19 research outputs found

    Visual motion processing in one-month-old infants: Preferential looking experiments

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    AbstractThe ability of infants to discriminate between opposite directions of motion was assessed using forced-choice preferential looking between a random-dot pattern which was segregated into regions which moved in opposite directions, and a uniform pattern in which all the dots moved in the same direction. The first experiment measured velocity thresholds ( νmin and νmax) for direction discrimination; between 10 and 13 weeks νmin decreased, while at the same time νmax increased. The second experiment explored possible implications of this expanding velocity range for direction discrimination by younger infants. One-month-olds showed no evidence for direction discrimination at any of a number of test velocities in the range 1–43 deg/sec. The 1-month-olds were also tested with two additional conditions: they could discriminate between moving and static patterns at velocities of 10 deg/sec or above, and they could also discriminate between coherent and incoherent motion at velocities of 21 deg/sec or below. Neither of these discriminations depends on sensitivity to the direction of the coherent motion. The results suggest that 1-month-olds may not be sensitive to the direction of visual motion

    Differential human brain activation by vertical and horizontal global visual textures

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    Mid-level visual processes which integrate local orientation information for the detection of global structure can be investigated using global form stimuli of varying complexity. Several lines of evidence suggest that the identification of concentric and parallel organisations relies on different underlying neural substrates. The current study measured brain activation by concentric, horizontal parallel, and vertical parallel arrays of short line segments, compared to arrays of randomly oriented segments. Six subjects were scanned in a blocked design functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. We compared percentage BOLD signal change during the concentric, horizontal and vertical blocks within early retinotopic areas, the fusiform face area and the lateral occipital complex. Unexpectedly, we found that vertical and horizontal parallel forms differentially activated visual cortical areas beyond V1, but in general, activations to concentric and parallel forms did not differ. Vertical patterns produced the highest percentage signal change overall and only area V3A showed a significant difference between concentric and parallel (horizontal) stimuli, with the former better activating this area. These data suggest that the difference in brain activation to vertical and horizontal forms arises at intermediate or global levels of visual representation since the differential activity was found in mid-level retinotopic areas V2 and V3 but not in V1. This may explain why earlier studies—using methods that emphasised responses to local orientation—did not discover this vertical-horizontal anisotrop

    Interaction of spatial and temporal integration in global form processing

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    The mechanisms by which global structure is extracted from local orientation information are not well understood. Sensitivity to global structure can be investigated using coherence thresholds for detection of global forms of varying complexity, such as parallel and concentric arrays of oriented line elements. In this study, we investigated temporal integration in the detection of these forms and its interaction with spatial integration. We find that for concentric patterns, integration times drop as region size increases from 3 degrees to 10.9 degrees , while for parallel patterns, the reverse is true. The same spatiotemporal relationship was found for Glass patterns as for line element arrays. The two types of organization therefore show quite different spatiotemporal relations, supporting previous arguments that different types of neural mechanism underlie their detection

    Differential human brain activation by vertical and horizontal global visual textures

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    Mid-level visual processes which integrate local orientation information for the detection of global structure can be investigated using global form stimuli of varying complexity. Several lines of evidence suggest that the identification of concentric and parallel organisations relies on different underlying neural substrates. The current study measured brain activation by concentric, horizontal parallel, and vertical parallel arrays of short line segments, compared to arrays of randomly oriented segments. Six subjects were scanned in a blocked design functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. We compared percentage BOLD signal change during the concentric, horizontal and vertical blocks within early retinotopic areas, the fusiform face area and the lateral occipital complex. Unexpectedly, we found that vertical and horizontal parallel forms differentially activated visual cortical areas beyond V1, but in general, activations to concentric and parallel forms did not differ. Vertical patterns produced the highest percentage signal change overall and only area V3A showed a significant difference between concentric and parallel (horizontal) stimuli, with the former better activating this area. These data suggest that the difference in brain activation to vertical and horizontal forms arises at intermediate or global levels of visual representation since the differential activity was found in mid-level retinotopic areas V2 and V3 but not in V1. This may explain why earlier studies--using methods that emphasised responses to local orientation--did not discover this vertical-horizontal anisotropy

    Different trajectories of decline for global form and global motion processing in ageing, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease

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    The visual processing of complex motion is impaired in Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, it is unclear whether these impairments are biased toward the motion stream or part of a general disruption of global visual processing, given some reports of impaired static form processing in AD. Here, for the first time, we directly compared the relative preservation of motion and form systems in AD, mild cognitive impairment, and healthy aging, by measuring coherence thresholds for well-established global rotational motion and static form stimuli known to be of equivalent complexity. Our data confirm a marked motion-processing deficit specific to some AD patients, and greater than any form-processing deficit for this group. In parallel, we identified a more gradual decline in static form recognition, with thresholds raised in mild cognitive impairment patients and slightly further in the AD group compared with controls. We conclude that complex motion processing is more vulnerable to decline in dementia than complex form processing, perhaps owing to greater reliance on long-range neural connections heavily targeted by AD pathology

    The development and learning of the visual control of movement: An ecological perspective

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    We compare development and learning of the visual control of movement from an ecological perspective. It is argued that although the constraints that are imposed upon development and learning are vastly different, both are best characterised as a change towards the use of more useful and specifying optic variables. Implicit learning, in which awareness is drawn away from movement execution, is most appropriate to accomplish this change in optic variable use, although its contribution in development is more contentious. Alternatively, learning can also be affected by explicit processes. We propose that explicit learning would typically invoke vision for perception processes instead of the designated vision for action processes. It is for that reason that after explicit learning performance is more easily compromised in the face of pressure or disorders. We present a way to deal with the issue of explicit learning during infancy. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Developmental Reorganisation of Visual Motion Pathways

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    In adults, visual form and motion activate independent networks of extrastriate areas which are roughly aligned with the ventral and dorsal streams, respectively. Using high-density steady-state ERPs, we have previously shown that the scalp topographies of infant form and motion responses are markedly different from those in adults, implying a substantial developmental reorganisation of the underlying cortical pathways. However, it is hard to discern the nature of this reorganisation from the ambiguous polarity and timing information available in steady-state ERPs. We have started to address this problem by measuring transient ERPs to motion onset. In adults, the transient ERP topography initially suggests activation of extrastriate cortex, but rapidly switches to a dominant focus over the occipital pole originating in V1 and/or V2. The infant ERP is similar to the initial phase of adult ERP, but lacks the sudden switch to a V1/V2-dominated topography. The implications of these results for the reorganisation of cortical motion pathways will be discussed, with particular focus on the idea that the adult V1/V2 component is mainly driven by feedback from extrastriate motion areas (eg, V5), and that these feedback signals are not present in the infant brain