125 research outputs found

    Extracellular Vesicles:Novel Opportunities to Understand and Detect Neoplastic Diseases

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    With a size range from 30 to 1000 nm, extracellular vesicles (EVs) are one of the smallest cell components able to transport biologically active molecules. They mediate intercellular communications and play a fundamental role in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis and pathogenesis in several types of diseases. In particular, EVs actively contribute to cancer initiation and progression, and there is emerging understanding of their role in creation of the metastatic niche. This fact underlies the recent exponential growth in EV research, which has improved our understanding of their specific roles in disease and their potential applications in diagnosis and therapy. EVs and their biomolecular cargo reflect the state of the diseased donor cells, and can be detected in body fluids and exploited as biomarkers in cancer and other diseases. Relatively few studies have been published on EVs in the veterinary field. This review provides an overview of the features and biology of EVs as well as recent developments in EV research including techniques for isolation and analysis, and will address the way in which the EVs released by diseased tissues can be studied and exploited in the field of veterinary pathology. Uniquely, this review emphasizes the important contribution that pathologists can make to the field of EV research: pathologists can help EV scientists in studying and confirming the role of EVs and their molecular cargo in diseased tissues and as biomarkers in liquid biopsies

    Пленум Наукової ради«Українська мова» Українська лексикографія та лексикологія: проблеми, завдання

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    10–11 листопада 2011року у Ніжинському державному університеты імені Миколи Гоголя відбувся Пленум Наукової ради “Українська мова” Інституту української мови НАН України на тему “Українська лексикографія та лексикологія: проблеми, завдання”

    Improved Flow Cytometric Light Scatter Detection of Submicron-Sized Particles by Reduction of Optical Background Signals

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    Flow cytometry allows multiparameter analysis on a single-cell basis and is currently the method of choice to rapidly assess heterogeneity of cell populations in suspension. With the research field of extracellular vesicles (EV) rapidly expanding, there is an increased demand to address heterogeneity of EV populations in biological samples. Although flow cytometry would be the ideal technique to do so, the available instruments are in general not equipped to optimally detect the dim light scatter signals generated by submicron-sized particles like EV. Although sideward scatter light and fluorescence are currently used as a threshold signal to identify EV within samples, the forward scatter light (FSC) parameter is often neglected due to the lack of resolution to distinguish EV-related signals from noise. However, after optimization of FSC detection by adjusting the size of the obscuration bar, we recently showed that certain EV-subsets could only be identified based on FSC. This observation made us to further study the possibilities to enhance FSC-detection of submicron-sized particles. By testing differently sized obscuration bars and differently sized pinholes in the focal plane behind the FSC detection lens, we generated a matrix that allowed us to determine which combination resulted in the lowest optical background in terms of numbers of events regarding FSC detection of submicron-sized particles. We found that a combination of an 8-mm obscuration bar and a 200-μm pinhole reduced optical background in a reproducible manner to such extent that it allowed a robust separation of 100-nm polystyrene beads from background signals within the FSC channel, and even allowed thresholding on FSC without the interference of massive background signals when both beads and EV were measured. These technical adaptations thus significantly improved FSC detection of submicron-sized particles and provide an important lead for the further development and design of flow cytometers that aid in detection of submicron-sized particles. © 2020 The Authors. Cytometry Part A published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Advancement of Cytometry

    Human milk extracellular vesicles preserve bronchial epithelial barrier integrity and reduce TLR3‐induced inflammation in vitro

