239 research outputs found

    Extraits de FĆ«do

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    FĆ«do (Milieux humains), publiĂ© en 1935, est l’ouvrage le plus cĂ©lĂšbre de Watsuji Tetsurƍ (1889-1960), au-delĂ  mĂȘme de son oeuvre majeure, Éthique (Rinrigaku). Il a Ă©tĂ© reçu en effet principalement comme un essai sur l’identitĂ© japonaise. Mais dĂ©finir l’identitĂ© japonaise n’était pas pour Watsuji l’objectif principal de ce livre. FĆ«do a Ă©tĂ© conçu en rĂ©ponse Ă  Sein und Zeit (1927) de Heidegger. À l’accent mis sur la temporalitĂ© par le maĂźtre livre, il rĂ©pond en mettant l’accent sur la spatialité ; et Ă  l’historialitĂ© heideggĂ©rienne (Geschichtlichkeit), il rĂ©pond par le concept de fĆ«dosei, qu’il dĂ©finit comme « le moment structurel de l’existence humaine », c’est-Ă -dire la dynamique de la spatialitĂ© concrĂšte oĂč chaque ĂȘtre humain est engagĂ© de par sa relation existentielle avec autrui et avec les choses de son milieu. Ce concept central, crĂ©Ă© par Watsuji, est ici rendu par le nĂ©ologisme mĂ©diance (du latin medietas, moitiĂ©), qui exprime la dualitĂ© de l’humain concrĂštement replacĂ© dans son milieu (fĆ«do) : une dimension individuelle (que Watsuji appelle hito) et une dimension relationnelle (que Watsuji appelle aida), le couplage (la mĂ©diance) de ces deux « moitiĂ©s » de l’ĂȘtre s’incarnant dans l’ĂȘtre humain concret (ningen). La traduction porte sur le prĂ©ambule et sur le premier chapitre de FĆ«do, oĂč Watsuji prĂ©sente puis expose sa thĂ©orie gĂ©nĂ©rale des milieux humains et de la mĂ©diance, ainsi que, Ă  titre d’exemple, sur deux extraits oĂč il interprĂšte le milieu dĂ©sertique (c’est-Ă -dire le monde arabo-musulman) et le milieu bucolique (Ă  savoir l’Europe).FĆ«do (Human milieux), published in 1935, is the most famous work by Watsuji Tetsurƍ (1889-1960), more so even than his major opus, Ethics (Rinrigaku). It was welcomed indeed principally as an essay on Japanese identity. Yet to define the Japanese identity was not for Watsuji the chief objective of that book. FĆ«do was conceived in answer to Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit (1927). To the emphasis put upon temporality in that masterwork, he answers by putting the emphasis on spatiality ; and to Heideggerian historicity (Geschichtlichkeit), he answers through the concept of fĆ«dosei, defined by him as “the structural moment of human existence”, i.e. the dynamics of concrete spatiality in which each human being is involved through his or her existential relation with others as well as with things in his or her milieu. This central concept, created by Watsuji, is here rendered by means of the neologism “mĂ©diance” (from the Latin medietas, half), which expresses the duality of the human concretely reinstated in his or her milieu (fĆ«do) : an individual dimension (called, by Watsuji, hito) and a relational dimension (called aida by Watsuji), whilst the coupling (the mĂ©diance) of those two “halves” of being are embodied in the concrete human being (ningen). The translation is of the preamble and of the first chapter of FĆ«do, where Watsuji presents and exposes his general theory of human milieux and of “mĂ©diance”, as well as of two extracts in which he offers an interpretation of the desert milieu (the Arabic and Moslem world) and of the bucolic milieu, namely Europe


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    Dans la section de Rinrigaku intitulĂ©e « L’État », Watsuji Tetsurƍ dĂ©finit l’État en tant que « communautĂ© Ă©thique des communautĂ©s Ă©thiques ». Ce qu’il entend par lĂ , c’est que l’État, pour lui, est la communautĂ© la plus englobante, celle qui n’a pas d’égoĂŻsme et qui place chacune des communautĂ©s de rang infĂ©rieur dans une structure totalement Ă©thique. Watsuji voit donc l’État comme la forme la plus achevĂ©e de communautĂ©. Il considĂšre aussi que l’État, en tant que communautĂ© englobante, peut moralement utiliser la violence pour imposer le respect des lois qu’il Ă©dicte, parce que cette violence vient de l’autoritĂ© morale de l’État. Enfin, pour Watsuji, l’État possĂšde de lui-mĂȘme un caractĂšre sacrĂ©, qui lui vient de la prĂ©dominance de la communautĂ© Ă©tatique sur les individus et sur les autres communautĂ©s.In the section of Rinrigaku entitled “The State”, Watsuji Tetsurƍ defines the State as “the ethical community of ethical communities”. What he means by that is that the State, for him, is the most encompassing community, unselfish and giving each community of a lower order its proper ethical place. Watsuji thus considers the State to be the most accomplished community. He also claims that the State, since it encompasses all, is morally justified to have recourse to violence in order to impose respect for the laws it edicts, for that violence derives from the moral authority of the State. Finally, for Watsuji, the State by itself possesses a sacred character, due to the predominance of the community it represents over other communities

