184 research outputs found

    On the estimation of attenuation from the ambient seismic field: inferences from distributions of isotropic point scatterers

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    Cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise recorded by two seismic stations may result in an estimate of the Green's function between those two receivers. Several authors have recently attempted to measure attenuation based on these interferometric, receiver-receiver surface waves. By now, however, it is well established that the loss of coherence of the cross-correlation as a function of space depends strongly on the excitation of the medium. In fact, in a homogeneous dissipative medium, uniform excitation is required to correctly recover attenuation. Applied to fundamental-mode ambient seismic surface waves, this implies that the cross-correlation will decay at the local attenuation rate only if noise sources are distributed uniformly on the Earth's surface. In this study we show that this constraint can be relaxed in case the observed loss of coherence is due to multiple scattering instead of dissipation of energy. We describe the scattering medium as an effective medium whose phase velocity and rate of attenuation are a function of the scatterer density and the average strength of the scatterers. We find that the decay of the cross-correlation in the effective medium coincides with the local attenuation of the effective medium in case the scattering medium is illuminated uniformly from all angles. Consequently, uniform excitation is not a necessary condition for the correct retrieval of scattering attenuation. We exemplify the implications of this finding for studies using the spectrally whitened cross-correlation to infer subsurface attenuatio

    On estimating attenuation from the amplitude of the spectrally whitened ambient seismic field

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    Measuring attenuation on the basis of interferometric, receiver-receiver surface waves is a non-trivial task: the amplitude, more than the phase, of ensemble-averaged cross-correlations is strongly affected by non-uniformities in the ambient wavefield. In addition, ambient noise data are typically pre-processed in ways that affect the amplitude itself. Some authors have recently attempted to measure attenuation in receiver-receiver cross-correlations obtained after the usual pre-processing of seismic ambient-noise records, including, most notably, spectral whitening. Spectral whitening replaces the cross-spectrum with a unit amplitude spectrum. It is generally assumed that cross-terms have cancelled each other prior to spectral whitening. Cross-terms are peaks in the cross-correlation due to simultaneously acting noise sources, that is, spurious traveltime delays due to constructive interference of signal coming from different sources. Cancellation of these cross-terms is a requirement for the successful retrieval of interferometric receiver-receiver signal and results from ensemble averaging. In practice, ensemble averaging is replaced by integrating over sufficiently long time or averaging over several cross-correlation windows. Contrary to the general assumption, we show in this study that cross-terms are not required to cancel each other prior to spectral whitening, but may also cancel each other after the whitening procedure. Specifically, we derive an analytic approximation for the amplitude difference associated with the reversed order of cancellation and normalization. Our approximation shows that an amplitude decrease results from the reversed order. This decrease is predominantly non-linear at small receiver-receiver distances: at distances smaller than approximately two wavelengths, whitening prior to ensemble averaging causes a significantly stronger decay of the cross-spectru

    Transdimensional surface wave tomography of the near-surface: Application to DAS data

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    Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a novel technology that allows sampling of the seismic wavefield densely over a broad frequency band. This makes it an ideal tool for surface wave studies. In this study, we evaluate the potential of DAS to image the near-surface using synthetic data and active-source field DAS data recorded with straight fibers in Groningen, the Netherlands. First, we recover the laterally varying surface wave phase velocities (i.e., local dispersion curves) from the fundamental-mode surface waves. We utilize the Multi Offset Phase Analysis (MOPA) for the recovery of the laterally varying phase velocities. In this way, we take into account the lateral variability of the subsurface structures. Then, instead of inverting each local dispersion curve independently, we propose to use a novel 2D transdimensional surface wave tomography algorithm to image the subsurface. In this approach, we parameterize the model space using 2D Voronoi cells and invert all the local dispersion curves simultaneously to consider the lateral spatial correlation of the inversion result. Additionally, this approach reduces the solution nonuniqueness of the inversion problem. The proposed methodology successfully recovered the shear-wave velocity of the synthetic data. Application to the field data also confirms the reliability of the proposed algorithm. The recovered 2D shear-wave velocity profile is compared to shear-wave velocity logs obtained at the location of two boreholes, which shows a good agreement

    On measuring surface wave phase velocity from station-station cross-correlation of ambient signal

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    We apply two different algorithms to measure surface wave phase velocity, as a function of frequency, from seismic ambient noise recorded at pairs of stations from a large European network. The two methods are based on consistent theoretical formulations, but differ in the implementation: one method involves the time-domain cross-correlation of signal recorded at different stations; the other is based on frequency-domain cross-correlation, and requires finding the zero-crossings of the real part of the cross-correlation spectrum. Furthermore, the time-domain method, as implemented here and in the literature, practically involves the important approximation that interstation distance be large compared to seismic wavelength. In both cases, cross-correlations are ensemble-averaged over a relatively long period of time (1 yr). We verify that the two algorithms give consistent results, and infer that phase velocity can be successfully measured through ensemble-averaging of seismic ambient noise, further validating earlier studies that had followed either approach. The description of our experiment and its results is accompanied by a detailed though simplifed derivation of ambient-noise theory, writing out explicitly the relationships between the surface wave Green's function, ambient-noise cross-correlation and phase and group velocitie

