24 research outputs found

    Steps together : Children's experiences of participation in children's and older adults' club activities

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    Goals. During the last few decades, the understanding of childhood has changed. Nowadays we see children as active social actors and as specialists of their life. Children's development and learning happen in close interaction with the surrounding society. The goal of my study is to describe, analyse and interpret children's experiences of participation in children's and older adults' club activities in third sector. I studied Terhokerho clubs as children's operational environment of participation. I focused my study on children's experiences of participation and the structural and situational of the operational environment. My goal was to find operational modes, which support children's experiences of participation. I studied participation through children's initiatives and children's experience of belonging to the group. Methods. I studied two different Terhokerho clubs in southern Finland. Terhokerho clubs are part of the Koko Suomi leikkii –program. There were 27 4-12 year-old children and 21 adults participating in the study. I collected my research data by observing action in Terhokerho clubs and by interviewing children. The interviews were the primary source of research data. I analysed my observation notes and transcribed interviews separately with content analysis by classifying and finding themes from the data. Results and conclusions. In my study, participation as children's experience of belonging to the group and as children's possibilities to make initiatives was surprisingly homogenous. Key factors supporting children's experience of participation were fun activities and friends. Those who did not have their own friends with them in the clubs also considered getting new friends an important factor. Children also wanted to get to know the adults in the clubs. Joint activities of children and adults helped create interaction and therefore supported children's experience of participation and possibilities to make initiatives. Adults' action and the structure of the club also made a difference. Common starting and closing moments of the clubs and activities that took into account children's opinions furthered children's possibilities to make initiatives and experience of participation. Humour and warm athmosphere between children and adults were typical in the club activities of children and older adults.Tavoitteet. Viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana nĂ€kemys lapsuudesta on muuttunut. Lapset nĂ€hdÀÀn nykyÀÀn aktiivisina sosiaalisina toimijoina ja oman elĂ€mĂ€nsĂ€ asiantuntijoina. Lasten kehittyminen ja oppiminen tapahtuvat tiiviissĂ€ vuorovaikutuksessa ympĂ€röivĂ€n yhteisönsĂ€ kanssa. Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena oli kuvata, analysoida ja tulkita lasten osallisuuskokemuksia lasten ja ikĂ€ihmisten yhteisessĂ€ kerhotoiminnassa kolmannella sektorilla. Toimintaa ohjasivat vapaaehtoiset. Tarkastelin Terhokerhoa lasten osallisuuden toimintaympĂ€ristönĂ€. Tutkimuskohteinani olivat erityisesti lasten osallisuuskokemukset sekĂ€ toimintaympĂ€ristön rakenteelliset ja tilanteelliset tekijĂ€t. Tarkoituksenani oli löytÀÀ toimintatapoja, jotka tukevat lasten osallisuuskokemuksia. Tarkastelin osallisuutta lasten tekemien aloitteiden ja lasten kokeman ryhmÀÀn kuulumisen tunteen kautta. MenetelmĂ€t. Tutkimukseeni osallistui 27 4-12-vuotiasta lasta ja 21 aikuista kahdesta EtelĂ€-Suomessa toimivasta Koko Suomi leikkii –hakkeeseen kuuluvasta Terhokerhosta. Hankin tutkimusaineistoni havainnoimalla Terhokerhojen toimintaa ja haastattelemalla lapsia. Haastattelut olivat ensisijainen aineistoni. Analysoin havainnointimuistiinpanoni ja litteroidut haastattelut erikseen sisĂ€llönanalyysin avulla tyypittelemĂ€llĂ€ ja teemoittelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopÀÀtökset. Osallisuus ryhmÀÀn kuulumisen tunteena ja mahdollisuutena tehdĂ€ aloitteita nĂ€yttĂ€ytyi aineistossani yllĂ€ttĂ€vĂ€n yhtenĂ€isenĂ€. Lasten osallisuuden tunnetta tukevia keskeisiĂ€ tekijöitĂ€ olivat mukava tekeminen ja kaverit. Ne, joilla omia kavereita ei ollut toiminnassa mukana, pitivĂ€t uusien kavereiden saamista tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€. Lapset halusivat tutustua myös kerhossa oleviin aikuisiin. Lasten ja aikuisten yhteinen tekeminen edesauttoi vuorovaikutuksen syntymistĂ€ ja edisti nĂ€in lasten kokemusta ryhmÀÀn kuulumisesta ja mahdollisuudesta tehdĂ€ aloitteita. Aikuisten toiminnalla ja kerhon rakenteella oli myös vaikutusta. Kerhokertojen yhteiset aloitukset ja lopetukset sekĂ€ lasten mielipiteet huomioiva toiminta edistivĂ€t lasten aloitteentekomahdollisuuksia ja ryhmÀÀn kuulumisen tunnetta. Lasten ja aikuisten vĂ€lille syntynyt huumori ja lĂ€mmin tunnelma olivat tyypillistĂ€ lasten ja ikĂ€ihmisten yhteiselle kerhotoiminnalle