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    Breast milk is essential for facilitating the growth and development of infants and for providing immune protection against viral infections in the infant's airways. Yet, regulation of inflammation by milk components may be needed to reduce immune pathology. While milk-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are bestowed with immunomodulatory capacities, their role in bronchial epithelial barrier function and inflammation has not yet been examined. We hypothesised that during feeding, milk is not only ingested, but aerosols containing milk EVs are inhaled and locally delivered to the infant's airways to suppress aberrant inflammation. A bronchial epithelial model of viral infection was used to explore the direct effect of milk EVs on cellular barrier function and cytokine release during stimulation with a viral dsRNA analogue (Poly I:C). We demonstrate that milk EVs improved the dsRNA-mediated decrease in ionic barrier integrity, limited tight junction reorganisation and reduced inflammatory cytokine production (IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α). This protective response was EV-mediated, could be successfully titrated and exhibited a time-dependent response. The results indicate that if EV-containing milk aerosols are inhaled during feeding, this may lead to protection of the airway integrity from adverse inflammatory effects

    A combined western and bead-based multiplex platform to characterize extracellular vesicles

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    In regenerative medicine, extracellular vesicles (EVs) are considered as a promising cell-free approach. EVs are lipid bilayer-enclosed vesicles secreted by cells and are key players in intercellular communication. EV-based therapeutic approaches have unique advantages over the use of cell-based therapies, such as a high biological, but low immunogenic and tumorigenic potential. To analyze the purity and biochemical composition of EV preparations, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) has prepared guidelines recommending the analysis of multiple (EV) markers, as well as proteins coisolated/recovered with EVs. Traditional methods for EV characterization, such as Western blotting, require a relatively high EV sample/protein input for the analysis of one protein. We here evaluate a combined Western and bead-based multiplex platform, called DigiWest, for its ability to detect simultaneously multiple EV markers in an EV-containing sample with inherent low protein input. DigiWest analysis was performed on EVs from various sources and species, including mesenchymal stromal cells, notochordal cells, and milk, from human, pig, and dog. The study established a panel of nine antibodies that can be used as cross-species for the detection of general EV markers and coisolates in accordance with the ISEV guidelines. This optimized panel facilitates the parallel evaluation of EV-containing samples, allowing for a comprehensive characterization and assessment of their purity. The total protein input for marker analysis with DigiWest was 1 μg for all nine antibodies, compared with ∼10 μg protein input required for traditional Western blotting for one antibody. These findings demonstrate the potential of the DigiWest technique for characterizing various types of EVs in the regenerative medicine field

    Surface protein profiling of milk and serum extracellular vesicles unveils body fluid-specific signatures

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    Cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are currently in the limelight as potential disease biomarkers. The promise of EV-based liquid biopsy resides in the identification of specific disease-associated EV signatures. Knowing the reference EV profile of a body fluid can facilitate the identification of such disease-associated EV-biomarkers. With this aim, we purified EVs from paired human milk and serum samples and used the MACSPlex bead-based flow-cytometry assay to capture EVs on bead-bound antibodies specific for a certain surface protein, followed by EV detection by the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81. Using this approach we identified body fluid-specific EV signatures, e.g. breast epithelial cell signatures in milk EVs and platelet signatures in serum EVs, as well as body fluid-specific markers associated to immune cells and stem cells. Interestingly, comparison of pan-tetraspanin detection (simultaneous CD9, CD63 and CD81 detection) and single tetraspanin detection (detection by CD9, CD63 or CD81) also unveiled body fluid-specific tetraspanin distributions on EVs. Moreover, certain EV surface proteins were associated with a specific tetraspanin distribution, which could be indicative of the biogenesis route of this EV subset. Altogether, the identified body fluid-specific EV profiles can contribute to study EV profile deviations in these fluids during disease processes

    Novel self-epitopes derived from aggrecan, fibrillin, and matrix metalloproteinase-3 drive distinct autoreactive T-cell responses in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and in health

