348 research outputs found

    Intraoperative 3-D mapping of parathyroid adenoma using freehand SPECT

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    Background: Freehand single photon emission computed tomography (fSPECT) is a three-dimensional (3-D) tomographic imaging modality based on data acquisition with a handheld detector that is moved freely, in contrast to conventional, gantry-mounted gamma camera systems. In this pilot study, we evaluated the feasibility of fSPECT for intraoperative 3-D mapping in patients with parathyroid adenomas. Methods: Three patients (range 30 to 45 years) diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism (one primary and two tertiary) underwent parathyroid scintigraphy with technetium-99m sestamibi (99mTc-MIBI) to localize parathyroid adenomas. Two patients were referred with persistent hyperparathyroidism after conventional parathyroidectomy. In all three patients, a planar scintigraphy of the neck was performed 10 min after injection (p.i.) followed by SPECT/CT (Symbia T2, Siemens Healthcare) and a correlative ultrasound 2 h p.i. 99mTc-MIBI scan was performed the day before surgery in two patients and at the same day in one patient. fSPECT images were acquired intraoperatively using declipse SPECT (SurgicEyeTM). Results: A total of five parathyroid adenomas were successfully located with SPECT/CT. fSPECT allowed intraoperative detection of all adenomas, and successful parathyroidectomy was accomplished. Parathyroid hormone level decreased intraoperatively in all three patients, on average, by 79% (range 72% to 91%). Conclusion: In this preliminary study, we could demonstrate that intraoperative localization of parathyroid adenomas is feasible using the freehand SPECT technology, thus allowing an image-guided parathyroidectomy


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    En Chile se ha detectado la presencia de algunos géneros de cianobacterias que pueden producir potentes hepatotoxinas y neurotoxinas, las que pueden ser letales para humanos y animales. En el presente trabajo se determinó la presencia de dos géneros de cianobacterias no tóxicos: Chroococcus y Spirulina; y cuatro génerosde cianobacterias productores de toxina, Anabaena, Anabaenopsis, Microcystis y Oscillatoria en tres diferentes cuerpos de agua de la V Región: Lago Peñuelas (Valparaíso), Tranque Recreo (Villa Alemana) y Embalse Los Aromos (Limache). Además se detectó la presenciade hepatotoxinas por MALDI-TOF MS encontrándose microcistina-RR, -LA, -YR y nodularina en Embalse Los Aromos, microcistina-LA en Tranque Recreo y microcistina- RR y LA en Lago Peñuelas. Adicionalmente enalgunas de las muestras se detectó la presencia de péptidos no tóxicos, que presentan actividad biológica tales como aeruginosinas, cianopeptolinas y microgininas. Como estos cuerpos de agua dulce sonutilizados para abastecimiento público y para la recreación, es importante diseñar planes de tratamiento y monitoreo para detectar y evitar los riesgos a la salud  humana y animal provocado por estos microorganismos

    An Improved On-line Contingency Screening for Power System Transient Stability Assessment

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    peer reviewedThis paper presents a contingency screening method and a framework for its on-line implementation. The proposed method carries out contingency screening and on-line stability assessment with respect to first-swing transient stability. For that purpose, it utilizes the single machine equivalent method and aims at improving the prior developed contingency screening approaches. In order to determine vulnerability of the system with respect to a particular contingency, only one time-domain simulation needs to be performed. An early stop criteria is proposed so that in a majority of the cases the simulation can be terminated after a few hundred milliseconds of simulated system response. The method’s outcome is an assessment of the system’s stability and a classification of each considered contingency. The contingencies are categorized by exploiting parameters of an equivalent one machine infinite bus system. A novel island detection approach, appropriate for an on-line application since it utilizes efficient algorithms from graph theory and enables stability assessment of individual islands, is also introduced. The New England and New York system as well as the large-scale model of the Continental-European interconnected system are used to test the proposed method with respect to assessment accuracy and computation time

    Screening of plant extracts for antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts with dermatological relevance.

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    Abstract There is cumulative resistance against antibiotics of many bacteria. Therefore, the development of new antiseptics and antimicrobial agents for the treatment of skin infections is of increasing interest. We have screened six plant extracts and isolated compounds for antimicrobial effects on bacteria and yeasts with dermatological relevance. The following plant extracts have been tested: Gentiana lutea, Harpagophytum procumbens, Boswellia serrata (dry extracts), Usnea barbata, Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis (supercritical carbon dioxide [CO 2 ] extracts). Additionally, the following characteristic plant substances were tested: usnic acid, carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, harpagoside, boswellic acid and gentiopicroside. The extracts and compounds were tested against 29 aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and yeasts in the agar dilution test. U. barbata-extract and usnic acid were the most active compounds, especially in anaerobic bacteria. Usnea CO 2 -extract effectively inhibited the growth of several Grampositive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-resistant strains -MRSA), Propionibacterium acnes and Corynebacterium species. Growth of the dimorphic yeast Malassezia furfur was also inhibited by Usnea-extract. Besides the Usnea-extract, Rosmarinus-, Salvia-, Boswellia-and Harpagophytum-extracts proved to be effective against a panel of bacteria. It is concluded that due to their antimicrobial effects some of the plant extracts may be used for the topical treatment of skin disorders like acne vulgaris and seborrhoic eczema.

    Quantitative analysis by renormalized entropy of invasive electroencephalograph recordings in focal epilepsy

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    Invasive electroencephalograph (EEG) recordings of ten patients suffering from focal epilepsy were analyzed using the method of renormalized entropy. Introduced as a complexity measure for the different regimes of a dynamical system, the feature was tested here for its spatio-temporal behavior in epileptic seizures. In all patients a decrease of renormalized entropy within the ictal phase of seizure was found. Furthermore, the strength of this decrease is monotonically related to the distance of the recording location to the focus. The results suggest that the method of renormalized entropy is a useful procedure for clinical applications like seizure detection and localization of epileptic foci.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Two-Dimensional 1,3,5-Tris(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene Self-Assembly at the 1-Phenyloctane/Graphite Interface Revisited

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    International audienceTwo-dimensional (2D) self-assembly of star-shaped 1,3,5-tris(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene molecules is investigated. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals that this molecule can form three hydrogen-bonded networks at the 1-phenyloctane/graphite interface. One of these structures is close-packed and the two other ones are porous structures, with hexagonal and rectangular cavities. The network with rectangular cavities appears to be the most stable structure