59 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keterampilan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika melalui pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 01 Sokawati Unit Pengelola Pendidikan Kecamatan Ampelgading pada kelas V selama satu semester dari bulan Januari sampai dengan Juni 2010. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Prosedur dalam setiap siklus mencakup tahap-tahap: (1) pengembangan fokus masalah, (2) perencanaan tindakan perbaikan, (3) pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan interpretasi, (4) analisa dan refleksi, dan (5) perencanaan tindak lanjut. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 01 Sokawati Kecamatan Ampelgading Kabupaten Pemalang. Penelitian tindakan yang dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus diperoleh hasil bahwa rerata hasil observasi terhadap aktivitas siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran pada siklus I sebesar 78 % , pada siklus 92 %. Rerata nilai motivasi belajar siswa sebelum mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw 54 %. Sesudah menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw rerata nilai motivasi belajar siswa pada siklus I 59 %, pada siklus II menjadi 87 %. Hasil rerata tes kemampuan menyelesaikan soal cerita siswa pada kondisi awal 46 tingkat ketuntasan klasikal 48 %. Pada siklus I, nilai rerata 59,58 tingkat ketuntasan klasikal 50 %. Pada siklus II, nilai rerata 67,42 tingkat ketuntasan klasikal 91.66 % yang diperoleh siswa pada akhir siklus menunjukkan bahwa nilai tersebut telah dapat mencapai tujuan. Berdasarkan tindakan yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa; dan (2) penggunaan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif model jigsaw dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menyelesaikan soal cerita mata pelajaran matematika pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 01 Sokawati Kecamatan Ampelgading Kabupaten Pemalang

    Technical Efficiency Analysis of Maize Farmers in the Eastern Region of Ghana

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    This study assesses the technical efficiency and its determinants of maize farmers in the Eastern Region of Ghana. A multi stage random sampling procedure was employed to select 226 maize farmers from the four main geographical areas of the region for the study. A well-structured questionnaire and field observations were employed to collect relevant information from the respondents. Data collected was analyzed using relevant econometric techniques. The results indicate that elasticities of mean output for agrochemicals, hired labor, other inputs are positive while those of seed, fertilizer and family labor are negative. The computed return to scale on the other hand reveals that, on average, the maize farms exhibit decreasing returns to scale. The joint effect of operational and farm-specific factors influence technical efficiency but individual effects of some variables are not significant. Mean technical efficiency level of the farmers is estimated to be 51%, indicating that the possibility of increasing maize production in the region given the current state of technology and inputs level can be achieved in the short run by increasing the technical efficiency level of the farmers by 49% through the adoption of practices of the best maize farmer. Further, the empirical results from the inefficiency model show that extension visit, FBO membership, frequency of meeting by members of FBOs, formal training in maize farming, cash and in-kind credits are the major determinants of the farmers’ technical efficiency level. Finally, the resource use efficiency results revealed that agro-chemicals and hired labor are under-utilized whereas seed, fertilizer and family labor are over-utilized by maize farmers in the region. These results have implications for management of small and medium scale food crop farms in developing countries

    การพัฒนาบทเรียนคอมพิวเตอร์ช่วยสอนวิชา อาเซียนศึกษา

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    The objectives of the research study to (1) develop and find an efficiency of the computer assisted instruction in Asian studies for the second year students of Songkhla Rajabhat University, (2) to study the achievement of students after studying with computer assisted instruction Asian studies. The studied samples were 40 2nd year students of Songkhla Rajabhat University. They were selected by using Sampling of student groups. The research tools consisted of Computer assisted teaching Asian studies, achievement test. The research statistics consisted of using mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent). The research findings were Computer-assisted instruction in Asian studies. When calculating the effective E1/E2 was 82.44/84.25 which was higher than the set criterion 80/80, the students learning achievement after learning with the computer assisted teaching Asian studies was higher than the pretest at statistically significant level .05 and compared means of the opinion of sampling group towards learning with the computer assisted teaching Asian studies were at the highest level