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    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogeneous autoimmune disease characterized by chronic joint inflammation. Knowing which antigens drive the autoreactive T-cell response in JIA is crucial for the understanding of disease pathogenesis and additionally may provide targets for antigen-specific immune therapy. In this study, we tested 9 self-peptides derived from joint-related autoantigens for T-cell recognition (T-cell proliferative responses and cytokine production) in 36 JIA patients and 15 healthy controls. Positive T-cell proliferative responses (stimulation index ≥2) to one or more peptides were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 69% of JIA patients irrespective of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype. The peptides derived from aggrecan, fibrillin, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 yielded the highest frequency of T-cell proliferative responses in JIA patients. In both the oligoarticular and polyarticular subtypes of JIA, the aggrecan peptide induced T-cell proliferative responses that were inversely related with disease duration. The fibrillin peptide, to our knowledge, is the first identified autoantigen that is primarily recognized in polyarticular JIA patients. Finally, the epitope derived from MMP-3 elicited immune responses in both subtypes of JIA and in healthy controls. Cytokine production in short-term peptide-specific T-cell lines revealed production of interferon-γ (aggrecan/MMP-3) and interleukin (IL)-17 (aggrecan) and inhibition of IL-10 production (aggrecan). Here, we have identified a triplet of self-epitopes, each with distinct patterns of T-cell recognition in JIA patients. Additional experiments need to be performed to explore their qualities and role in disease pathogenesis in further detail

    Tetraspanin-decorated extracellular vesicle-mimetics as a novel adaptable reference material

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    Features like small size, low refractive index and polydispersity pose challenges to the currently available detection methods for Extracellular Vesicles (EVs). In addition, the lack of appropriate standards to set up the experimental conditions makes it difficult to compare analyses obtained by different technical approaches. By modifying synthetic nanovesicles with recombinant antigenic regions of EV-enriched tetraspanins, we aimed to construct an EV-mimetic that can be used as a suitable standard for EV analyses. To this end, the sequences of the large extracellular loops of the tetraspanins CD9, CD63 and CD81 were tagged with a target sequence for the biotin ligase BirA, and co-transformed with a BirA expression plasmid into Escherichia coli. GST fusion proteins were then isolated by affinity chromatography and released using thrombin. Biotinylated recombinant tetraspanin-loops were then coupled to (strept)avidin-coated synthetic nanovesicles and analysed and characterised by Dot-blot, Western-blot, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, Flow Cytometry and Transmission Electron Microscopy. With this method, we were able to efficiently produce tetraspanin-domain decorated nanovesicles that share biophysical properties with natural EVs, can be detected using specific antibodies against common EV markers such as tetraspanins, and can be used as robust reference materials for detection techniques that are often used in the EV field.This research was supported by grants from Fundación Ramón Areces and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BFU2014-55478-R, REDIEX. SAF2015-71231-REDT, BIO201786500-R) cofounded by FEDER funds. E.L-A. was supported by the European Social Fund, GEIVEX Mobility and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid STS fellow ships,as well as by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No.72214

    Recovery of extracellular vesicles from human breast milk is influenced by sample collection and vesicle isolation procedures

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) in breast milk carry immune relevant proteins and could play an important role in the instruction of the neonatal immune system. To further analyze these EV and to elucidate their function it is important that native populations of EV can be recovered from (stored) breast milk samples in a reproducible fashion. However, the impact of isolation and storage procedures on recovery of breast milk EV has remained underexposed. Here, we aimed to define parameters important for EV recovery from fresh and stored breast milk. To compare various protocols across different donors, breast milk was spiked with a well-defined murine EV population. We found that centrifugation of EV down into density gradients largely improved density-based separation and isolation of EV, compared to floatation up into gradients after high-force pelleting of EV. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we identified different subpopulations of human breast milk EV and a not previously described population of lipid tubules. Additionally, the impact of cold storage on breast milk EV was investigated. We determined that storing unprocessed breast milk at −80°C or 4°C caused death of cells present in breast milk, leading to contamination of the breast milk EV population with storage-induced EV. Here, an alternative method is proposed to store breast milk samples for EV analysis at later time points. The proposed adaptations to the breast milk storage and EV isolation procedures can be applied for EV-based biomarker profiling of breast milk and functional analysis of the role of breast milk EV in the development of the neonatal immune system