71 research outputs found

    Fremdsprachen - Trendsprachen: Konjunkturen des Sprachenerwerbs Erwachsener am Beispiel des Volkshochschulangebots

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    Learning foreign languages is a highstatus activity in organised adult learning. Based on VHS (adult education centre) statistics, the author shows that foreign languages are an indispensable element of the VHS programme range; hardly any other area is in such constantly high demand, a demand which can also be seen in relation to income status. Now making up 30 percent of all courses, more than 40 percent of all lessons and almost 30 percent of all posts, languages have become one of the most important subjects at VHS centres. Among foreign languages, English remains by far the most dominant language, followed by Spanish, French and italian. The increasing importance of "minor" languages is making itself felt, for example for Chinese and Japanese, in terms both of supply and demand. Altogether, however, it can be said that "minor" languages are still learned less often compared with the standard school languages.Das Fremdsprachenangebot in der Weiterbildung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten erheblich verändert. Der Anteil der Sprachen am Gesamtangebot stieg an, die Vielfalt der angebotenen Sprachkurse nahm stetig zu. Konnten sich in den 1940er Jahren interessierte Nutzer an der Volkshochschule Hannover zwischen acht Fremdsprachen entscheiden, können dort heute 32 verschiedene Sprachen erlernt werden. Neben den Klassikern Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Spanisch wird auch Albanisch, Chinesisch, Persisch oder Vietnamesisch angeboten. Die Analyse des Sprachenangebots, das Christina Weiß aufgrund der ansonsten unzureichenden Datenlage am Beispiel der Volkshochschul-Statistik vorlegt, verweist auf Sprachentrends, die gesellschaftliche und globale Entwicklungen spiegeln

    Climate analogues: A method to assess the potential impact of climate change on Natura 2000 habitat diversity at the regional scale

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    The need and will to mitigate and adapt to climate change and its threats to biodiversity have risen. Nevertheless, the acting for the conservation of biodiversity remains hampered by knowledge gaps. E.g., for habitat types (in the sense of biotopes) the impact of climate change has been scarcely researched. There are many “species distribution models” (SDMs) that can project species distributions under climate change, but their application to contemporary habitat types poses considerable methodological problems. Here we show the viability of the uncommon method of “climate analogues” to provide data to assess the potential impact of future climate change on habitat types for chosen regions, and the usability of the method compared to SDMs. We assume climate analogues can reflect the potential future habitat data in the study regions when (1) plausibly located future climate analogues are found with relevant climate variables for the studied habitat types, and (2) habitat occurrences relate with their frequency and area to the climate reflected in the climate analogues. We tested the method for three landscapes in Germany using European Natura 2000 habitat data, analyzing five future climate conditions until 2100. Future climate analogues were found southwest of the study regions, primarily in France. They progressed further southwest and from higher to lower elevations with increasing climate change. Ecologically sound habitat types remained stable, increased, and decreased in frequency and area parallel to the magnitude of climate change in the climate analogues. Thus, we regard climate analogues as a viable method to estimate potential climate change induced changes of Natura 2000 habitat types at the regional scale. Nature conservation benefits from climate analogues as they are efficient, data-robust, and promote the implementation of actions, the exchange of conservation experiences, and international collaboration. They are an easy and powerful method to tackle the looming losses of habitat diversity from climate change

    Kompetenzen Älterer: Zwischenbilanz und Perspektiven ausgewählter Ergebnisse der Studie Competencies in Later Life

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    Die Studie Competencies in Later Life (CiLL) liefert erstmals repräsentative Daten über die Kompetenzen von Älteren zwischen 66 und 80 Jahren in Deutschland in den Domänen Lesekompetenz, Alltagsmathematik und technologiebasiertes Problemlösen. Es zeigt sich ein entscheidender Zusammenhang zwischen Kompetenz und Qualifikation, aber auch zwischen Kompetenz und Zugehörigkeit zu einem Geburtsjahrgang. Trotz enormer Qualifikationsunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen differieren diese in der Lesekompetenz nicht signifikant. In der Alltagsmathematik und im technologiebasierten Problemlösen schneiden Männer deutlich besser ab als Frauen, auch wenn verschiedene Variablen berücksichtigt werden