    Rapid Increase of the Serum PSA Level in Response to High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy may be a Potential Indicator of Biochemical Recurrence of Low- and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer

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    Objectives To determine the incidence and magnitude of the rapid increase in the serum PSA (riPSA) level after high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy for prostate cancer, and its correlation with clinical factors. Methods A total of 176 patients with localized prostate cancer underwent HIFU therapy. Serum riPSA was determined on the basis of the same criteria as those for “PSA bounce”, ie, an increase of ≄0.2 ng/ml with a spontaneous return to the prebounce level or lower. Patients were stratified according to neoadjuvant PSA level, T stage, risk group, age, Gleason score, pretreatment PSA level, post-treatment PSA nadir, and number of HIFU sessions. Results riPSA was seen in 53% of patients during a median follow-up period of 43 months. A PSA nadir was achieved within 3 months for 85.1% of the treatments. In all cases, onset of riPSA was seen two days after HIFU therapy, and the median magnitude was 23.69 ng/ml. A magnitude of >2 ng/ml was seen in 89.4% of cases. Univariate analysis revealed that patients with riPSA were associated with usage of hormonal therapy and the post-treatment PSA nadir level. Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that riPSA and the number of HIFU sessions were predictors of biochemical recurrence. A significant statistical association was found between the presence of riPSA and the risk of biochemical failure only in the low- and intermediate-risk group. Conclusion Patients treated with HIFU who experience post-treatment riPSA may have an increased risk of biochemical recurrence, especially in non-high-risk patients

    FĆ«do. Uno studio filosofico

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    Questo articolo fa parte dell’ottavo numero dei Quaderni di PsicoArt che include molti dei testi raccolti dieci anni fa da Gianni Scalia e Raffaele Milani: erano gli anni in cui si discuteva assai di paesaggio, natura, ambiente, territorio, luogo, spazio, cercando di comprenderne il senso e il valore, la relazione e l’arricchimento reciproco in un ampio registro semantico. Si dĂ  ora forma ai materiali di quella ricerca, conservandone lo spirito. È un viaggio che muove dal lontano mondo greco-latino e arriva alle tesi romantiche sulla natura inserendovi anche un confronto tra le culture: indiana, cinese, giapponese. Autorevoli studiosi commentano filosofi e scrittori, correnti letterarie e di pensiero della piĂč alta tradizione mondiale, affinchĂ© la dignitĂ  dell’antico possa significare il futuro

    Adult Wilms' tumor with calcification untreated for 5 years – a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Wilms' tumor is rarely found in adults and there are no established treatment guidelines for such tumors in adults. Whereas calcification is a common finding in neuroblastoma, it is considered uncommon in Wilms' tumor. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of adult Wilms' tumor with calcification in a 22-year-old man. He had been initially referred to our hospital with a chief complaint of right flank pain 5 years previously, when abdominal computed tomography had revealed focal calcification at the upper pole of the right kidney. Although we planned further assessment, he did not revisit our hospital again until 5 years later, again because of right flank pain. Ultrasound and computed tomography scan revealed a large mass lesion with calcification in the right kidney, invasive to the hepatic lobe. The patient underwent curative right nephrectomy and partial right hepatic lobectomy. Pathological analysis demonstrated a nephroblastoma (Wilms' tumor) with predominant epithelial histology infiltrating the hepatic lobe. The patient has been well without tumor recurrence for 15 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Calcification may be a sign of slow tumor gowth and possibly a favorable prognosis in cases of adult Wilms' tumor

    Biometric assessment of deep-sea vent megabenthic communities using multi-resolution 3D image reconstructions

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    This paper describes a method to survey the distribution of megabenthos over multi-hectare regions of the seafloor. Quantitative biomass estimates are made by combining high-resolution 3D image reconstructions, used to model spatial relationships between representative taxa, with lower-resolution reconstructions taken over a wider area in which the distribution of larger predatory animals can be observed. The method is applied to a region of the Iheya North field that was the target of scientific drilling during the IODP Expedition 331 in 2010. An area of 2.5 ha was surveyed 3 years and 4 months after the site was drilled. More than 100,000 organisms from 6 taxa were identified. The visible effects of drilling on the distribution of megabenthos were confined to a 20 m radius of the artificially created hydrothermal discharges, with the associated densities of biomass lower than observed in nearby naturally discharging areas
