796 research outputs found

    Quel programme de recherche en mathĂ©matique et phonologie ?

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    International audienceNous proposons un état des lieux, à la fois dans les interrogations actuelles que soulève la rencontre des deux disciplines et dans l’histoire de leurs relations, depuis les propositions fondatrices de Troubetzkoy jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il se conclut par une réflexion sur le défi que constitue pour la mathématique la confrontation à un objet qui lui est peu familier et sur les clivages qui mettent à l’épreuve les capacités d’analyse et de modélisation (langage vs. langues, forme mentale vs. forme symbolique, signal vs. écriture galiléenne)

    Detection of liaison consonants in speech processing in French: Experimental data and theoretical implications

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    The goal of the present study is to better understand the mechanisms involved in the processing of liaison consonants by listeners in French. Previous work (Wauquier-Gravelines 1996) showed that liaison consonants are more difficult to detect than word-initial consonants in a phoneme-detection task. We examined to what extent such differences are attributable to the consonants' phonetic properties, and we also compared the perception of liaison consonants with that of fixed word-final and word-medial consonants, as well as word-initial ones. The results suggest that liaison consonants have a specific perceptual status. Implications for both autosegmental and exemplar-based theories of liaison are discussed

    Acquisition de la liaison en L1 et L2 : stratégies phonologiques ou lexicales ?

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    Les travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s sur l’acquisition en L1 et en L2 laissent penser que les stratĂ©gies d’acquisition et par consĂ©quent les voies d’accĂšs lexical pour les deux types d’apprenants pourraient ĂȘtre diffĂ©rentes. Les apprenants L2 traiteraient la liaison plutĂŽt lexicalement (apprentissage au cas par cas pour chaque mot dans chaque contexte problĂ©matique) lĂ  oĂč les apprenants de L1 semblent plutĂŽt mettre en place une rĂšgle morpho-phonologique Ă  un moment prĂ©cis de leur dĂ©veloppement linguistique, rĂšgle qu’ils utilisent ensuite en temps rĂ©el lors du traitement lexical.Dans cet article, nous nous proposons de faire la synthĂšse des expĂ©riences psycholinguistiques et des donnĂ©es de production concernant l’acquisition de la liaison en L1 et L2, ainsi que d’approfondir l’hypothĂšse de l’existence de deux types de stratĂ©gies d’acquisition et donc de voies d’accĂšs lexical diffĂ©rentes pour L1 et L2. Puis ces rĂ©sultats seront confrontĂ©s au dĂ©bat concernant la nĂ©cessitĂ© (ou l’absence de nĂ©cessitĂ©) du recours Ă  des reprĂ©sentations phonologiques abstraites pour rendre compte de l’existence et de l’acquisition de la liaison en français.Studies on the acquisition of liaison in French by L1 and L2 learners provide data and arguments that support the assumption of two different acquisition and lexical access strategies for these two types of learners. L2 learners would rather resort to lexical processing and lexical information, and learn the relevant cases of liaison one by one. However L1 children would perform a morpho-phonological rule supported by some phonological generalization during a specific period during the acquisition process and apply such rule afterwards in a relevant and errorless manner.In this paper we will sum up the most current data available on the acquisition of liaison for L1 and L2 (i.e. psycholinguistic experiments in perception and production along with their corpora) and discuss the above assumption of two different acquisition strategies for the two types of learners. Finally, we will raise the question of whether these data and arguments support a theoretical conception of liaison and its acquisition as a process involving its formal representation in an autonomous phonological module rather than in the lexicon

    Du son au sens : acquérir ou apprendre la phonologie ?

