision of community care - the INCA (Intelligent Community Alarm) experience

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    Community Care is an area that requires extensive cooperation between independent agencies, each of which needs to meet its own objectives and targets. None are engaged solely in the delivery of community care, and need to integrate the service with their other responsibilities in a coherent and efficient manner. Agent technology provides the means by which effective cooperation can take place without compromising the essential security of both the client and the agencies involved as the appropriate set of responses can be generated through negotiation between the parties without the need for access to the main information repositories that would be necessary with conventional collaboration models. The autonomous nature of agents also means that a variety of agents can cooperate together with various local capabilities, so long as they conform to the relevant messaging requirements. This allows a variety of agents, with capabilities tailored to the carers to which they are attached to be developed so that cost-effective solutions can be provided. </p

    Morphology of rain water channelization in systematically varied model sandy soils

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    We visualize the formation of fingered flow in dry model sandy soils under different raining conditions using a quasi-2d experimental set-up, and systematically determine the impact of soil grain diameter and surface wetting property on water channelization phenomenon. The model sandy soils we use are random closely-packed glass beads with varied diameters and surface treatments. For hydrophilic sandy soils, our experiments show that rain water infiltrates into a shallow top layer of soil and creates a horizontal water wetting front that grows downward homogeneously until instabilities occur to form fingered flows. For hydrophobic sandy soils, in contrast, we observe that rain water ponds on the top of soil surface until the hydraulic pressure is strong enough to overcome the capillary repellency of soil and create narrow water channels that penetrate the soil packing. Varying the raindrop impinging speed has little influence on water channel formation. However, varying the rain rate causes significant changes in water infiltration depth, water channel width, and water channel separation. At a fixed raining condition, we combine the effects of grain diameter and surface hydrophobicity into a single parameter and determine its influence on water infiltration depth, water channel width, and water channel separation. We also demonstrate the efficiency of several soil water improvement methods that relate to rain water channelization phenomenon, including pre-wetting sandy soils at different level before rainfall, modifying soil surface flatness, and applying superabsorbent hydrogel particles as soil modifiers

    The structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of t-X3_{3}As4_{4} (X == Si, Ge and Sn) by first-principles calculations

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    The structural, mechanical, electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of the t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (X == Si, Ge and Sn) with tetragonal structure have been investigated by first principles calculations. Our calculated results show that these compounds are mechanically and dynamically stable. By the study of elastic anisotropy, it is found that the anisotropic of the t-Sn3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} is stronger than that of t-Si3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} and t-Ge3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}}. The band structures and density of states show that the t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (Si, Ge and Sn) are semiconductors with narrow band gaps. Based on the analyses of electron density difference, in t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} As atoms get electrons, X atoms lose electrons. The calculated static dielectric constants, ε1(0)\varepsilon_{1} (0), are 15.5, 20.0 and 15.1 eV for t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} (X == Si, Ge and Sn), respectively. The Dulong-Petit limit of t-X3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} is about 10 J mol1^{\mathrm{-1}}K1^{\mathrm{-1}}. The thermodynamic stability successively decreases from t-Si3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} to t-Ge3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}} to t-Sn3_{\mathrm{3}}As4_{\mathrm{4}}.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Quantum computing through electron propagation in the edge states of quantum spin Hall systems

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    We propose to implement quantum computing based on electronic spin qubits by controlling the propagation of the electron wave packets through the helical edge states of quantum spin Hall systems (QSHs). Specfically, two non-commutative single-qubit gates, which rotate a qubit around z and y axes, can be realized by utilizing gate voltages either on a single QSH edge channel or on a quantum point contact structure. The more challenging two-qubit controlled phase gate can be implemented through the on-demand capacitive Coulomb interaction between two adjacent edge channels from two parallel QSHs. As a result, a universal set of quantum gates can be achieved in an all-electrical way. The fidelity and purity of the two-qubit gate are calculated with both time delay and finite width of the wave packets taken into consideration, which can reach high values with the existing high-quality single electron source

    Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints I : The Abelian Case

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    Recently, we have proposed a new front-form quantization which treated both the x+x^{+} and the xx^{-} coordinates as front-form 'times.' This quantization was found to preserve parity explicitly. In this paper we extend this construction to local Abelian gauge fields . We quantize this theory using a method proposed originally by Faddeev and Jackiw . We emphasize here the feature that quantizing along both x+x^+ and xx^- , gauge theories does not require extra constraints (also known as 'gauge conditions') to determine the solution uniquely.Comment: 18 pages, phyzz