14 research outputs found


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    Organisational culture is a set of values or personality that is implemented by certain company or hotel as a form of identity of that hotel or company. The effect of organisational culture is profound, and correlates heavily towards employee performance by enhancing individual performance and increasing employee retention. This research is conducted to discover the effect of organisational culture towards employee performance in Padma Resort Legian. The hotel’s established core values points are used by measuring the effect of each core values towards employee performance. Whereas the core values that had been established is as follows; achievement, excellence, customer focus, honesty and integrity and people oriented. Quantitative and qualitative method is used as a tool to unravel the connection between organisational culture towards employee’s performance. Later on questioners that had been distributed to 119 respondents by using likert scale measurement. The data then is analysed by using both simple and multiple correlation to measure the corelation between the core values towards employees performance both entirely or partially. The result of the research shows that there is a correlation between organisational cultures towards employee’s performance entirely, although only achievement and customer focus that show a significant value of correlation towards employee’s performance.

    The Effects of Economic, Socio-Cultural and Environment of an Integrated Rural Tourism Destination Pinge Village-Tabanan

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    Community based Tourism paradigm as a concept of alternative tourism has been able to provide distribution to community either in welfare or empowerment towards sustainable tourism. In relation to this paradigm, this study was conducted to analyze the impacts of rural tourism development in Pinge village. Pinge is one of the village in Tabanan- Bali which has been developed to be rural tourism destination.The approach used in this research was qualitative descriptive. Technique of collecting data was through interviewing with community leader and conducting field observations in order to find out positive and negative impacts to economy, socio cultural and environment to this village. The researcher found that the development of rural tourism provides positive and negative impacts to society in Pinge. From the result of data collection, there were found that economy of society was improved, the culture was preserved, and the environment was arranged well. The result of this study is expected to be a reference study in rural tourism development in Pinge village through controlling the negative impacts from this tourism destination development


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    The development of tourism in Bali has a real effect on economy in Bali. Development and promotion of tourism that has been done should be capable to be sustained and maintained in the future. Tourism sustainability discourse must involve the commitment from all parties to maintain the sustainability of the natural, social, economic and cultural community as the basic capital of tourism. Tourism Department of Denpasar city is trying to develop the alternative tourism for reducing the negative effects of mass tourism and empowering rural communities through the development of rural tourism. One of the villages targeted is Penatih village which is a village that has the potential resources to be developed into a rural tourism with traditional culture (art), social order, Subak and other.The approach used in this research was qualitative descriptive. The data were collected through interview, observation, documentation and conduct Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Then the data were analyzed by using SWOT analysis. From the result of study, there were found some potential that can be developed and packaged in rural tourism. And also this research provides the strategies to develop this village to be a rural touris


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    The development of tourist village is a government policy that is expected to improve the economy of the community, expanding the employment vacancies, alleviating poverty. Expanding the employment vacancies that lead to improve the welfare of rural communities. The purpose of this study is to determine the perception and participation of local people in Paksebali in the development of smart eco-village destination in the tourist village of Paksebali, Dawan subdistrict, Klungkung regency. The approach is done by distributing to 30 respondents (Purposive sampling).The collected data were primary and secondary data with the techniques are observation, interview and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study shows that the public perception of the development of smart eco-village Paksebali tourist village is the the public generally has known about the development of tourist villages. The community very agree and support by implementing the sapta pesona (seven ways of enchantment). People hope that the development of tourist village can promote the village and improve the welfare of their life. Community participation in the development of tourist village is done started from planning, developing facilities and infrastructure, managing, and monitoring and evaluation

    Tourism Satisfaction Analysis of Tourism Packages as Tourism Products in Paksebali Village, Klungkung, Bali

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of tourists who visit and enjoy tour packages as a product of the tourism village of Paksebali, Klungkung, Bali. Data were collected by interviewing, observing, and distributing questionnaires to 100 tourists (incidental sampling). Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques through Index Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The result of the study is the tourists are satisfied. The indicators considered important by tourists are the friendliness of tour guides and the performance that exceeds their expectations. Indicator considered less important by tourists are the procedures for serving food and beverages, and the price suitability for tour packages. An indicator considered less important by tourists and felt too excessive is the cleanliness of the village environment. The tourists also hope that the tour time will be extended so they can be more involved in community activities

