23 research outputs found

    Workgroup Report: Biomonitoring Study Design, Interpretation, and Communication—Lessons Learned and Path Forward

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    Human biomonitoring investigations have provided data on a wide array of chemicals in blood and urine and in other tissues and fluids such as hair and human milk. These data have prompted questions such as a) What is the relationship between levels of environmental chemicals in humans and external exposures? b) What is the baseline or “background” level against which individual levels should be compared? and c) How can internal levels be used to draw conclusions about individual and/or population health? An interdisciplinary panel was convened for a 1-day workshop in November 2004 with the charge of focusing on three specific aspects of biomonitoring: characteristics of scientifically robust biomonitoring studies, interpretation of human biomonitoring data for potential risks to human health, and communication of results, uncertainties, and limitations of biomonitoring studies. In this report we describe the recommendations of the panel

    Pharmacotherapy and pregnancy: Highlights from the first International Conference for Individualized Pharmacotherapy in Pregnancy

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    Data are sparse on the effects of medication use during pregnancy. Half of the world's population is women. The majority of women become pregnant, and many of those women take some kind of medication during their pregnancy, even if only for a short time. The majority of drugs have not been rigorously studied in pregnant women to determine the most effective dose with the least potential for adverse effects. Instead, women are given “cookie‐cutter” therapy, using doses extrapolated from nonpregnant women, men, or pregnant animals. This can lead to problems. Instead, individualization of pharmacotherapy in pregnancy promises to take individual women and determine the optimal dose and drug for them to maximize the effect of the drug while attempting to minimize the side effects to them and their unborn babies. Because this field of study is underrepresented, we held a conference to bring together researchers and experts to discuss current knowledge, issues, and challenges surrounding individualized pharmacotherapy in pregnancy. Speakers came from the NIH, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and various research centers in the United States and Canada. Below are the summaries of the discussions at the conference. Full notes from the panel discussions are available from the authors on request

    Fabrication of MEMS Microshutter Arrays for Cryogenic Applications

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    Two-dimensional MEMS microshutter arrays are being developed for use as a high contrast field selector for the Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We present details of microshutter array fabrication and give results of work done to optimize the flatness of microshutter elements through film stress control for both room temperature and cryogenic (35K) operation

    Probable mechanism of isoniazid-related hepatic injury

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    This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department ([email protected])

    Covalent binding of phenytoin to protein and modulation of diphenylhydantoin metabolism by thiols in A/J mouse liver microsomes.

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    ABSTRACT ABBREVIATIONS: MTZ, methyithiazolidine carboxylic acid; TCA, trichloroacetic acid; Pb, phenobarbital; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; p-HPPH, parahydroxyphenytoin; m-HPPH, metahydroxyphenytoin; 3-MC, 3-methylcholanthrene

    Impairments of probabilistic response reversal and passive avoidance following catecholamine depletion

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    Catecholamines, particularly dopamine, have been implicated in various aspects of the reward function including the ability to learn through reinforcement and to modify flexibly responses to changing reinforcement contingencies. We examined the impact of catecholamine depletion (CD) achieved by oral administration of alpha-methyl-paratyrosine (AMPT) on probabilistic reversal learning and passive avoidance (PA) in 15 female subjects with major depressive disorder in full remission (RMDD) and 12 healthy female controls. The CD did not affect significantly the acquisition phase of the reversal learning task. However, CD selectively impaired reversal of the 80-20 contingency pair. In the PA learning task, CD was associated with reduced responding toward rewarding stimuli, although the RMDD and control subjects did not differ regarding these CD-induced changes in reward processing. Interestingly, the performance decrement produced by AMPT on both of these tasks was associated with the level of decreased metabolism in the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex. In an additional examination using the affective Stroop task we found evidence for impaired executive attention as a trait abnormality in MDD. In conclusion, this study showed specific effects of CD on the processing of reward-related stimuli in humans and confirms earlier investigations that show impairments of executive attention as a neuropsychological trait in affective illness

    MEMS Microshutter Arrays for James Webb Space Telescope

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    MEMS microshutter arrays are being developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for use as an aperture array for a Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NirSpec). The instruments will be carried on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the next generation of space telescope after Hubble Space Telescope retires. The microshutter arrays are designed for the selective transmission of light with high efficiency and high contrast, Arrays are close-packed silicon nitride membranes with a pixel size of 100x200 microns. Individual shutters are patterned with a torsion flexure permitting shutters to open 90 degrees with a minimized mechanical stress concentration. Light shields are made on to each shutter for light leak prevention so to enhance optical contrast, Shutters are actuated magnetically, latched and addressed electrostatically. The shutter arrays are fabricated using MEMS technologies