9 research outputs found

    Les exploitations laitières en France depuis les quotas

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    L'évolution du secteur laitier est analysée ici à partir des résultats des enquêtes de structure (et des R. G. A.) et de ceux du RICA de 1979 à 1990. L'étude porte sur la restructuration du secteur suite à la mise en place du contingentement et fait apparaître le renforcement d'un pôle de grands producteurs laitiers à système de production mixte. L'examen des adaptations et des résultats économiques des exploitations qui ont continué à produire du lait, met en évidence le freinage de la croissance laitière, la "rationalisation" des façons de produire du lait et la diversification des systèmes de production. Ces adaptations accompagnées d'une évolution favorable du prix du lait, ont permis aux producteurs laitiers de subir une moindre dégradation de leur revenu par rapport aux autres producteurs agricoles. La régionalisation des résultats montre que seule la différenciation entre exploitations de plaine et exploitations de montagne est pertinente en termes de réactions face aux quotas laitiers

    Measuring the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of short food supply chains

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    The production and distribution of food are among the hot topics debated in the context of sustainable development. Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are now widely believed to be more sustainable in comparison to mass food delivery systems. To date, very little quantitative evidence exists on the impacts of various types of food supply chains. Using a cross-sectional quantitative approach, this study assesses the sustainability of distribution channels in short and long food supply chains based on 208 food producers across seven countries: France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam. Ten distribution channel types are used in this study. To provide a comprehensive sustainability assessment, a set of economic, social, and environmental indicators are applied. Indicators commonly used in the literature are used, supported by original indicators constructed specifically for the present study. In total, 486 chains are examined and the study confirms that individual producers participate simultaneously in several, short and long chains. Participation in SFSCs is beneficial for producers from an economic perspective. SFSCs allow producers to capture a large proportion of margin otherwise absorbed by different intermediaries. It appears, however, that 'longer' supply channels generate lower environmental impacts per unit of production when measured in terms of food miles and carbon footprint. Finally, ambiguous results are found regarding social dimension, with significant differences across types of chains

    European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement

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    While European consumers generally support the principles underpinning Food Quality Schemes (FQS), sales of certified products remain modest. This phenomenon is known as ‘attitude-behaviour gap’ and considerable scholarly and policy efforts have been geared towards ‘filling’ or ‘bridging’ the gap. This study aims at casting new light on this ‘discrepancy’ between consumers’ sayings and doings through a study of everyday food practices connected to FQS. We used a qualitative multi-method research design comprising extensive ethnographic fieldwork data gathered from 41 households across seven European countries, including interviews, walk-along tours, and food diaries, in order to understand consumers’ perceptions of FQS in relation to their everyday food consumption practices. Building on convention theory and Thévenot’s work, we showed that food practices can be understood through different ‘regimes of engagement’, namely different ways of thinking and behaving, following different logics corresponding to varying levels of knowledge and interest. We thus argue that the ‘attitude’ behaviour gap’ should rather be reconceptualised as the co-existence of multiple regimes of engagement, namely a dynamic and always evolving process of adjustment through which consumers understand and engage with FQS in everyday food practices