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    Cet article d’introduction prĂ©sente briĂšvement les principales questions posĂ©es actuellement au domaine de l’acquisition par le dĂ©veloppement des Ă©tudes en psycholinguistique du bĂ©bĂ© ainsi que par les donnĂ©es de perception. L’article est centrĂ© sur les trois points suivants : l’interprĂ©tation des expĂ©riences de perception prĂ©coces au cours de la premiĂšre annĂ©e de vie et leur rĂŽle dans l’acquisition phonologique ; le lien entre phonologie et lexique ; le poids des contraintes de la ou des langues cibles adultes et l’existence d’universaux innĂ©s sur lesquels s’appuie la mise en place des reprĂ©sentations.In this paper I present an overview of some recent issues rising from the data and results that have been provided by the developement of babies’ and young children’s psycholinguistics. I will focus on the following points: the role of early perception in the emergence of phonology, the relationships between the acquisition of phonology and lexicon and the role of innate phonological universals supporting the emergence of phonological representations

    Segmentation lexicale de la parole continue : la linéarité en question

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    Les caractĂ©ristiques physiques du signal, ainsi que les modĂ©lisations de la chaĂźne parlĂ©e le plus souvent retenues dans les modĂšles psycholinguistiques (reprĂ©sentation orthographique ou phonologique SPE) ont longtemps influencĂ© une conception strictement algorithmique et linĂ©aire du traitement de la parole continue. NĂ©anmoins, la synthĂšse des plus rĂ©centes propositions de la psycholinguistique expĂ©rimentale et de la phonologie multilinĂ©aire nous amĂšne Ă  mettre Ă  jour les limites d’une telle conception et nous invite Ă  envisager l’existence de stratĂ©gies heuristiques incluant le stockage temporaire et/ou l’existence de calculs rĂ©troactifs permettant l’extraction rapide et efficace de l’information lexicale.Speech signal and phonological representations of speech adopted by psycholinguistical models (SPE model) have supported for a long time a strictly left-right algorithmic linear conception of speech treatment. Last experimental results and last psycholinguistical modelisations, as also proposals of multilinear phonology, invite us to consider that speech treatment could be more heuristic and could include both proactive and retroactive processes

    Acute dengue virus 2 infection in Gabonese patients is associated with an early innate immune response, including strong interferon alpha production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dengue is now a leading cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the tropics. We conducted the first <it>ex vivo </it>study of dengue fever (DF) in African patients infected during the first Gabonese dengue virus 2 (DENV-2) outbreak in 2007, in order to investigate cytokine production, including the antiviral cytokine IFN-α, reported to be a potent inhibitor of DENV replication <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Levels of 50 cytokines, chemokines and growth factors were measured in plasma from 36 patients with DENV-2 infection, and in uninfected controls, using Luminex multiplex technology. The results were interpreted according to the day of sampling after symptom onset. PBMC from six patients were also studied for T lymphocyte cell surface marker expression by flow cytometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Acute DENV-2 infection elicited high levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and IL-17), chemokines (MIF, RANTES, IP-10 and MCP-1) and growth factors (G-CSF, GM-CSF and VEGF-A). We also observed high levels of IFN-α for the first time in adult DF patients, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cell activation at symptom onset.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Acute DENV-2 infection in African patients elicits a strong innate response involving IFN-α production, as well as an adaptive immune response.</p

    Round of noise simulation for IIR digital structure choice

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    After recalling the classical method te , calculate roundoff noise into IIR digital filters, we present a method using state-space filter representation . For three différent all poles structures, having the saine transfer function H (z), we compare the theoretical estimations with results given by simulation . The results depend on poles of H (z), that immediately give us a determination of the less noisy structure .On présente une méthode faisant appel à la représentation des filtres dans l'espace d'états. Les estimations théoriques du bruit sont vérifiées par comparaison avec des valeurs expérimentales obtenues à l'aide d'un simulateu

    LITL at CLEF eHealth2016: recognizing entities in French biomedical documents

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    International audienceThis paper describes the participation of master's students (LITL programme, university of Toulouse) and their teachers to the CLEF eHealth 2016 campaign. Two runs were submitted for task 2 (multilingual information extraction) which consisted in the recognition and categorization of medical entities in French biomedical documents. The system used consists of a CRF classier based on a number of dierent features (POS tagging, generic word lists and syntactic parsing). In addition , several patterns were used on the CRF's output in order to extract more complex entities. The best run achieved high precision (0.640.78) but lower recall (0.320.40), with an overall F1-measure of 0.430.53