    Tratamiento de aguas residuales provenientes de la industria del café. Revisión sistemática, 2022

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    El café representa el segundo producto comercial con mayor demanda en el mundo, tan solo antecedido por el petróleo, es por esta razón que cumple con un importante papel en cuanto a su producción y comercialización, no obstante, su transformación en la bebida de café genera impactos negativos hacia el ambiente donde se desarrolla, debido al procesamiento del fruto, donde tiene lugar la aplicación de procesos húmedos los que integran agua para cada etapa, la investigación tuvo por objetivo identificar y analizar las técnicas de tratamiento con su aplicación en aguas residuales, provenientes de la industria del café. La investigación es de caracter cualitativo, descriptivo, con metodología que consistió en la revisión de 52 artículos científicos, con 5 años de antigüedad, que fueron considerados desde el 2018, los resultados se obtuvieron de acuerdo a las categorías y subcategorías, es así que las características son compartidas para las aguas residuales de café, de acuerdo a 10 autores diferentes con pH promedio de 4.43, DQO y DBO promedio de 15465.2 mg/L, 9258.7 mg/L respectivamente, la valorización de las aguas residuales con subproductos, producción de metano, fuente de nutrientes, fertirrigación y las técnicas óptimas para los tratamientos de ARC, como la digestión anaerobia, fitorremediación, coagulación, procesos oxidativos avanzados, como resultados se determinó que la digestión anaerobia con la utilización de Reactores, es el tratamiento más eficiente para tratar las aguas residuales del café, independientemente de su precedencia

    Food taboos among residents at Ashongman - Accra, Ghana

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    A cross sectional survey was conducted in Ashongman Village with the aim of investigating respondents’ knowledge, the extent of belief, reasons (if any) behind their existence and knowledge about the effects of food taboos. A total of 200 adults selected purposively were interviewed. Data collected was coded, entered and analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (S.P.S.S. Version 18). The Pearson’s chi-square test was used to test the relationship between education, ethnic groups and the belief and adherence to food taboos. Most respondents were females (55%), 30 years and above (67%), single (59%) , Christians (93%) and some form of formal education. The study sample belonged to varied ethnic groups with the main group being Akans (47%). Analysis of the data revealed 60% of respondents had knowledge about food taboos but only 37% actually believed and adhered to them. Fifty-seven (57%) of foods prohibited were of animal origin whiles 43% were of plant origin. Various reasons ranging from cultural, religious, health, magical thinking, ethics, sympathy and compassion were given to explain the prevalence and adherence to food taboos. It was also realized that most respondents had knowledge about the harmful effect of the adherence to food taboos. Education was an important factor realized as being responsible for the prevalence of food taboos. It was recommended that further research on food taboos and food security among specific groups especially the vulnerable in society (i.e. women and children) be conducted.  Secondly, because of the nutritional implications for adhering to food taboos in developing countries, a subtle community nutrition campaign needs to be organized by relevant stakeholders to sensitize people about the effect of adhering to food taboos. Keywords: Food taboos

    Mature sperm small-RNA profile in the sparrow: implications for transgenerational effects of age on fitness.

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    Mammalian sperm RNA has recently received a lot of interest due to its involvement in epigenetic germline inheritance. Studies of epigenetic germline inheritance have shown that environmental exposures can induce effects in the offspring without altering the DNA sequence of germ cells. Most mechanistic studies were conducted in laboratory rodents and C.elegans while observational studies confirm the phenotypic phenomenon in wild populations of humans and other species including birds. Prominently, paternal age in house sparrows affects offspring fitness, yet the mechanism is unknown. This study provides a first reference of house sparrow sperm small RNA as an attempt to uncover their role in the transmission of the effects of paternal age on the offspring. In this small-scale pilot, we found no statistically significant differences between miRNA and tRNA fragments in aged and prime sparrow sperm. These results indicate a role of other epigenetic information carriers, such as distinct RNA classes, RNA modifications, DNA methylation and retained histones, and a clear necessity of future studies in wild populations.This work was supported by Cancer Research UK (C13474/A18583, C6946/A14492) and the Wellcome Trust (104640/Z/14/Z, 092096/Z/10/Z) through E.A.M. W.M. was funded by The Nakajima Foundation and St John’s College Benefactors’ Scholarship. K.G. received funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation advanced mobility fellowship. J.S. was supported by Imperial College London