    Evaluasi Produk Wisata Berbasis Pertanian di Desa Adat Tinggan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi produk wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan, dan mengukur tingkat kepuasan wisatawan terhadap kinerja pelayanan pengelolanya. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan pengukuran CSI (Costumer Satisfaction Index). Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa produk wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan adalah berupa paket treking mengunjungi Pura Pucak Mangu, peternakan lebah madu di tengah perkebunan kopi, edukasi biogas, produksi kopi bubuk dan produksi kripik talas. Kondisi sarana pendukung di sepanjang jalur treking seperti gazebo, tempat selfie dan toilet sudah mengalami kerusakan dan kurang terawat karena terkendala biaya. Pelatihan dan pendampingan telah dilakukan oleh tim dosen IPBI menyasar pada peningkatan sumberdaya pengelola dan produk UKM penunjang yang berbasis pertanian/agro. Kualitas layanan berdasarkan analisis CSI (Costumer Satisfaction Index) berada pada katagori memuaskan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wisatawan yang menjadi reponden dalam penelitian ini menilai puas terhadap kinerja pengelola wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan

    Evaluasi Produk Wisata Berbasis Pertanian di Desa Adat Tinggan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi produk wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan, dan mengukur tingkat kepuasan wisatawan terhadap kinerja pelayanan pengelolanya. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan pengukuran CSI (Costumer Satisfaction Index). Dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa produk wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan adalah berupa paket treking mengunjungi Pura Pucak Mangu, peternakan lebah madu di tengah perkebunan kopi, edukasi biogas, produksi kopi bubuk dan produksi kripik talas. Kondisi sarana pendukung di sepanjang jalur treking seperti gazebo, tempat selfie dan toilet sudah mengalami kerusakan dan kurang terawat karena terkendala biaya. Pelatihan dan pendampingan telah dilakukan oleh tim dosen IPBI menyasar pada peningkatan sumberdaya pengelola dan produk UKM penunjang yang berbasis pertanian/agro. Kualitas layanan berdasarkan analisis CSI (Costumer Satisfaction Index) berada pada katagori memuaskan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa wisatawan yang menjadi reponden dalam penelitian ini menilai puas terhadap kinerja pengelola wisata di desa wisata Pucak Tinggan

    Eksistensi Ekowisata Mangrove Di Tahura Ngurah Rai Bagi Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Bali

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    Tata kelola Tahura Ngurah Rai dan pemanfaatannya sebagai kawasan ekowisata mangrove menjadi isu krusial di tengah perebutan berbagai macam kepentingan yang selama ini dihadapi oleh pengelola Tahura Ngurah Rai. Apalagi di era global dimana arus informasi demikian cepat dan mudah diakses serta dapat mempengaruhi citra suatu destinasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan ekowisata, menemukan manfaat dan peluang penting eksistensi ekowisata mangrove, serta merumuskan rekomendasi pengembangan ekowisata di Tahura. Penelitian dasar yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan metode survey dan wawancara kepada seluruh pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap eksistensi ekowisata mangrove. Kemudian melalui FGD dirumuskan rekomendasi pengembangan untuk penyusunan kebijakan bagi Pemerintah Provinsi Bali. Penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan ekowisata di Tahura Ngurah Rai yaitu: Keanekaragaman Hayati; Infrastruktur; Pendidikan dan Kesadaran Lingkungan; Partisipasi Masyarakat; Kebijakan Pemerintah; Pemasaran dan Promosi; Kerjasama dan Kolaborasi; dan Pengelolaan yang Berkelanjutan. Ekowisata mangrove menawarkan sejumlah manfaat dan peluang penting yang dapat berdampak positif pada pariwisata yaitu: Konservasi dan Edukasi Lingkungan;  Variasi Pilihan Wisata; Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Lokal; Pengalaman Wisata yang Berkelanjutan; Daya Tarik Wisatawan Berbasis Alam; dan Penyelarasan dengan Kebijakan Berkelanjutan. Keywords: : eksistensi ekowisata mangrove; Tahura Ngurah Rai


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    The synergy between tourism education institutions with the government is important to equate the perception that tourism as an independent science is a pride and a challenge for tourism college, including the International Bali Institute of Tourism (STPBI), which organizes vocational education programs. The role of the lecturer becomes very important in this stage. The problems in this research are 1). Does the organizational culture, competence, and compensation affect the job satisfaction of lecturers at STPBI 2). Does the job satisfaction, organizational culture, competence, and compensation affect the loyalty of lecturers at STPBI. This research uses a quantitative approach with Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tools. The result are, organizational culture, competence, and compensation have positive and significant impact on the job satisfaction of lecturers. Job satisfaction, organizational culture and compensation have positive and significant impact on lecturers' loyalty. However, competence has no significant effect on lecturer's loyalty