4 research outputs found

    Information measures and classicality in quantum mechanics

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    We study information measures in quantu mechanics, with particular emphasis on providing a quantification of the notions of classicality and predictability. Our primary tool is the Shannon - Wehrl entropy I. We give a precise criterion for phase space classicality and argue that in view of this a) I provides a measure of the degree of deviation from classicality for closed system b) I - S (S the von Neumann entropy) plays the same role in open systems We examine particular examples in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Finally, (this being one of our main motivations) we comment on field classicalisation on early universe cosmology.Comment: 35 pages, LATE

    Разработка и применение современных лабораторных методов в эпидемиологическом мониторинге, диагностики и лечении энтеровирусных инфекций

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    У роботі проведена порівняльна оцінка специфічності й чутливості тест-системи ПЛР, зі специфічним праймером до ДНК 207 п.н. 5'-нетрансльованої області генома энтеровируса для всіх типів ентеровірусів (крім вірусу поліомієліту) у порівнянні із класичним культуральним методом. А також методологічний підхід спільного використання вищеописаної реакції ПЦР із визначенням антитіл класу Іg до вірусів Коксаки й ЕСНО у системі ІФА діагностики, розробленої авторами, і спектр застосування розробленого комплекс.In work the estimation of specificity and sensitivity of test system PTSR, with specific primers to DNA 207 n.n is spent comparative. 5 '-not broadcast areas генома an enterovirus for all types of enteroviruses (except a poliomyelitis virus) in comparison with classical the virology a method. And also the methodological approach of sharing of above described reaction PCR with definition of antibodies of a class ІgG to viruses Cocsaki and ЕСНО in system IFA of diagnostics developed by authors, and a spectrum of application of the developed complex

    ‘These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line’: Representations of the ‘economic consequences’ of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press

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    In this article, the authors examine the ways in which the social movement in Ireland opposed to the Iraq war was represented in the national press. The article draws upon data generated by the largest research project of its type ever conducted in an Irish context. The authors considered representations of the anti-war movement in 11 daily and Sunday newspapers over a period of 9 months. One of the principal threads that ran through newspaper coverage of the time centred upon concerns about the possible ‘economic consequences’ of opposing the war against Iraq. A close reading of the data reveals that the familiar reliance of journalists on official sources and interpretations ensured that the national press tended to cast the anti-war movement in Ireland as a danger to both the regional and national economy at a time of seemingly unprecedented prosperity