11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Hygiene Sanitasi dan Keselamatan Kerja Pada UMKM Setan Bali

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    UMKM Sele Tangi (Setan) Bali merupakan industri rumah tangga yang mengolah klepon berbahan dasar ubi ungu. Pengolahan yang tidak higienis dan sanitasi tempat produksi berpengaruh pada kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Tujuan dilaksanakan PkM pada UMKM Setan Bali adalah untuk menerapkan personal hygiene dan peralatan, sanitasi tempat produksi serta keselamatan kerja para pekerja. Metode PkM dilakukan dengan cara ceramah, diskusi dan praktek mengenai cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar, penggunaan penutup kepala, sarung tangan dan masker saat melakukan produksi, hygiene peralatan, sanitasi tempat produksi dan keselamatan kerja serta cara melakukan penanggulangan terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Hasil pre-test menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan mitra terhadap personal hygiene, hygiene peralatan, sanitasi tempat produksi dan keselamatan kerja yaitu masing-masing sebesar 73,81%; 71,43%; 71,43%; dan 85,71%. Sedangkan hasil post-test menunjukkan bahwa setelah pelatihan, pengetahuan mitra terhadap personal hygiene, hygiene peralatan, sanitasi tempat produksi dan keselamatan kerja meningkat masing-masing menjadi 95,24%; 85,71%; 100%; dan 100%. Dengan menerapkan hygiene, sanitasi dan keselamatan kerja pada proses produksi dapat meningkatkan mutu produk yang dihasilkan

    Profil Senyawa Flavonoid Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) Dengan Berbagai Metode Pengeringan

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    Buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) diketahui memiliki kandungan senyawa flavonoid yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kesehatan karena memiliki aktivitas seperti antibakteri, antivirus, antioksidan, antijamur, anti inflamasi, antimutagenik dan antihipertensi. Tingginya kadar air pada buah mengkudu dapat mengakibatkan adanya perubahan secara biologi dan kimia, sehingga diperlukan alternatif proses pengeringan untuk mengurangi kadar air dan menjaga kandungan senyawa flavonoid. Buah mengkudu dapat menghasilkan banyak manfaat dari senyawa flavonid dengan cara mengekstrak tanaman tersebut. Salah satu tahapan ekstraksi buah mengkudu yaitu melakukan pengeringan untuk mendapatkan senyawa flavonoid yang optimal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil senyawa flavonoid ekstrak buah mengkudu dari berbagai metode pengeringan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan rancangan acak lengkap tiga perlakuan dan tiga ulangan sehingga di dapatkan 9 unit percobaan, dengan pengeringan buah mengkudu yaitu pengeringan matahari langsung, pengeringan diangin-anginkan dan pengeringan oven kemudian simplisia buah mengkudu dianalisis kadar airnya menggunakan metode gravimetri. Bubuk kering buah mengkudu dimaserasi menggunakan etanol 96%. Kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan metode LCMS/MS QTOF.Hasil dari penelitian yaitu rata-rata kadar air bubuk buah mengkudu metode pengeringan matahari langsung, diangin-anginkan dan dioven berturut-turut adalah 12,64%, 14,11% dan 9,38%. Adapun golongan senyawa flavonoid yang terdapat pada ekstrak buah mengkudu dengan berbagai metode pengeringan yaitu flavonol, isoflavon, flavone dan flavanone.  Kandungan komponen profil senyawa flavonoid yang terdapat pada ekstrak buah mengkudu dengan metode pengeringan matahari langsung, metode pengeringan diangin-anginkan dan metode pengeringan oven berturut-turut yaitu sebanyak 9 senyawa flavonoid, 10 senyawa flavonoid dan 2 senyawa flavonoid

    Efektifitas sinar ultraviolet terhadap cemaran bakteri patogen pada makanan cair sonde untuk pasien immune-compremissed

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    Background : Food safety remained as critical concern to immune-compremissed patient. Food safety assurance can be achieved through inhibition of pathogenic bacteria by physical treatment such as UV light radiation. However, a study regarding the effect of UV light on growth of pathogenic bacteria in contaminated liquid food are scarce. Objective : To determine the effectiveness of UV light on contamination of pathogenic bacteria in liquid food for immune-compremissed patient. Methods : Randomized design with two factor which were holding time for 60 and 120 minutes and radiation exposure (0, 5, 10 and 15 minutes). The data was analyzed using ANOVA Result : The viscosity and pH of liquid foods were 20 centipoise and 7,15 respectively. Radiation of UV light on contaminated food that have been incubated for 60 and 120 minutes at 37oC showed significant increase (1-2 log cycle) on growth of pathogenic bacteria. Conclusion : Radiation of UV light on contaminated liquid food were not effective to inhibit or kill pathogenic bacteria during holding time (60 and 120 minutes)