    A unified earthquake catalogue for the North Sea to derisk European CCS operations

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is essential to European decarbonisation efforts, and several offshore CO2 storage projects are being developed in the North Sea. Understanding the geomechanical response to CO2 injection is key to both the pre-characterisation and operation of a storage reservoir. A thorough assessment of seismicity gives critical insights into the stress field and faulting around reservoirs, both key controls on the geomechanical response to injection. Seismicity also illuminates potential hydraulic pathways for leakage, be it directly by revealing the extent of faults, or indirectly through fractures imaged by measurements of seismic anisotropy. High quality seismicity data is critical to underpin all of these methods of analysis. This paper presents the most complete catalogue of seismicity in the North Sea to date. The combined data are enabling revised assessments of seismic hazard and leakage risk in the North Sea, as well as a better understanding of faulting and stress. This study shows the value of unifying disparate seismicity data, allowing for more accurate seismological analyses. These lay the foundation for better management of risks for not only geologic CO2 storage, but other offshore industries and infrastructure

    On measuring surface wave phase velocity from station–station cross-correlation of ambient signal

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    We apply two different algorithms to measure surface wave phase velocity, as a function of frequency, from seismic ambient noise recorded at pairs of stations from a large European network. The two methods are based on consistent theoretical formulations, but differ in the implementation: one method involves the time-domain cross-correlation of signal recorded at different stations; the other is based on frequency-domain cross-correlation, and requires finding the zero-crossings of the real part of the cross-correlation spectrum. Furthermore, the time-domain method, as implemented here and in the literature, practically involves the important approximation that interstation distance be large compared to seismic wavelength. In both cases, cross-correlations are ensemble-averaged over a relatively long period of time (1 yr). We verify that the two algorithms give consistent results, and infer that phase velocity can be successfully measured through ensemble-averaging of seismic ambient noise, further validating earlier studies that had followed either approach. The description of our experiment and its results is accompanied by a detailed though simplifed derivation of ambient-noise theory, writing out explicitly the relationships between the surface wave Green’s function, ambient-noise cross-correlation and phase and group velocities

    Ocean Bottom Seismometer Clock Correction using Ambient Seismic Noise

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    Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) are equipped with seismic sensors that record acoustic and seismic events at the seafloor, which makes them suitable for investigating tectonic structures capable of generating earthquakes offshore. One critical parameter to obtain accurate earthquake locations is the absolute time of the incoming seismic signals recorded by the OBSs. It is, however, not possible to synchronize the internal clocks of the OBSs with a known reference time, given that GNSS signals are unable to reach the instrument at the sea bottom. To address this issue, here we introduce a new method to synchronize the clocks of large-scale OBS deployments. Our approach relies on the theoretical time-symmetry of time-lapse (averaged) crosscorrelations of ambient seismic noise. Deviations from symmetry are attributed to clock errors. This implies that the recovered clock errors will be obscured by lapse crosscorrelations' deviations from symmetry that are not due to clock errors. Non-uniform surface wave illumination patterns are arguably the most notable source which breaks the time symmetry. Using field data, we demonstrate that the adverse effects of non-uniform illumination patterns on the recovered clock errors can be mitigated by means of a weighted least-squares inversion that is based on station-station distances. In addition, our methodology permits the recovery of timing errors at the time of deployment of the OBSs. This error can be attributed to either: i) a wrong initial time synchronization of the OBS or ii) a timing error induced by changing temperature and pressure conditions while the OBS is sunk to the ocean floor. The methodology is implemented in an open-source Python package named OCloC, and we applied it to the OBS recordings acquired in the context of the IMAGE project in and around Reykjanes, Iceland. As expected, most OBSs suffered from clock drift. Surprisingly, we found incurred timing errors at the time of deployment for most of the OBSs

    Boomwortels: de verschillende ondergrondse strategieën van bomen

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    Planten kunnen zich aanpassen aan veranderende omstandigheden. Zo kunnen bomen grotere bladeren maken in de schaduw, of dikkere bij droogte. Hoe en of een boom ook de wortels kan aanpassen, is veel min- der duidelijk. Wij keken daarom in een onderzoek of je bij verschillende boomsoorten en onder verschillende omstandigheden andere wortels aan- treft in de bodem