    Does Scale Matter in Profitability of Small Scale Broiler Agribusiness Production in Ghana? A Translog Profit Function Model

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    This paper examined whether scale matter in profitability of small-scale commercial broiler agribusinessproduction in Ghana, using the translog profit function model. Structured questionnaire was used to collectprimary data on input and output prices and quantities from four hundred and forty-one (441) small-scalecommercial broiler agribusinesses for the 2010 production year through a multiple-stage random samplingtechnique. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data collected for thestudy. Findings of the study show that by incurring an average variable cost of GH¢8.48 per broiler and sellingeach at GH¢14.80, small-scale broiler agribusinesses make a profit of GH¢5.59 per bird. Results of the translogprofit function model indicate that feed and day-old chick prices are the two main factors that negatively andsignificantly affect profit in small-scale commercial broiler agribusiness production. Stock size of small-scalebroiler agribusinesses was also found to positively and significantly affect profit in broiler production. Thisimplies that profit of small-scale broiler agribusinesses increases with scale, hence scale matters in profitabilityof broiler production. Policy actions directed towards broiler producers to increase their production scale in orderto reduce cost and increase profit should be encouraged.Keywords: Scale, Profitability, Broiler, Agribusiness, Production, Translog, Ghan

    Trypanosomiasis in a migrating herd of cattle in Kaduna State Nigeria

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and impact of Trypanosomiasis on a herd of migrating/pastoral cattle. A herd of 50 white Fulani cattle migrating from a suburban area of Abuja to Afaka in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria, were examined and screened for Trypanosomiasis on request. The animals showed clinical symptoms of lacrimation, emaciation, depression, lethargy and enlarged superficial lymphnodes which were reportedly not present before the trek. 40 of the animals were screened by parasitological means (hematocrit, buffy coat methods and thin and thick blood smears). 15 out of the 40 animals sampled were positive for trypanosomes (37.5% prevalence). Trypanosoma congolense was the only Trypanosoma species identified. Trypanosomiasis was observed in the herd examined and laboratory examination corroborated the observed clinical signs. The results, as well as the role of migration and transhumance pastoralism in disease occurrence are discussed.Keywords: Trypanosomiasis, trypanosomes, cattle, Fulani, migration, Nigeri

    Prevalence of trypanosomiasis in sheep in the Kachia Grazing Reserve, Kachia, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    An investigation was carried out in the Kachia grazing reserve in Kaduna, Nigeria, to determine the prevalence of trypanosomiasis among sheep. The reserve has had a history of high prevalence of the disease and farmers in the area are known to ignore the control of trypanosomiasis in sheep and goats and focus more on cattle. The sheep studied showed lacrimation, pale mucous membranes, hair loss, lameness and tick infestation. Blood samples from 110 sheep were collected and examined by using the Standard Trypanosome Detection Method i.e. Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (HCT),Buffy Coat Method (BCM), and Giemsa stained thick and thin blood films.The packed cell volume (PCV) of each animal was also determined.An overall point prevalence rate of 40.9%(45 positive) was recorded. The average PCV of the infected sheep (19.6±0.45) appeared lower but statistically not significant (p>0.05)than that (18.6±0.51) in those non-infected.The trypanosomes observed were T. congolense (40.0%),T. Brucei (28.8%), T.vivax (17.7%) and mixed infections (13.3%). The potential of small ruminants serving as reservoirs of infection for cattle, insufficiency of professional Veterinary services, absence of alternative trypanosomiasis control methods other than chemotherapy and poor land use practices which forces migration of herds and complicates the control of the disease in the area were discussed.Keywords: Prevalence, Trypanosomiasis, Sheep, Grazing reserve, Chemotherapy, Reservoi