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    Objective: The combination of two or more plants in a product can improve the nature of the activity of the compounds contained and reduce toxicity. This study was aimed to make water extracts from the combination of Coccinia grandis (L.) CG Voigt and Averrhoa bilimbi L. (AB) with antidiabetic properties. Methods: The water extracts were made by decocting the combination of powdered CG Voigt leaves and AB fruits at various mass ratios (1:0, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1, and 0:1) and various amounts of powdered samples (1–5 g). The process was done in 100 ml of boiling water for 5 min. Results: The results showed that the highest total flavonoid content and total phenolic content of 135.1±0.18 mg quercetin equivalent micrograms d.m. and 48.5±3.09 mg gallic acid equivalent/g d.m., respectively, were found in the sample with a combination ratio of 1:3 (1 g). The antioxidant activity test using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl method showed that the sample with a combination ratio of 3:1 had the lowest value of IC50 (4.447±0.446 mg/ml), which indicated the strongest radical scavenging activity, while the highest inhibition of α-amylase activity in the sample with a combination ratio of 1:1 amounted to 1.086±0.264 mg/ml. Conclusion: In general, all combinations of CG Voigt leaves and AB fruits had the potential as antidiabetic health beverages

    PKM Olahan Gondo di Desa Timpag, Kecamatan Kerambitan, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali

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    Desa Timpag terkenal dengan penghasil gondo. Pemanfaatan gondo umumnya hanya dibuat sebagai sayur plecing tetapi oleh Ibu Ayu, gondo dapat diolah menjadi keripik yang rasanya digemari. Pengolahan yang bersifat tradisional menyebabkan keripik yang dihasilkan berminyak dan tidak tahan lama. Keripik gondo dipasarkan di warung-warung sekitar di desa Timpag. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu memperbaiki kualitas dan inovasi olahan gondo, pengurusan P-IRT, mendesain kemasan yang menarik, dan ecommerce melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan. Perbaikan kualitas keripik gondo melalui pengolahan dengan penggunaan vaccum frying dan pengeringan menggunakan spinner. Inovasi olahan gondo berupa puding gondo dan keripik gondo dengan variasi rasa (barbeque, keju, balado dan jagung manis). Kemasan digunakan plastik klip tebal dengan direkatkan menggunakan sealer, yang kemudian diberi label. Untuk memperluas area pemasaran produk dilakukan secara e-commerce melalui website. Hasil yang didapat setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan terjadi peningkatan kualitas dan inovasi olahan gondo, mitra mempersiapkan pengurusan P-IRT, kemasan dan label yang menarik, area pemasaran yang semakin luas sehingga berdampak dengan peningkatan omset dan pemasukan Ibu Ayu.Desa Timpag terkenal dengan penghasil gondo. Pemanfaatan gondo umumnya hanya dibuat sebagai sayur plecing tetapi oleh Ibu Ayu, gondo dapat diolah menjadi keripik yang rasanya digemari. Pengolahan yang bersifat tradisional menyebabkan keripik yang dihasilkan berminyak dan tidak tahan lama. Keripik gondo dipasarkan di warung-warung sekitar di desa Timpag. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu memperbaiki kualitas dan inovasi olahan gondo, pengurusan P-IRT, mendesain kemasan yang menarik, dan ecommerce melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan. Perbaikan kualitas keripik gondo melalui pengolahan dengan penggunaan vaccum frying dan pengeringan menggunakan spinner. Inovasi olahan gondo berupa puding gondo dan keripik gondo dengan variasi rasa (barbeque, keju, balado dan jagung manis). Kemasan digunakan plastik klip tebal dengan direkatkan menggunakan sealer, yang kemudian diberi label. Untuk memperluas area pemasaran produk dilakukan secara e-commerce melalui website. Hasil yang didapat setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan terjadi peningkatan kualitas dan inovasi olahan gondo, mitra mempersiapkan pengurusan P-IRT, kemasan dan label yang menarik, area pemasaran yang semakin luas sehingga berdampak dengan peningkatan omset dan pemasukan Ibu Ayu

    Health-Promoting Role of Fermented Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L (Mill)) Milk Enriched with γ-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Using Probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13

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    This study aimed to enhance γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in pigeon pea milk (CCM). The drink was prepared from germinated pigeon pea and fermented using the probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13. Various nutrients significantly increased the GABA content in pigeon pea milk, i.e., sucrose 3 (4409 mg/L), monosodium glutamate (MSG) 1 (59,562 mg/L), and whey 4 (5283 mg/L), respectively. Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD)-encoding genes were identified in the genome of the strain. The strain carried only one gadB gene, and no other gad genes were found in the genomes when compared with other strains. During fermentation, various metabolites, including organic acids, amino acid derivatives, and flavonoids, were detected. These metabolites may promote anti-inflammatory activity in cytokines such as TNF-α and IL6. In conclusion, the development of fermented pigeon pea enriched with GABA using probiotic L. plantarum Dad-13 shows promising potential as a functional food that can promote health benefits and help prevent diseases