    Syntactic development in early foreign language learning: Effects of L1 transfer, input and individual factors

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    This study explores parallels and differences in the comprehension of wh-questions and relative clauses between early foreign-language (FL) learners and monolingual children. We test for (a) effects of syntactic first-language (L1) transfer, (b) the impact of input on syntactic development, and (c) the impact of individual differences on early FL syntactic development. We compare the results to findings in child second language (L2) naturalistic acquisition and adult FL acquisition. Following work on adult FL acquisition, we carried out a picture-based interpretation task with 243 child FL learners in fourth grade at different regular, partial, and high-immersion schools in Germany plus 68 monolingual English children aged 5 to 8 years as controls. The child FL learners display a strong subject-first preference but do not appear to use the L1 syntax in comprehension. Input differences across different schools affect overall accuracy, with students at high-immersion FL schools catching up to monolingual performance within 4 years of learning. Finally, phonological awareness is implicated in both early FL learning and naturalistic child L2 development. These findings suggest that early FL development resembles child L2 acquisition in speed and effects of individual factors, yet is different from adult FL acquisition due to the absence of L1 transfer effects.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    E1B-55K-Mediated Regulation of RNF4 SUMO-Targeted Ubiquitin Ligase Promotes Human Adenovirus Gene Expression

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    Human adenovirus (HAdV) E1B-55K is a multifunctional regulator of productive viral replication and oncogenic transformation in nonpermissive mammalian cells. These functions depend on E1B-55K's posttranslational modification with the SUMO protein and its binding to HAdV E4orf6. Both early viral proteins recruit specific host factors to form an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that targets antiviral host substrates for proteasomal degradation. Recently, we reported that the PML-NB-associated factor Daxx represses efficient HAdV productive infection and is proteasomally degraded via a SUMO-E1B-55K-dependent, E4orf6-independent pathway, the details of which remained to be established. RNF4, a cellular SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase (STUbL), induces ubiquitinylation of specific SUMOylated proteins and plays an essential role during DNA repair. Here, we show that E1B-55K recruits RNF4 to the insoluble nuclear matrix fraction of the infected cell to support RNF4/Daxx association, promoting Daxx PTM and thus inhibiting this antiviral factor. Removing RNF4 from infected cells using RNA interference resulted in blocking the proper establishment of viral replication centers and significantly diminished viral gene expression. These results provide a model for how HAdV antagonize the antiviral host responses by exploiting the functional capacity of cellular STUbLs. Thus, RNF4 and its STUbL function represent a positive factor during lytic infection and a novel candidate for future therapeutic antiviral intervention strategies.IMPORTANCE Daxx is a PML-NB-associated transcription factor that was recently shown to repress efficient HAdV productive infection. To counteract this antiviral measurement during infection, Daxx is degraded via a novel pathway including viral E1B-55K and host proteasomes. This virus-mediated degradation is independent of the classical HAdV E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, which is essential during viral infection to target other host antiviral substrates. To maintain a productive viral life cycle, HAdV E1B-55K early viral protein inhibits the chromatin-remodeling factor Daxx in a SUMO-dependent manner. In addition, viral E1B-55K protein recruits the STUbL RNF4 and sequesters it into the insoluble fraction of the infected cell. E1B-55K promotes complex formation between RNF4- and E1B-55K-targeted Daxx protein, supporting Daxx posttranslational modification prior to functional inhibition. Hence, RNF4 represents a novel host factor that is beneficial for HAdV gene expression by supporting Daxx counteraction. In this regard, RNF4 and other STUbL proteins might represent novel targets for therapeutic intervention

    Stärkung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der ökologischen Ferkelerzeugung in Bayern - ein interdisziplinäres Projekt

