268 research outputs found

    Elemental Fractionation of the Solar Wind as Indicators of Coronal Source Regions and Physical Processes.

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    Heavy ions in the solar wind record the history of physical events occurring to a given parcel of plasma during its escape from the solar atmosphere. Heating, acceleration, and interactions with waves, particles, and magnetic fields all imprint their signatures in the elemental composition and ionic charge states of heavy ions which carry the information unchanged from a few solar radii all the way to the edge of the heliosphere. Therefore by studying heavy ions in the solar wind near-Earth, we are able to peer back into the corona and gain valuable insight concerning physical processes within a region currently inaccessible to direct satellite exploration. Understanding how mass and energy is released from the Sun and transported into interplanetary space is of increasing importance to our modern society which depends on space-based technology for global navigation and communications. In this work we explore the source regions, release and acceleration mechanisms, and elemental fractionation of the slow solar wind. In particular we seek to answer the following questions: (1) “How much plasma, if any, do the largest coronal loops contribute to the solar wind?”, (2) “Where and how does closed filed plasma escape into the solar wind and become accelerated?”, and (3) “What are the physical conditions and time scales required for gravitational settling?”. Towards these ends, we delve into over 20 years of solar wind data from two nearly identical Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) instruments which flew onboard the Ulysses (1990 – 2009) and Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE; 1998 - present) spacecraft. We utilize novel analysis methods and discover the existence of a new class of solar wind events which we call “heavy ion dropouts”. These dropouts have distinctive, mass-fractionated elemental composition indicative of specific coronal conditions and probable source regions. By analyzing the temporal and spatial variability of heavy ion dropouts and comparing our observations to basic simulations of the solar corona, we are able to provide fresh insight which may be used to constrain, validate, and refine prevailing solar wind theories.PhDAtmospheric, Oceanic and Space SciencesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113476/1/mjweberg_1.pd

    En vurdering av hvordan fundamentale faktorer pĂĄvirker elektrisitetsprisen - Kvantilregresjonsanalyse av NordPool

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    I foreliggende oppgave er det undersøkt hvordan ulike fundamentale faktorer påvirker elektrisitetsprisen på NordPool. Ved å benytte kvantilregresjon har vi studert påvirkningen over hele prisdistribusjonene. Etter dereguleringen av det nordiske kraftmarkedet kjennetegnes elektrisitetsprisen av store variasjoner, noe som har medført økt finansiell risiko. En grundig analyse av fundamentale faktorer vil gi en bedre forståelse av de nevnte prisbevegelsene, samt økt innsikt i hvordan forandring i faktorene påvirker prisen. Bidraget fra denne oppgaven er en utvidet fundamentalanalyse av elektrisitetsprisen på NordPool, da tidligere forskning med denne tilnærmingen har vært fokusert på andre kraftmarkeder. Vi har i tillegg valgt å inkludere flere nye variabler, som så vidt det er oss bekjent, ikke tidligere er analysert i denne sammenhengen. På grunn av det varierende etterspørselsmønsteret til elektrisitet har de ulike timene i døgnet forskjellige karakteristikker. Det ble derfor valgt å foreta analyser på noen av de mest særegne timeintervallene. Oppgaven har sett på off peak-perioden, kl. 04.00, de to peak-periodene kl. 09.00 og 18.00, samt daglig gjennomsnitt. Gjennom autoregresjonsanalyser ble det påvist avhengighet mellom dagens og tidligere elektrisitetspriser. Forklaringsgradene til modellene var meget høye, noe som blant annet indikerer en snittreverterende (mean reverting) oppførsel. Basert på funnene i disse analysene ble det valgt å inkludere to variabler i den fundamentale prismodellen som skal fange opp disse egenskapene; gårsdagens pris og gjennomsnittsprisen den siste uken. Fra kvantilregresjonsanalysene konkluderes det med at elastisitetene for de ulike fundamentale faktorene varierer over prisdistribusjonen til daglige og intra-daglige priser. Resultatene viste at faktorene basert på tidligere priser, sammen med konsum, hadde høyest forklaringsgrad. Dette gjenspeiler elektrisitetsprisens egenskaper som autoregressiv og snittreverterende. Analysene viste at det eksisterer individuelle forskjeller når det gjelder hvilke faktorer som er signifikante for hver enkelt periode, samt styrken på forklaringsgradene. Dette understreker behovet for modeller som er tilpasset de individuelle prisenes egenskaper. Det overraskende fra kvantilregresjonen var forklaringsgradene til faktorene som tar hensyn til satsningen på fornybar energiproduksjon. Variablene for elsertifikatprisen og CO2-kvoteprisen viste seg å ha svært små elastisiteter og lave signifikansnivå, og indikerer dermed at disse ikke er determinanter av elektrisitetsprisen i det nordiske markedet. Avslutningsvis ble det gjennomført en scenarioanalyse basert på funnene i analysedelen. Hensikten var her å undersøke hvordan satsningen på fornybar kraftproduksjon påvirker elektrisitetsprisen, da spesielt vind. Resultatene viste en svakt nedadgående trend i elektrisitetsprisen, men ingen overbevisende effekt av økt andel vindkraftproduksjon. Likevel, en større andel fornybar energiproduksjon vil medføre høyere volatilitet for elektrisitetsprisene. Tilsvarende analyse viste at økt volatilitet vil drive elektrisitetsprisen i de øvre kvantilene betraktelig opp, mens prisen i de nedre kvantilene vil reduseres