    Constructing a Socially Sustainable Culture of Participation for Caring and Inclusive ECEC

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    The aim of this research was to explore a socially sustainable culture of participation in which all members of the community can be heard, make initiatives, express their opinions, and alter their practices. We conducted the study by analysing three separate sets of empirical research data in which participation was investigated in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) context and in club activities for children aged 4-12 and the elderly. The data include children's perspectives regarding participation, ECEC practitioners' perspectives on a culture of participation, and children's and ECEC practitioners' shared project-based practices. The results show that children and ECEC practitioners were willing to commit to new practices and construct a collective 'we-narrative'. A we-narrative created a foundation for the conceptual model of a socially sustainable culture of participation, including the prerequisites of participation in adult practices, the goal of participation in children's and adults' shared activities, and a tool for strengthening participation. According to the results, a socially sustainable culture of participation is holistic and dynamic, and children can have an effect on daily activities, including basic care situations, as well as part of the educational activities.Peer reviewe

    Constructing a Socially Sustainable Culture of Participation for Caring and Inclusive ECEC

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    The aim of this research was to explore a socially sustainable culture of participation in which all members of the community can be heard, make initiatives, express their opinions, and alter their practices. We conducted the study by analysing three separate sets of empirical research data in which participation was investigated in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) context and in club activities for children aged 4–12 and the elderly. The data include children’s perspectives regarding participation, ECEC practitioners’ perspectives on a culture of participation, and children’s and ECEC practitioners’ shared project-based practices. The results show that children and ECEC practitioners were willing to commit to new practices and construct a collective ‘we-narrative’. A we-narrative created a foundation for the conceptual model of a socially sustainable culture of participation, including the prerequisites of participation in adult practices, the goal of participation in children’s and adults’ shared activities, and a tool for strengthening participation. According to the results, a socially sustainable culture of participation is holistic and dynamic, and children can have an effect on daily activities, including basic care situations, as well as part of the educational activities

    Constructing a Socially Sustainable Culture of Participation for Caring and Inclusive ECEC

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    The aim of this research was to explore a socially sustainable culture of participation in which all members of the community can be heard, make initiatives, express their opinions, and alter their practices. We conducted the study by analysing three separate sets of empirical research data in which participation was investigated in an early childhood education and care (ECEC) context and in club activities for children aged 4–12 and the elderly. The data include children’s perspectives regarding participation, ECEC practitioners’ perspectives on a culture of participation, and children’s and ECEC practitioners’ shared project-based practices. The results show that children and ECEC practitioners were willing to commit to new practices and construct a collective ‘we-narrative’. A we-narrative created a foundation for the conceptual model of a socially sustainable culture of participation, including the prerequisites of participation in adult practices, the goal of participation in children’s and adults’ shared activities, and a tool for strengthening participation. According to the results, a socially sustainable culture of participation is holistic and dynamic, and children can have an effect on daily activities, including basic care situations, as well as part of the educational activities

    Enhancing a Culture of Participation in Early Childhood Education and Care through Narrative Activities and Project-based Practices

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    In early childhood education and care (ECEC), there is a need for research to develop practices planned, implemented and evaluated in shared activities between educators and children. The objective of this qualitative study is to explore how narrative activities and project-based practices in an ECEC centre promote the development of a culture of participation, which supports reciprocal and listening practices emerging from children’s initiatives and interests. This will be done through studying what phases are experienced based on the projects planned, implemented and evaluated together by the children and educators becoming part of the pedagogical activities. The theoretical framework for this study lies in the sociocultural paradigm. The research data consist of four pedagogical projects. Narrative activities and methods were used in projects when collecting and analysing research data. The results of this study show that there are five phases of shared activities between children and educators: (1) Initial idea, (2) Storycrafting, (3) Narrative play, (4) Closing ceremony, and (5) Recalling sessions. This study contributes to the development of ECEC pedagogy which promotes children’s initiatives and interests, as well as strengthens children’s sense of participation.Peer reviewe

    Kertoen rakennettu – toimien toteutettu. Sosiaalisesti kestĂ€vĂ€n osallisuuden toimintakulttuurin rakentaminen varhaiskasvatuksessa: Lectio praecursoria

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    Lectio praecursoria kasvatustieteen vĂ€itöskirjaan Kertoen rakennettu – toimien toteutettu: Sosiaalisesti kestĂ€vĂ€n osallisuuden toimintakulttuurin rakentaminen varhaiskasvatuksessa, ItĂ€-Suomen yliopistossa 15.10.2021.

