75 research outputs found
Causality in relativistic many body theory
The stability of the nuclear matter system with respect to density
fluctuations is examined exploring in detail the pole structure of the
electro-nuclear response functions. Making extensive use of the method of
dispersion integrals we calculate the full polarization propagator not only for
real energies in the spacelike and timelike regime but also in the whole
complex energy plane. The latter proved to be necessary in order to identify
unphysical causality violating poles which are the consequence of a neglection
of vacuum polarization. On the contrary it is shown that Dirac sea effects
stabilize the nuclear matter system shifting the unphysical pole from the upper
energy plane back to the real axis. The exchange of strength between these real
timelike collective excitations and the spacelike energy regime is shown to
lead to a reduction of the quasielastic peak as it is seen in electron
scattering experiments. Neglecting vacuum polarization one also obtains a
reduction of the quasielastic peak but in this case the strength is partly
shifted to the causality violating pole mentioned above which consequently
cannot be considered as a physical reliable result. Our investigation of the
response function in the energy region above the threshold of nucleon
anti-nucleon production leads to another remarkable result. Treating the
nucleons as point-like Dirac particles we show that for any isospin independent
NN-interaction RPA-correlations provide a reduction of the production amplitude
for -pairs by a factor 2.Comment: 19 pages Latex including 12 postscript figure
Delta Excitations in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering
We derive the contribution of -h excitations to quasielastic
charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering in the framework of relativistic
mean-field theory. We discuss the effect of production on the
determination of the axial mass in neutrino scattering experiments.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 3 postscript figures (available upon request
Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe
Little is known about the population history of Neandertals over the hundreds of thousands of years of their existence. We retrieved nuclear genomic sequences from two Neandertals, one from Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave in Germany and the other from Scladina Cave in Belgium, who lived around 120,000 years ago. Despite the deeply divergent mitochondrial lineage present in the former individual, both Neandertals are genetically closer to later Neandertals from Europe than to a roughly contemporaneous individual from Siberia. That the Hohlenstein-Stadel and Scladina individuals lived around the time of their most recent common ancestor with later Neandertals suggests that all later Neandertals trace at least part of their ancestry back to these early European Neandertals
Two-Loop Calculations with Vertex Corrections in the Walecka Model
Two-loop corrections with scalar and vector form factors are calculated for
nuclear matter in the Walecka model. The on-shell form factors are derived from
vertex corrections within the framework of the model and are highly damped at
large spacelike momenta. The two-loop corrections are evaluated first by using
the one-loop parameters and mean fields and then by refitting the total
energy/baryon to empirical nuclear matter saturation properties. The modified
two-loop corrections are significantly smaller than those computed with bare
vertices. Contributions from the anomalous isoscalar form factor of the nucleon
are included for the first time. The effects of the implicit density dependence
of the form factors, which arise from the shift in the baryon mass, are also
considered. Finally, necessary extensions of these calculations are discussed.Comment: 29 pages in REVTeX, 18 figures, preprint IU/NTC 94-02 //OSU--94-11
Medium Modification to the -Meson Mass in the Walecka Model
We calculate the effective mass of the meson in nuclear matter in a
relativistic random-phase approximation to the Walecka model. The dressing of
the meson propagator is driven by its coupling to particle-hole pairs and
nucleon-antinucleon () excitations. We report a reduction in the
-meson mass of about 170~MeV at nuclear-matter saturation density. This
reduction arises from a competition between the density-dependent
(particle-hole) dressing of the propagator and vacuum polarization (
pairs). While density-dependent effects lead to an increase in the mass
proportional to the classical plasma frequency, vacuum polarization leads to an
even larger reduction caused by the reduced effective nucleon mass in the
medium.Comment: 14 pages in ReVTeX, 3 uuencoded figures are available upon request,
FSU-SCRI-93-132 and ADP-93-223/T14
The Role of Color Neutrality in Nuclear Physics--Modifications of Nucleonic Wave Functions
The influence of the nuclear medium upon the internal structure of a
composite nucleon is examined. The interaction with the medium is assumed to
depend on the relative distances between the quarks in the nucleon consistent
with the notion of color neutrality, and to be proportional to the nucleon
density. In the resulting description the nucleon in matter is a superposition
of the ground state (free nucleon) and radial excitations. The effects of the
nuclear medium on the electromagnetic and weak nucleon form factors, and the
nucleon structure function are computed using a light-front constituent quark
model. Further experimental consequences are examined by considering the
electromagnetic nuclear response functions. The effects of color neutrality
supply small but significant corrections to predictions of observables.Comment: 37 pages, postscript figures available on request to
[email protected]
Elimination of the Landau Ghost from Chiral Solitons
We show a practical way based on the K\"{a}ll\'{e}n-Lehmann representation
for the two-point functions to eliminate the instability of the vacuum against
formation of small sized meson configurations in the chiral model.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, figures available upon request, submitted to
Phys.Rev. C
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