    Traditioner, oberoende & Eurasianism - En diskursanalys av Rysslands identitet i skapandet av den Eurasiska Europeiska Unionen

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    Identity. A widely discussed subject analyzed in this thesis. The intent of the thesis is to perform a discourse analysis of how Russian identity is constructed and how it transforms in time. This is realized by utilizing the theories and deconstructing methods by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In addition Laclau, Mouffe and Slavoj Žižeks related theories on construction of political identities is used in order to achieve a wider perspective. The deconstruction of the identity is based on several speeches and interviews given by Eurasian Economic Commission Chairman Viktor Christenko and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. In order to map out a transformation in the discourse, the discourse is analyzed in two different steps. First the early time period when the Eurasian Economic Union is proposed, the second when the EAEU is being implemented. The conclusion of the thesis is that the Russian construction of the identity is based around the concepts of self-sufficing, pragmatism, equivalence, traditional values and openness, just to name a few. The observed transition in the Russian identity is mainly based on the perceived notion of being excluded by western states and spheres of influence, most notably by the European Union. Keywords: Rysk, Ryssland, diskursteori, identitet, EAEU, Laclau, Mouffe, Žiže

    An Automated Algorithm for Identifying and Tracking Transverse Waves in Solar Images

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    Recent instrumentation has demonstrated that the solar atmosphere supports omnipresent transverse waves, which could play a key role in energizing the solar corona. Large-scale studies are required in order to build up an understanding of the general properties of these transverse waves. To help facilitate this, we present an automated algorithm for identifying and tracking features in solar images and extracting the wave properties of any observed transverse oscillations. We test and calibrate our algorithm using a set of synthetic data, which includes noise and rotational effects. The results indicate an accuracy of 1%–2% for displacement amplitudes and 4%–10% for wave periods and velocity amplitudes. We also apply the algorithm to data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory and find good agreement with previous studies. Of note, we find that 35%–41% of the observed plumes exhibit multiple wave signatures, which indicates either the superposition of waves or multiple independent wave packets observed at different times within a single structure. The automated methods described in this paper represent a significant improvement on the speed and quality of direct measurements of transverse waves within the solar atmosphere. This algorithm unlocks a wide range of statistical studies that were previously impractical

    Seminarist J. P. Andersens skriftlige Udarbejdelser til Jonstrup Seminarium.

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    Om Personbetegnelse i Slægtskabstavler

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    Dele, lære og utvikle i profesjonelle, lærende fellesskap. Hvordan lykkes en kommune i initieringsfasen ved innføring av kollegalæring som systemisk tiltak?

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    Studien har fulgt piloteringen av et verktøy for kollegalæring, som etter utprøving og justering skal implementeres i en større, nylig sammenslått kommune. Videre er studien konsentrert om den første fasen i en innovasjon, initieringsfasen, fordi kvaliteten på arbeidet i denne planleggingsfasen er helt avgjørende for hvordan en lykkes med arbeidet i neste fase, implementeringsfasen (jfr. Fullan 2016). Verktøyet for kollegalæring er utviklet i kommunens utviklingsenhet og består av kjernekompone

    Investigating The Impacts Of Internal Electrostatic Fields On Homogeneous Transition Metal Complexes

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    The use of electrostatic fields to influence chemical reactivity is a rapidly growing field ofstudy and is increasingly invoked as a strong contributor to enzyme catalysis. Analogous research applied to homogeneous inorganic chemistry remains comparatively underexplored, however several recent examples of transition metal complexes containing rigidly oriented internal electrostatic fields have showcased promising advantages associated with this “non-classical” design strategy. Herein, we report a series of tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren)-based tris(phosphinimine) ligands (R3P3tren) and their coordination to transition metals. The phosphinimine moieties contained in these ligands are best represented by a zwitterionic resonance picture in which an anionic charge is positioned on nitrogen and a cationic charge is positioned on phosphorous. Coordinating these ligands to Cu(I) ions results in the formation of trigonal pyramidal complexes wherein the cationic phosphonium residues are held in the secondary coordination spheres in close proximity to an open coordination site. Detailed experimental and computational studies on these complexes revealed that the presence of the cationic charges impacts the electronic structures of the complexes to promote unique 2:1:2 splitting of the d-orbital manifolds, which subsequently impacts the experimentally determined Cu(I)/Cu(II) redox potentials. Treatment of these complexes with O2 at low temperature (-85 to -100 °C) in THF results in the formation of end-on (h1) cupric superoxide complexes, as evidenced by spectroscopic, reactivity, and computational studies. The cupric superoxide complex bound by the permethylated ligand derivative, Me3P3tren, is long-lived compared to the majority of literature analogs (t/12 = 10.4 h at -85 °C), and computational analysis implicates the charged phosphonium residues on the periphery of the O2 binding pocket as being important to this stability. Experimental corroboration for this postulation was provided through use of a new series of ligands, CF3-PhMe2P3tren, in which the identity of the substituent at the 4-positions of the phosphinimine phenyl groups was modulated (X = NMe2, H, CF3). The X-PhMe2P3tren ligands impart systematic adjustments to the electronic and secondary sphere electrostatic properties of the copper complexes while maintaining a consistent steric profile in the vicinity of the O2 binding pockets. Key differences in the thermal stabilities and hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) kinetics were observed across this series of h1 cupric superoxide complexes, which are discussed in the context of both intra- and inter-molecular electrostatic interactions. Notably, the most stable cupric superoxide complex of the series (bound by CF3-PhMe2P3tren) displays markedly improved thermal stability compared to the Me3P3tren-bound cupric superoxide complex and can be observed as high as room temperature on a multi-minute timescale. Finally, Me3P3tren was bound to Mo to form a facially bound molybdenum tricarbonyl Me3P3tren-Mo(CO)3, which is compared to several isostructural analogs that were prepared using literature-reported tetradentate ligands with N4 donor sets (tren, tris[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]amine (Me6tren), and tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (TMPA)). Two-electron oxidation of Me3P3tren-Mo(CO)3 in the presence of various counter anions resulted in the formation of trigonal bipyramidal MoII complexes in which two of the three CO ligands dissociated ([Me3P3tren-Mo(CO)]2+). Large differences (ca. 50 cm-1) in the CO stretching frequency for [Me3P3tren-Mo(CO)]2+ were observed depending on the identity of counteranion employed, and computational analysis supports a model in which through-space electrostatic interactions between the anions and [Me3P3tren-Mo(CO)]2+ lead to varying degrees of CO activation

    Hinode EIS: updated in-flight radiometric calibration

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    We present an update to the in-flight radiometric calibration of the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), revising and extending our previous studies. We analyze full-spectral EIS observations of quiet Sun and active regions from 2007 until 2022. Using CHIANTI version 10, we adjust the EIS relative effective areas for a selection of dates with emission measure analyses of off-limb quiet Sun. We find generally good agreement (within typically ±\pm 15%) between measured and expected line intensities. We then consider selected intensity ratios for all the dates and apply an automatic fitting method to adjust the relative effective areas. To constrain the absolute values from 2010 we force agreement between EIS and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 193 Angstroms observations. The resulting calibration, with an uncertainty of about ±\pm 20%, is then validated in various ways, including flare line ratios from Fe XXIV and Fe XVII, emission measure analyses of cool active region loops, and several density-dependent line ratios.Comment: submitted to Ap
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