    ”I get the feeling that these people really accept who I am” : The well-being of Roma children and the realisation of their rights

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    TĂ€mĂ€ raportti esittelee romanilasten hyvinvointia ja oikeuksien toteutumista koskevan selvityksen tulokset. SelvityksessĂ€ tarkasteltiin romanilasten hyvinvointia ja oikeuksien toteutumista lasten itsensĂ€ kertomana. Tulokset antavat varsin myönteisen kuvan romanilasten elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€ Suomessa. Romanilapset kohtaavat kuitenkin edelleen syrjintÀÀ ja rasismia. Romanilapsia ei tule nĂ€hdĂ€ yhtenĂ€isenĂ€ joukkona. Selvitys toteutettiin osana kansallista lapsistrategiaa lapsiasiavaltuutetun toimistossa yhteistyössĂ€ romanisidosryhmien kanssa. Siihen osallistui 11–17-vuotiaita itsensĂ€ romaniksi kokevia lapsia eri puolilta Suomea. SelvitystĂ€ varten haastateltiin 18 lasta. Haastattelujen pohjalta laadittiin sĂ€hköinen kyselylomake, johon vastasi 93 lasta. Selvityksen tulokset tarjoavat ajankohtaista ja ainutlaatuista tietoa romanivĂ€estöön kuuluvien lasten omaan hyvinvointiin ja oikeuksien toteutumiseen liittyvistĂ€ kokemuksista. Esimerkiksi romaniyhteisö, pÀÀttĂ€jĂ€t, tutkijat sekĂ€ romanilasten ja -nuorten parissa työskentelevĂ€t voivat hyödyntÀÀ selvityksen tuloksia pÀÀtöksenteon, kehittĂ€mistyön ja toiminnan tukena.Julkaisu sisĂ€ltÀÀ tiivistelmĂ€t ruotsiksi, englanniksi ja romanikielellĂ€

    ”I am glad that it is me who gets to study this language, and that it is a part of my culture” : The well-being of Sámi children and the realisation of their rights

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    TĂ€ssĂ€ julkaisussa tarkastellaan saamelaislasten hyvinvointia ja oikeuksien toteutumista lasten itsensĂ€ kertomana. Selvityksen tulosten perusteella saamelaislasten tilanne on monelta osin hyvĂ€. Saamelaislasten elĂ€mÀÀ onkin syytĂ€ tarkastella monista nĂ€kökulmista. Oman osuutensa monien saamelaislasten elĂ€mÀÀn tuovat monikielisyys, saamenpuvun kĂ€yttö ja saamelaisten perinteiset elinkeinot. Lapsiasiavaltuutetun toimisto toteutti selvityksen osana kansallista lapsistrategiaa vuoden 2022 aikana. Selvitykseen osallistui 11–17-vuotiaita itsensĂ€ saamelaiseksi kokevia lapsia saamelaisten kotiseutualueelta ja muualta Suomesta. Kyselylomakkeen laatimista varten haastateltiin kuusi lasta. SĂ€hköiseen kyselyyn vastasi 83 lasta. Selvityksen tulokset tarjoavat esimerkiksi saamelaisyhteisölle ja pÀÀttĂ€jille ajankohtaista tietoa pÀÀtöksenteon, kehittĂ€mistyön ja toiminnan tueksi

    Steps Together : Children’s Experiences of Participation in Club Activities With the Elderly

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    The amount of time that children and elderly people spend alone has grown in recent years in Finland. Based on sociocultural theory, children’s development and learning occur in close interaction with the surrounding society, place, and time. The aim of this study is to research children’s experiences of participation in club activities for children and the elderly. The qualitative research data were collected by observing activities and interviewing children. The key factors in supporting children’s participation were common interests in rewarding activities. A warm atmosphere and humor during activities were also found to be important elements in creating positive interactions between children and the elderly.Peer reviewe