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    Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der für Süddeutschland typischen, bäuerlichen Ferkelerzeugung ist im ökologischen Landbau bisher gering. Dadurch besteht ein Umstellungshemmnis, das die weitere Entwicklung der Schweinhaltung im Ökolandbau behindert. Das vorgestellte interdisziplinäre Projekt soll mithilfe einer engen Zusammenarbeit von Forschung, Beratung und Praxis einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Produktionsbedingungen liefern. Ziel ist es, Grundlagen für eine Erhöhung von Leistung und Wertschöpfung in der ökologischen Ferkelerzeugung zu erarbeiten. Dies geschieht durch eine Verbesserung des Stands des Wissens über geeignete Haltungsverfahren, Stallbaulösungen, Arbeitsorganisation, Prozessqualität und Betriebswirtschaft. An dem Projekt sind sieben Arbeitsgruppen und elf Praxisbetriebe beteiligt. Das Projekt startete im Juli 2008 und wird voraussichtlich Ende 2010 abgeschlossen werden

    On the Clustering of Sub-millimeter Galaxies

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    We measure the angular two-point correlation function of sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) from 1.1-millimeter imaging of the COSMOS field with the AzTEC camera and ASTE 10-meter telescope. These data yields one of the largest contiguous samples of SMGs to date, covering an area of 0.72 degrees^2 down to a 1.26 mJy/beam (1-sigma) limit, including 189 (328) sources with S/N greater than 3.5 (3). We can only set upper limits to the correlation length r_0, modeling the correlation function as a power-law with pre-assigned slope. Assuming existing redshift distributions, we derive 68.3% confidence level upper limits of r_0 < 6-8 h^-1 Mpc at 3.7 mJy, and r_0 < 11-12 h^-1 Mpc at 4.2 mJy. Although consistent with most previous estimates, these upper limits imply that the real r_0 is likely smaller. This casts doubts on the robustness of claims that SMGs are characterized by significantly stronger spatial clustering, (and thus larger mass), than differently selected galaxies at high-redshift. Using Monte Carlo simulations we show that even strongly clustered distributions of galaxies can appear unclustered when sampled with limited sensitivity and coarse angular resolution common to current sub-millimeter surveys. The simulations, however, also show that unclustered distributions can appear strongly clustered under these circumstances. From the simulations, we predict that at our survey depth, a mapped area of two degrees^2 is needed to reconstruct the correlation function, assuming smaller beam sizes of future surveys (e.g. the Large Millimeter Telescope's 6" beam size). At present, robust measures of the clustering strength of bright SMGs appear to be below the reach of most observations.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Kurzform der Qualitätsskala zur Inklusiven Schulentwicklung - QU!S-S

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    Die QU!S-Kurzform ist ein Instrument zur Evaluation von fünf Qualitätsebenen inklusiver Schulentwicklung und wurde auf der Basis der umfänglicheren „Qualitätsskala Inklusive Schulentwicklung“ (QU!S®) abgeleitet. Die QU!S® wurde von Heimlich, Wilfert, Ostertag und Gebhardt (2018) entwickelt und im Rahmen des „Begleitforschungsprojektes inklusive Schulentwicklung (B!S)“ (vgl. Heimlich, Kahlert, Lelgemann, & Fischer, 2016) in Bayern erstmals in Schulen eingesetzt. Sie basiert auf dem ökologischen Mehrebenenmodell der inklusiven Schulentwicklung (Heimlich, 2003; 2019). Die QU!S-S (short) wird hingegen stärker als ein Instrument der Selbstevaluation der Schule und als Forschungsinstrument begriffen

    Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Resonators for Monitoring Conditioning Film Formation

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    We propose surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators as a complementary tool for conditioning film monitoring. Conditioning films are formed by adsorption of inorganic and organic substances on a substrate the moment this substrate comes into contact with a liquid phase. In the case of implant insertion, for instance, initial protein adsorption is required to start wound healing, but it will also trigger immune reactions leading to inflammatory responses. The control of the initial protein adsorption would allow to promote the healing process and to suppress adverse immune reactions. Methods to investigate these adsorption processes are available, but it remains difficult to translate measurement results into actual protein binding events. Biosensor transducers allow user-friendly investigation of protein adsorption on different surfaces. The combination of several transduction principles leads to complementary results, allowing a more comprehensive characterization of the adsorbing layer. We introduce SAW resonators as a novel complementary tool for time-resolved conditioning film monitoring. SAW resonators were coated with polymers. The adsorption of the plasma proteins human serum albumin (HSA) and fibrinogen onto the polymer-coated surfaces were monitored. Frequency results were compared with quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor measurements, which confirmed the suitability of the SAW resonators for this application