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    A study was carried out to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from the Sumbawa mares milk The Isolation of LAB was conducted in Man Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) agar. The isolates were characterized by standard methods, such as Gram staining, cell morphology study and fermentation activities. The ability of the isolates to inhibit some pathogenic bacteria was studied by dual culture assay. Isolates showing the widest spectrum of inhibiting pathogenic bacteria were further identified using API 50 CHL. The results showed that Sumbawa mare milk was dominated by lactobacilli and weisella/leuconostoc. As many as 26 out 36 isolates belong to homofermentative lactobacilli and another 10 isolates belong to both heterofermentative lactobacilli and weissella or leuconostoc. Twenty four isolates inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli 25922, Shigela flexneri, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus 29213. Two promising isolates with the widest spectrum of inhibiting pathogenic bacteria, Lactobacillus sp. SKG34 and Lactobacillus sp. SKG49, were identified respectively as Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus ramnosus SKG49. These two isolates were specific strains of the sumbawa mare milk and are very potential to be developed as probiotic for human.</em


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    This research was deigned to elucidate the potency of Lactobacillus spp. isolated from sumbawa mare milk to be developed as a probiotic. Sixteen lacobacilli were screened based on their resitancy to a model of gastric juice at pH 2, 3, and 4, then followed by their resistncy to small intestional fluid model containing deoxycholic. Three lactobacilli i.e. Lactobacillus sp. SKA13, Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG49 were found to be resistentent to gastric juice at pH 3 and 4. However, there were no lactobacilli resisted to pH 2. Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG34 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus SKG49 were able to reach the colon even after being expossed to a model of intestinal fluid containing 0,4 mM deoxycholate and pancreatine. Therefore, these isolates have a potency to be developed as probiotic lactobacilli. Nevertherless, these lactobcailli could probably transform cholic acid into secondary bile acids, which were not expected to be found in the probiotic, and this capability is not appropriate for probiotic. This character is worthly to be studied since it has never been reported in lactobacilli.</div


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    Bali cattle is an indigenous spesies in Bali, which pay great attention due to its uniqueness. Numerousarticles have been published on Bali cattle especially related to its disease, nutritional requirement forgrowth and domestication. Nevertherless, it was no any report has been published on the lactic acidbacteria (LAB) assosiated with the cattles raw milk and its potential used as probiotic. This work isaimed to identify LAB isolated from bali cattle raw milk and its resistance to secondary bile acid (sodiumdeoxy cholic), a prequisite in development of probiotic for human. The results revealed that based upon thehomology studies of the variable region I, II, and III sequences of the 16S rDNA showed that 44 out of 62isolates were closely related to Pediococcus acidilactici; 11 out of 62 isolats were closely related to Enterococusgallinarum, five out of 62 isolates were closely related to Lactococcus garvieae, while only one isolate was closely related to Lactobacillus plantarum and Weisella confusa. Some isolates showed resistant to 0.2-0.6mM deoxy cholic acid, which might be also resist in human gastrointestinal tract conditions. Based onthose finding, it can be concluded that the LAB associated with raw bali cattle milk were closey related toP. acidilactici, E. gallinarum, Lac. garvieae, Lb. plantarum and W. confusa, which different from thosecommonly LAB found in others cattle raw milk. Somes isolates were potential to be developed as probioticfrom human helath

    Eksopolisakarida dari Lactobacillus sp. Isolat Susu Kuda Sumbawa dan Potensinya sebagai Prebiotik (EXOPOLYSACCHARIDES FROM LACTOBACILLUS SP. ISOLATED FROM SUMBAWA MARE’S MILK AND ITS POTENTIAL APPLICATION AS PREBIOTICS)

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    This research aimed to isolate exopolysaccharides (EPS) producing Lactobacilli isolated fromsumbawa mare’s milk and its potential as prebiotics for modulating the growth of Bifidobacteriumbreve. Nine strains of Lactobacillus sp. were screened for their capabilities to produce EPS usingmodified MRS medium containing sucrose. Prebiotics potential of the EPS was verified by culturingB. breve JCM1273 in TOS medium containing EPS. The results showed that all strains ofLactobacillus sp. produced EPS on MRS sucrose medium and two strains (Lactobacillus SK3.1 andLactobacillus SK4) produced more EPS compared to the other strains tested. Bifidobacteriumbreve JCM1273 showed weak activity while in direct metabolism of EPS produced by Lactobacillussp. SK4 and its growth was enhanced on acid hydrolyzed EPS. Since this phenomenon mighthappened when the EPS exposed by the low pH during gastric passage, hence the EPS might be apotential source to be developed as prebiotics. Nevertheless, further investigation is necessary toevaluate the bifidogenic affects of EPS in Lactobacillus sp. SK4