2,011 research outputs found

    Heat transfer enhancement in turbulent drag reducing surfactant solutions by agitated heat exchangers

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    Drag reducing solutions can reduce turbulent pressure loss by nearly 90% and can decrease pumping energy requirements and increase flow rates in fluid flow systems. Unfortunately, drag reduced flow is accompanied by lower convective heat transfer coefficients, which is undesirable in district heating and cooling systems, heated tube bundles for undersea petroleum production, and other recirculating heat transport systems. In this study, three different rotating agitators were installed inside the inner tube of a concentric tube heat exchanger to enhance heat transfer in a surfactant drag reducing solution. An earlier mathematical model for heat transfer in scraped surface heat exchangers was adapted for this application so that the effectiveness of agitators with different geometries could be compared quantitatively. In addition, an enhancement efficiency factor was defined to compare power efficiency with previous methods. It was found that agitation can increase the inner heat transfer coefficient to exceed that of pure water; heat transfer reduction compared to water was reduced from 60% to -20%. In addition, the enhancement can be more energy-efficient than that of previously studied static mixers.Papers presented to the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain on 11-13 July 2016

    Low cost light traps for coral reef fishery research and sustainable ornamental fisheries

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    Two relatively inexpensive light traps to capture pre-settling reef fish and invertebrates are described. A trap made from a plastic bucket (with plastic bottles, a small plastic waste bin and two sheets of plywood) that costs US15appearstobejustaseffectiveasalargealuminiumandplexiglasstrapthatcostsUS15 appears to be just as effective as a large aluminium and plexiglass trap that costs US275

    Specialised information processing deficits and distinct metabolomics profiles following TM-domain disruption of Nrg1

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    While there is considerable genetic and pathologic evidence for an association between neuregulin 1 (NRG1) dysregulation and schizophrenia, the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms remain unclear. Mutant mice containing disruption of the transmembrane (TM) domain of the NRG1 gene constitute a heuristic model for dysregulation of NRG1-ErbB4 signalling in schizophrenia. The present study focused on specialised behavioural and characterisation of hitherto un-characterised information processing phenotypes in this mutant line. Using a mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approach, we also quantified levels of unique metabolites in brain. Across two different sites and protocols, Nrg1 mutants demonstrated deficits in pre-pulse inhibition, a measure of sensorimotor gating that is disrupted in schizophrenia; these deficits were partially reversed by acute treatment with second-, but not first-, generation antipsychotic drugs. However, Nrg1 mutants did not show a specific deficit in latent inhibition, a measure of selective attention that is also disrupted in schizophrenia. In contrast, in the ‘what-where-when’ cognitive paradigm, Nrg1 mutants displayed sex-specific (males only) disruption of ‘what-when’ performance, indicative of impaired episodic memory. Differential metabolomic profiling revealed that these behavioural phenotypes were accompanied, most prominently, by alterations in lipid metabolism pathways. This study is the first to associate these novel physiological mechanisms, previously independently identified as being abnormal in schizophrenia, with disruption of NRG1 function. These data suggest novel mechanisms by which compromised neuregulin function from birth might lead to schizophrenia-relevant behavioural changes in adulthood

    Boost operators in Coulomb-gauge QCD: the pion form factor and Fock expansions in phi radiative decays

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    In this article we rederive the Boost operators in Coulomb-Gauge Yang-Mills theory employing the path-integral formalism and write down the complete operators for QCD. We immediately apply them to note that what are usually called the pion square, quartic... charge radii, defined from derivatives of the pion form factor at zero squared momentum transfer, are completely blurred out by relativistic and interaction corrections, so that it is not clear at all how to interpret these quantities in terms of the pion charge distribution. The form factor therefore measures matrix elements of powers of the QCD boost and Moeller operators, weighted by the charge density in the target's rest frame. In addition we remark that the decomposition of the eta' wavefunction in quarkonium, gluonium, ... components attempted by the KLOE collaboration combining data from phi radiative decays, requires corrections due to the velocity of the final state meson recoiling against a photon. This will be especially important if such decompositions are to be attempted with data from J/psi decays.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Correlation Functions in 2-Dimensional Integrable Quantum Field Theories

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    In this talk I discuss the form factor approach used to compute correlation functions of integrable models in two dimensions. The Sinh-Gordon model is our basic example. Using Watson's and the recursive equations satisfied by matrix elements of local operators, I present the computation of the form factors of the elementary field ϕ(x)\phi(x) and the stress-energy tensor Tμν(x)T_{\mu\nu}(x) of the theory.Comment: 19pp, LATEX version, (talk at Como Conference on ``Integrable Quantum Field Theories''

    Final-State Phases in BDπ,DπB \to D \pi, D^* \pi, and DρD \rho Decays

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    The final-state phases in BˉDπ,Dπ\bar{B} \to D \pi, D^* \pi, and DρD \rho decays appear to follow a pattern similar to those in DKˉπD \to \bar{K} \pi, Kˉπ\bar{K}^* \pi, and Kˉρ\bar{K} \rho decays. Each set of processes is characterized by three charge states but only two independent amplitudes, so the amplitudes form triangles in the complex plane. For the first two sets the triangles appear to have non-zero area, while for the DρD \rho or Kˉρ\bar{K} \rho decays the areas of the triangles are consistent with zero. Following an earlier discussion of this behavior for DD decays, a similar analysis is performed for B decays, and the relative phases and magnitudes of contributing amplitudes are determined. The significance of recent results on \ob \to D^{(*)0} \bar{K}^{(*)0} is noted. Open theoretical and experimental questions are indicated.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. References added; comments on new experimental results and analysi

    On Minisuperspace Models of S-branes

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    In this note we reconsider the minisuperspace toy models for rolling and bouncing tachyons. We show that the theories require to choose boundary conditions at infinity since particles in an exponentially unbounded potential fall to infinity in finite world-sheet time. Using standard techniques from operator theory, we determine the possible boundary conditions and we compute the corresponding energy spectra and minisuperspace 3-point functions. Based on this analysis we argue in particular that world-sheet models of S-branes possess a discrete spectrum of conformal weights containing both positive and negative values. Finally, some suggestions are made for possible relations with previous studies of the minisuperspace theory.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure