25,075 research outputs found

    Flight and wind-tunnel comparisons of the inlet-airframe interaction of the F-15 airplane

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    The design of inlets and nozzles and their interactions with the airplane which may account for a large percentage of the total drag of modern high performance aircraft is discussed. The inlet/airframe interactions program and the flight tests conducted is described. Inlet drag and lift data from a 7.5% wind-tunnel model are compared with data from an F-15 airplane with instrumentation to match the model. Pressure coefficient variations with variable cowl angles, capture ratios, examples of flow interactions and angles of attack are for Mach numbers of 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, and 1.5 are presented

    Multivariate Time Series Approaches To Analysing The Northern Irish Conflict: Lessons For Future Sub-State Conflict Control

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    This paper is essentially an introduction to the use of multivariate time series analyses of the Northern Irish conflict from 1969-1981.It draws on the conceptual work of Paul Smoker to describe systemic conflict relationships between all the parties to this conflict. Using some of the most comprehensive statistical documentation ever compiled on an internal conflict, the authors present an innovative methodology to show the highly structured nature of this conflict over a long period of time. The paper and its ancillary web sites present not only the data archive, but also the univariate, bivariate and multivariate time series programmes used to make the analyses. The outputs are presented in the form of descriptions of associated influence or ‘systemograms’ which can describe the dynamic and changing conflict ecology where apparently disparate conflict behaviour such as house searches, plastic bullet firings and the killing of military personnel, are highly correlated. Measures of autocorrelation are used to suggest a loss of freedom in the actions of particular conflict participants. Particular attention is given to the use of “less-lethal weapons” and their impact on overall conflict dynamics. What emerges is that sectarian killings form a distinct conflict susbset, whereas the counter-insurgency behaviour of the state security forces act as a conflict driver, ratchet ting up the conflict as each more severe phase of the counterinsurgency programme is introduced. The paper attempts to introduce a whole systems conflict approach which is both dynamic and puzzling, since in many respects it indicates cooperation between the various participants to carry on the conflict at a systemic level. The provisional lessons of this study are that sub-state conflict control measures can prove dysfunctional. The work is very much a case of research in progress and the findings remain tentative. We are re-introducing it at this time since it does open the prospect of repeating the research methodology in other sub-state conflicts such as Israel and Iraq, if reliable data were ever to become available

    High spatial resolution observations of CUDSS14A: a SCUBA-selected ultraluminous galaxy at high redshift

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    The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com '. Copyright Blackwell Publishing DOI : 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2000.03822.xWe present a high-resolutionmillimetre interferometric image of the brightest SCUBA- selected galaxy from the Canada-UK deep SCUBA survey (CUDSS). We make a very clear detection at 1.3 mm, but fail to resolve any structure in the source.Peer reviewe

    Remotely controlled mirror of variable geometry for small angle x-ray diffraction with synchrotron radiation

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    A total-reflecting mirror of 120-cm length was designed and built to focus synchrotron radiation emanating from the electron-positron storage ring at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SPEAR). The reflecting surface is of unpolished float glass. The bending and tilt mechanism allows very fine control of the curvature and selectability of the critical angle for wavelengths ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 Å. Elliptical curvature is used to minimize aberrations. The mirror is placed asymmetrically onto the ellipse so as to achieve a tenfold demagnification of the source. The bending mechanism reduces nonelastic deformation (flow) and minimizes strains and stresses in the glass despite its length. Special design features assure stability of the focused image. The mirror reduces the intensity of shorter wavelength harmonics by a factor of approximately 100

    Boxfishes (Teleostei: Ostraciidae) as a model system for fishes swimming with many fins: kinematics

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    Swimming movements in boxfishes were much more complex and varied than classical descriptions indicated. At low to moderate rectilinear swimming speeds (<5 TL s^(-1), where TL is total body length), they were entirely median- and paired-fin swimmers, apparently using their caudal fins for steering. The pectoral and median paired fins generate both the thrust needed for forward motion and the continuously varied, interacting forces required for the maintenance of rectilinearity. It was only at higher swimming speeds (above 5 TL s^(-1)), when burst-and-coast swimming was used, that they became primarily body and caudal-fin swimmers. Despite their unwieldy appearance and often asynchronous fin beats, boxfish swam in a stable manner. Swimming boxfish used three gaits. Fin-beat asymmetry and a relatively nonlinear swimming trajectory characterized the first gait (0–1 TL s^(-1)). The beginning of the second gait (1–3 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by varying fin-beat frequencies and amplitudes as well as synchrony in pectoral fin motions. The remainder of the second gait (3–5 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by constant fin-beat amplitudes, varying finbeat frequencies and increasing pectoral fin-beat asynchrony. The third gait (>5 TL s^(-1)) was characterized by the use of a caudal burst-and-coast variant. Adduction was always faster than abduction in the pectoral fins. There were no measurable refractory periods between successive phases of the fin movement cycles. Dorsal and anal fin movements were synchronized at speeds greater than 2.5 TL s^(-1), but were often out of phase with pectoral fin movements

    Bulk and shear relaxation in glasses and highly viscous liquids

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    The ratio between the couplings of a relaxational process to compression and shear, respectively, is calculated in the Eshelby picture of structural rearrangements within a surrounding elastic matrix, assuming a constant density of stable structures in distortion space. The result is compared to experimental data for the low-temperature tunneling states in glasses and to Prigogine-Defay data at the glass transition from the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 53 references; version after understanding the Prigogine-Defay ratio at the glass transition in the accompanying paper arXiv:1203.3555 [cond-mat.dis-nn


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    A study of the potential impacts of space utilization

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    Because the demand for comprehensive impact analysis of space technologies will increase with the use of space shuttles, the academic social sciences/humanities community was surveyed in order to determine their interests in space utilization, to develop a list of current and planned courses, and to generate a preliminary matrix of relevant social sciences. The academic scope/focus of a proposed social science space-related journal was identified including the disciplines which should be represented in the editorial board/reviewer system. The time and funding necessary to develop a self-sustaining journal were assessed. Cost income, general organizational structure, marking/distribution and funding sources were analyzed. Recommendations based on the survey are included